各位大侠: 在win2000,winxp下可以用UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices安装驱动,不知在vista下用什么涵数?
回复(5) 2007-01-11 16:29 来自版块 - 内核编程
xueshantujiu多谢~(2007-03-21 15:41)
kevinh12That is Driver install framework from Microsoft. 可以簡化安裝Driver的問題,試過在Vista上皆可安裝,簡單又方便 see the below: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/ins...(2007-02-06 22:34)
sssgetall引用第2楼kevinh12于2007-02-03 13:11发表的“”: You can try the DIFx2.01 on Vista(32/64bit). Please see the more detail in WDK. How to try DIF x2.01?...(2007-02-04 16:52)
kevinh12You can try the DIFx2.01 on Vista(32/64bit). Please see the more detail in WDK.(2007-02-03 13:11)
rayyang2000same. but you can not call all Setup APIs from a 32bit process(2007-01-19 06:52)
