honghow do you get the odd and event seperated video at the top of this thread? (what did you set into the DMA related registers?) you may po...(2004-05-13 02:35)
dongyupeng很简单,放大图像后会发现有明暗间隔的条纹,而且用ue打开文件会发现只是隔行有数据(2004-05-12 16:59)
honghow do you confirm this: \"只是将单场拉长,另一场并没有插进去\"?(2004-05-11 04:53)
dongyupeng感谢hong兄的赐教,7146a和7111a的datasheet我已经看过n遍,正因为没看明白所以请hong兄说的详细一点。下面是我对interlace的理解:7146的奇偶场基地址大小要差一行,pitch的大小要设为每行像素所占位数*2,将7146a的0x78寄存器的inter...(2004-05-09 21:22)
hongyou should read the datasheet. all of your questions are answered inside the datasheet. by the way: 7146的奇偶场基地址大小要差一行. (2004-05-09 19:19)
dongyupeng7146的interlace如何做?pitch的大小要设为每行像素所占位数,还是每行像素所占位数*2?还有7146的奇偶场基地址该如何设?大小要差一行还是一场? (2004-05-08 09:50)
hongthe one you got is seperate odd field and even field. you just need to interlace them together as one image. you are almost done.(2004-05-06 23:10)
