回复(19) 2008-11-17 12:27 来自版块 - 文件系统(过滤)驱动程序开发
qianjunhuaok, i think this is not a good news to many peoples who deal with buessness about on fly enrypting product using some kind of SFilter. So h...(2008-11-22 11:44)
michaelgzI would say no universal solution, though many people here don't agree with me. If a FSFD is for specific applications or environments,...(2008-11-22 07:08)
qianjunhua引用第16楼michaelgz于2008-11-21 01:35发表的 : Main and Paging resources are for per-file based synchronization. VCB is volume based for disk access...(2008-11-21 10:49)
michaelgzMain and Paging resources are for per-file based synchronization. VCB is volume based for disk access serialization. An upper filter FSFD li...(2008-11-21 01:35)
qianjunhua引用第13楼michaelgz于2008-11-19 23:54发表的 : Layered FSD is complete different than FSFD. I'm talking about FSFD here and the original ques...(2008-11-20 10:33)
gzy_nj引用第10楼looksail于2008-11-19 01:08发表的 : michaelgz ,非常感谢你以前的指导,虽然只是只言片语 楼主的问题一下子问的太远了些,加头还是加尾都是可行的,且都有产品出现的,只是要面对不同的问题。 toolfat的代码主要是看加密和解密的部...(2008-11-20 00:22)
michaelgzno, my layerfsd encryption system is a good prove for this mothed which runs correctly on vista. Layered FSD is complete different than FS...(2008-11-19 23:54)
hyjtlyra2009正确的方向和加倍的努力总是有收获的,人不能靠运气活着……所以只要大牛们给了正确的方向,牛犊总是可以靠努力不断成长的……(2008-11-19 13:50)
qianjunhua引用第9楼michaelgz于2008-11-18 22:42发表的 : This is even worse. You add additional synchronization mechanism into FS stack. Deadlock is for sure...(2008-11-19 11:32)
looksailmichaelgz ,非常感谢你以前的指导,虽然只是只言片语 楼主的问题一下子问的太远了些,加头还是加尾都是可行的,且都有产品出现的,只是要面对不同的问题。 toolfat的代码主要是看加密和解密的部分,文件的记录要自己做,应看那篇文章,叫如何追踪文件状态的,并不是简单的Cr...(2008-11-19 01:08)
