The father joined the army six years ago when his wife was pregnant.He never been home in this period, his wife even don\'t have one of...
回复(9) 2001-12-11 11:51 来自版块 - 疯狂灌水&& 人生 &&娱乐
lvyingf[/quote] it \'s so easy ! because the other 2 soldiers are women. [/quote] You are very clever!(2001-12-19 17:50)
dstzr中级要多少帖?(2001-12-19 17:06)
gavinux祝贺你!(2001-12-13 02:52)
z_j_cdhaha 终于成中级了(2001-12-12 11:35)
z_j_cdMaybe he lost his arm or leg? if so, it is too easy to tell who is father yes(2001-12-12 11:34)
software因为那个小孩管谁都叫爸(2001-12-12 10:56)
AronChuMaybe he lost his arm or leg? if so, it is too easy to tell who is father(2001-12-12 10:04)
Buddha it \'s so easy ! because the other 2 soldiers are women. 要么另外两个人的年龄就有问题,偏差太大.(2001-12-11 13:07)
iamaf~1The father joined the army six years ago when his wife was pregnant. He never been home in this period, his wife even don\'t have one ...(2001-12-11 12:02)
