scsi adapter驱动测试环境?
scsi adapter驱动,看dtm里面对测试环境要求:
Turn off the test system and disconnect it from the electrical socket. Install the SCSI hard disk drive on the test device. This hard disk drive is referred to as Drive 1. Install one SCSI CD drive on the test device. Install one SCSI tape drive on the test device. Install one SCSI removable media drive on the test device. Install a SCSI hard disk drive on the test device. This hard disk drive is referred to as Disk 2. 是必须所有类型设备都要吗,还是说只要有一部分就可以,比如只接个硬盘 |
发布于:2009-07-01 22:06
如果你的是SCSI Adapter的磁盘驱动,应该是都需要的。
发布于:2009-07-15 11:08
如果是用在虚拟机中的scsi adapter呢?