回复(5) 2004-04-24 18:37 来自版块 - 非USB硬件驱动开发
hongto knight_temp: if you just want to learn PCI driver you can start with WalterOney\'s book and the sample projects. There are many sam...(2004-05-06 23:01)
Tom.Cat用户被禁言,该主题自动屏蔽!(2004-05-03 08:36)
knight_tempto hong 我只是要学习,我该怎么做呢? 我看过好多书了,PCI协议,USB协议,USB客户端8051的代码 编写,但是如何写第一个WDM驱动我还是很迷糊?(2004-04-27 20:34)
hongwhat do your want to learn? if just want to learn develop driver, you may just use the hardware inside your pc.(2004-04-27 00:45)
Ymd1023论坛上就有人叫卖,你找找看(2004-04-26 08:48)
