HI,大家好,问大家一个关于HID设备report descriptor 的问题
Result = ReadFile (ReadHandle, InputReport, Capabilities.InputReportByteLength, &NumberOfBytesRead, (LPOVERLAPPED) &HIDOverlapped); cout<<\"ReadFile: \"<<GetLastError()<<endl ; 总是TIMEOUT,为什么,盼大家给予指点。 BTW:CREATEFILE 和WRITEFILE 都正常。偶怀疑是FIRMWARE中report descriptor 的问题,但又不明白哪里除了问题,谁能给偶一些提示。 DSCR_DEVICE equ 1;; Descriptor type: Device DSCR_CONFIG equ 2;; Descriptor type: Configuration DSCR_STRING equ 3;; Descriptor type: String DSCR_INTRFC equ 4;; Descriptor type: Interface DSCR_ENDPNT equ 5;; Descriptor type: Endpoint ET_CONTROL equ 0;; Endpoint type: Control ET_ISO equ 1;; Endpoint type: Isochronous ET_BULK equ 2;; Endpoint type: Bulk ET_INT equ 3;; Endpoint type: Interrupt public DeviceDscr, ConfigDscr, StringDscr, UserDscr, HIDDscr, ReportDscr, ReportDscrEnd DSCR SEGMENT CODE ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Global Variables ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Note: This segment must be located in on-part memory. rseg DSCR;; locatethedescriptortableanywherebelow 8K DeviceDscr:db deviceDscrEnd-DeviceDscr;; Descriptor length db DSCR_DEVICE ;; Decriptor type dw 1001H ;; Specification Version (BCD) db 00H ;; Device class db 00H ;; Device sub-class db 00H ;; Device sub-sub-class db 40H ;; Maximum packet size dw 0B404H ;; Vendor ID dw 0255H ;; Product ID dw 0100H ;; Product version ID db 1 ;; Manufacturer string index db 2 ;; Product string index db 0 ;; Serial numberstring index db 1 ;; Number of configurations deviceDscrEnd: ConfigDscr:db ConfigDscrEnd-ConfigDscr;; Descriptor length db DSCR_CONFIG ;; Descriptor type db StringDscr-ConfigDscr;;Configuration+End ;; Points length (LSB) db (StringDscr-ConfigDscr)/256 ;; Configuration ;;+ End Points length (MSB) db 1 ;; Number of interfaces db 1 ;; Interface number db 0 ;; Configuration string db 10000000b;; Attributes (b7 - buspwr, b6 - ;;selfpwr, b5 - rwu) db 0FAH ;; Power requirement (div 2 ma) ConfigDscrEnd: IntrfcDscr: db IntrfcDscrEnd-IntrfcDscr;; Descriptor length db DSCR_INTRFC ;; Descriptor type db 0 ;; Zero-based index of this interface db 0 ;; Alternate setting db 2 ;; Number of end points db 03H ;; Interface class (HID) db 00H ;; Interface sub class db 00H ;; Interface sub sub class db 05H ;; Interface descriptor string index IntrfcDscrEnd: HIDDscr: db 09h ;; length db 21h ;; type: HID dw 1001h ;; release: HID class rev 1.1 db 00h ;; country code (USA) db 01h;; number of HID class descriptors tofollow db 22h ;; report descriptor type (HID) db (ReportDscrEnd-ReportDscr);;lengthofHID descriptor db 00h HIDDscrEnd: Ep1InDscr: db Ep1InDscrEnd-Ep1InDscr;; Descriptor length db DSCR_ENDPNT ;; Descriptor type db 81H ;; Endpoint number, and direction db ET_INT ;; Endpoint type db 40H ;; Maximum packet size (LSB) db 00H ;; Max packet size (MSB) db 1 ;; Polling interval (ms) Ep1InDscrEnd: Ep2OutDscr: db Ep2OutDscrEnd-Ep2OutDscr;; Descriptor length db DSCR_ENDPNT ;; Descriptor type db 02H;; Endpoint number, and direction db ET_INT ;; Endpoint type db 40H ;; Maximum packet size (LSB) db 00H ;; Max packet size (MSB) db 1 ;; Polling interval (ms) Ep2OutDscrEnd: ReportDscr: db 06h, 0A0h, 0FFh ;; Usage Page (FFA0H = vendor defined) db 09h, 01h ;; Usage (vendor defined) db 0A1h, 01h ;; Collection (Application) ;; The input report db 09h, 01h ;; Usage (vendor defined) db 15h, 00h ;; Logical minimum (0) db 25h, 0FFh ;; Logical maximum (255) db 75h, 08h ;; Report size (8 bits) db 95h, 40h ;; Report count (64 fields) db 81h, 02h;; Input (Data, variable, absolute) ;; The output report db 09h, 02h ;; Usage (vendor defined) db 75h, 08h ;; Report size (8 bits) db 95h, 40h ;; Report count (64 fields) db 91h, 02h;; Output (Data, Variable, Absolute) ;; The feature report db 09h, 03h;; Usage Page (vendor defined) db 75h, 08h ;; Report size (8 bits) db 95h, 05h ;; Report count (5 fields) db 0B1h, 02h;; Output (Data, variable, absolute) db 0C0h ;; End Collection ReportDscrEnd: |
发布于:2005-03-31 10:59
db 15h, 81h ;; Logical minimum (-127)
db 25h, 07Fh ;; Logical maximum (127) |