<font color=red>给出内核中调用其它设备的测试函数</font>
1.在内核中获得设备对象指针路径为\\\\Device\\\\XINTPCI1 这里根据你设备路径不同而不同具体可指你的其它设备的驱程的 AddDevice函数 2.构造IRP请求 方法有多种此处我用IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest 3.设备对应location,根据调用的函数不同,MajorFunction 有所不同 4.调用IoCallDriver给指定设备发送IRP void TestJMK() { UNICODE_STRING JMKName;//加密卡设备名字 PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject;// 驱程的文件设备对象指针 PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject;//内核中代表加密卡设备对象指针 NTSTATUS status; PIRP pIRP = NULL; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStackLocation; char* pInBuf ; ULONG InLen =1024 ; char* pOutBuf; ULONG OutLen =1024; IO_MSG* msg; int i = 0; pInBuf = (char*)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,1500); if ( pInBuf == NULL) { DbgPrint(\"Allocate memory failed!\\n\"); return; } pOutBuf = (char*)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,1500); if ( pOutBuf == NULL) { DbgPrint(\"Allocate memory failed!\\n\"); return; } NdisZeroMemory(pInBuf,1500); NdisZeroMemory(pOutBuf,1500); msg = (IO_MSG*)pInBuf; msg->no1 = 1040; msg->no2 = 1040; msg->Type = 27; msg->Length = 1024; for (i = 0; i< 1024; i++) msg->Data = \'A\'; DbgPrint(\"IN test uSb jmk\\n\"); KeSetPriorityThread( KeGetCurrentThread(), LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY); RtlInitUnicodeString(&JMKName, L\"\\\\Device\\\\XINTPCI1\"); status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(&JMKName, FILE_READ_DATA|FILE_WRITE_DATA, &pFileObject, &pDeviceObject); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DbgPrint(\"Failed to Get Device Object pointer!\\n\"); return; } DbgPrint(\"pDeviceObject = %x\\n\", pDeviceObject); pIRP = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(IOCTL_DATA_DO, pDeviceObject, (PVOID)pInBuf, InLen, (PVOID)pOutBuf, OutLen , FALSE, NULL, &IoStatus); if (pIRP == NULL) { DbgPrint(\"Failed to build IRP!\\n\"); return ; } pIoStackLocation = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pIRP); pIoStackLocation->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL ; status = IoCallDriver(pDeviceObject,pIRP); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DbgPrint(\"Failed to EnDescrypt!\\n\"); return ; } ExFreePool((PVOID)pInBuf); ExFreePool((PVOID)pOutBuf); return; } [编辑 - 4/11/03 by ljx197926] |
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