TDI KStreamSocket的问题,大家看看,我哪里错了
我修改得列子,我发现第一次收发数据成功,Socket就断了,怎么回事呢?? 就打印这个了 DbgPrint(\"I am away!\\n\");
NTSTATUS Daytime::DriverEntry(PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { SetPoolTag(\' weN\'); // Initialize the TDIClient framework first if (!KTDInterface::Initialize()) { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; // something wrong with TDI } // Create our client socket m_pSocket = new CDaytimeSocket; // If succeeded - enable network events KeInitializeEvent(&event, NotificationEvent, FALSE); KeResetEvent(&event); if (m_pSocket && m_pSocket->IsCreated()) { m_pSocket->SetEvents(TRUE); DbgPrint(\"Daytime device: started at TCP port %u\\n\", m_pSocket->QueryPort()); } else { DbgPrint(\"Daytime: Failed to start\\n\"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } TDI_ADDRESS_IP addr = {htons(80), SERVER_US_NAVAL_OBSERVATORY}; CTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION server(addr); TDI_STATUS status = m_pSocket->connect(server, DAYTIME_QUERY_PERIOD/2); if (status != TDI_PENDING && status != TDI_SUCCESS) DbgPrint(\"Daytime: Failed to initiate connection due to err %X\\n\", status); LARGE_INTEGER timeout; timeout.QuadPart=-4*10000000; KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE,&timeout); //if(m_pSocket->IsConnected()) m_pSocket->send(\"get \\n\\n\",7,NULL); //else DbgPrint(\"it is disconnected!\\n\"); // Init 1st query return STATUS_SUCCESS; } void CDaytimeSocket::OnDisconnect(uint OptionsLength, PVOID Options, BOOLEAN bAbort) { // OK: server disconnects, according to the RFC. Schedule next query. DbgPrint(\"I am away!\\n\"); //ScheduleQuery(); } uint CDaytimeSocket::OnReceive(uint Indicated, uchar *Data, uint Available, uchar **RcvBuffer, uint* RcvBufferLen) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETERS3(Available, RcvBuffer, RcvBufferLen); // no need in this simple proto // Data from the server. It must be the ascii GMT, so print it. // NOTE that the server\'s string is NOT null-terminated, so // we put 0 at the end. Data[Indicated-1]=0; DbgPrint(\"Daytime GMT (%u bytes): %s\\n\", Indicated, (char*)Data); return Indicated; } void CDaytimeSocket::On_connectComplete(PVOID, TDI_STATUS Status, uint) { KeSetEvent(&event,IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } |
发布于:2003-07-03 16:00
只要一加载这个Driver,就会打印出I am away这句,Socket已经断开。其中send成功,也受到回应,但是这后就断了。