请问一下,在文件系统过滤驱动中过滤IRP_MJ_READ,然后检查读到的数据,驱动中这样写: IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext( Irp ); IoSetCompletionRoutine( Irp, ...
回复(4) 2007-09-26 14:11 来自版块 - 文件系统(过滤)驱动程序开发
yaolixing使用系统线程可以实现异步操作。 可以参看filedisk源码(2007-10-03 19:43)
michaelgzHow about from my non-published working journal. :) If you want to read books, I recommend "NT File System Internals" and "W...(2007-09-27 22:56)
zxm1983123敢问大哥这段话是出自何处,呵呵,我想把这本书找来读读(2007-09-27 19:54)
michaelgzYou are right, READ IRP can be either synchronous or asynchronous. In kernel, the IRP synchronous flag should be checked to decide whether t...(2007-09-26 22:59)
