发布于:2002-10-31 13:32
对于文件,你可查看IRP_MJ_CREATE IrpSp=IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); IrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess 这是个 ACCESS_MASK 结构,表明了对此文件的权限。 此结构详细内容如下: DELETE The file can be deleted. FILE_READ_DATA Data can be read from the file. FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES FileAttributes flags, described later, can be read. FILE_READ_EA Extended attributes associated with the file can be read. This flag is irrelevant to device and intermediate drivers. READ_CONTROL The access control list (ACL) and ownership information associated with the file can be read. FILE_WRITE_DATA Data can be written to the file. FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES FileAttributes flags can be written. FILE_WRITE_EA Extended attributes (EAs) associated with the file can be written. This flag is irrelevant to device and intermediate drivers. FILE_APPEND_DATA Data can be appended to the file. WRITE_DAC The discretionary access control list (DACL) associated with the file can be written. WRITE_OWNER Ownership information associated with the file can be written. SYNCHRONIZE The returned FileHandle can be waited on to synchronize with the completion of an I/O operation. FILE_EXECUTE Data can be read into memory from the file using system paging I/O. This flag is irrelevant to device and intermediate drivers. |