也就是说如果驱动中有进入DPC的函数,那么驱动程序就会莫名其妙得收到很多次中断, 如果注释掉DPC,基本上就没有问题,不收到中断。 ULONG INT_NUM =100; VOID Dma_2_pDevice::DpcFor_Irq(PVOID Arg1, PVOID Arg2) { m_CurrentTransfer->Continue(UseTransferSize); KIrp I(CurrentIrp()); if (!I.IsNull()) { I.Status() = STATUS_SUCCESS; I.Information() = 0; PnpNextIrp(I); } */ t <<"int_dpc status, entering the DPC"<<EOL; m_IoPortRange0.outd(0x68,0x40900); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Arg1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Arg2); } BOOLEAN Dma_2_pDevice::Isr_Irq(void) { INT_NUM ++: ULONG status; status=m_IoPortRange0.ind(0x68);//read intcsr t <<"int status, 0x68 read back value is: "<<status<<EOL; m_IoPortRange0.outd(INTCSR,0x0f000000); if(status&0x200000==0)//if it is not DMA or local interrupt int { return FALSE; } else if (status&0x200000==0x200000)//if DMA channel 0 is active { m_DpcFor_Irq.Request();//added code to tell dpc how to deal with it } m_IoPortRange0.outb(0xA8,0x08);// Clear Interrupt status=m_IoPortRange0.ind(0x68); t <<"the INTCSR state is read as: "<<status<<EOL; // Return TRUE to indicate that our device caused the interrupt return TRUE; } 如果注释掉m_DpcFor_Irq.Request(),启动计算机后看到INT_NUM 是100,反之,则INT_NUM 是一个不断增加的数值,不知道为什么。 |