one BT878 capture 4 inputsmax. 4 BT878 capture 16 inputs in one system.(if you have 4 BT878 in one card, make sure there is NO any external ...
86120000hong:您好 您的QQ是多少呀 (2005-02-23 14:49)
peirose老大.....你这个好像只是提供了个dll呀.....有没有源代码呀 :P(2005-02-02 08:12)
hong1. Set BT878 sdk to output yuv422 data; 2. create surface with this format: DDPIXELFORMAT ddpfBackSurfaceFormat = { sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT)...(2005-02-01 23:06)
kuhaipiaoliu调用StretchDIBits在win98下的一些机子上会出现不正常的现象,在window2000下完全没问题。 使用directdraw显示,要避免数据拷贝,用Blt方式可以实现放大缩小,但用指定DDSD_LPSURFACE方法创建的好像只能是当前显卡RGB565格式的表...(2005-02-01 16:50)
hongas a simple demo, RGB555 is used in demo project for StretchDIBits; it is better to use YUV422 format if you are a professional developer. ...(2005-02-01 06:51)
kuhaipiaoliuhi hong! 如果假设显示卡只支持RGB565而你采集回来的格式为RGB555,如果不用StretchDIBits,并且象StretchDIBits那样实现放大缩小,且不涉及再对已采集的数据进行memcpy,你会怎样显示你的采集图像呢? [编辑 - 2/1/0...(2005-02-01 05:14)
peirose谢谢......收藏!(2005-01-29 11:36)
