在2000下用Numega编译能生成packet.sys 可是在98下我怎么也不能编译packet.vxd,请教大虾们,如何能编译 我按如下做也不行 Windows 95/98/ME ---------------- software requirements: - Windows 95/98 operating system - Driver Developer Kit (DDK) for Windows 95 - Software Development Kit (SDK) - Visual C++ 6.0 If your system satisfies the requirements, follow these steps: 1. Open a dos shell 2. Go in the VisualC++ BIN directory (for example C:\\DEVSTUDIO\\VC\\BIN) and execute the command Vcvars32 3. Go in the SDK directory (for example C:\\MSSDK) and execute the command Setenv sdk_path where sdk_path is the directory of SDK (for example Setenv C:\\MSSDK) 4. Go in the DDK directory (for example C:\\DDK) and execute the command Ddkenv 32 net 5. Move to the directory whit the driver\'s source code and type the command nmake rtl to obtain a release version, or nmake to obtain a debug version. The release version of packet.vxd will be placed in the retail directory, the debug version in the debug directory. 6. To compile the sources of PACKET.DLL, load the project contained in the directory packet9x\\dll\\project in the Visual C++ 6.0 IDE. Build the project to obtain the PACKET.DLL and packet.lib files. The debug version of these files will be generated in the directory packet9x\\dll\\project\\debug, the release version in packet9x\\dll\\project\\release. 第3步就出错: setenv c:\\mssdk File not found Setting SDK environment relative to c:\\mssdk. Targeting Windows 9x 第4步:在ddk下根本就没有ddkenv文件 第5步:报出很多mssdk\\include\\下头文件里数据类型没定义的错误 |