display 256 registers of pci deviceinput bus number,device number,function numbersee the following programdevelop environment visual c++ 6
回复(8) 2002-03-19 08:53 来自版块 - 总结、原创区
Ymd102394!(2004-05-10 09:29)
wangshihu9494. (2004-04-06 15:11)
coss9494.(2002-05-13 08:58)
mingyiout 指令,没有特权是无法执行的,程序执行到out 的时候肯定会异常的,你是怎麽处理的?要发表,就发表真东西,别遮遮掩掩的。(2002-03-28 08:20)
fchwfchwadditional add the following code on function BOOL CPCIDlg::OnInitDialog() CString str; CListCtrl *pListCtrl=(CListCtrl *)GetDlgItem(ID...(2002-03-21 18:34)
fchwfchwNow I Open the source code if you have anything,contact with me email fchwfchw@sina.com void CPCIDlg::OnButton1() { CListCtrl *pLi...(2002-03-21 18:32)
flyfox9494! 而且公布了原代码的可以多给分,ZN是么!(2002-03-20 17:15)
yiyiz我认为原创区应该公开源代码才对,象这样贴个exe文件也叫总结、原创吗??????? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :P :P :P :P(2002-03-20 12:38)
