XP sp1 + driverstudio2.7 softice不能在Winmain处弹出?
XP sp1 + driverstudio2.7 softice
可以用Ctrl+D 呼出softice。 用Symbol loader可以加载符号文件,也可以加载相应的debug版本的exe程序。 可softice不能在exe程序的Winmain处停下来并弹出。 用FILE 调出源文件后设置断点后也没法让softice弹出来。 同样的设置在Win2000下使用softice毫无问题。 用NmTransPatch.exe打了补丁也没用。 哪位老大能讲讲在xp sp1下该如何设置driverstudio2.7 softice呀? |
发布于:2005-06-27 15:48
可是下载不了osinfo_XPSP1.bat 文件。哪位能下载的给我email一份呀。 coolisolator@hotmail.com Question I just added SP1 to my Win XP machine and SoftIce is no longer working correctly. Is there a patch for SP1 of XP? Answer There is no patch to fix SoftIce. Softice can be made to function correctly. There are several options for SoftICE support of Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Option 1 - (For 2.6 and later SoftICE users) - Use "NTSYMBOLS=ON" in your winice.dat and download, translate, and load the symbols for ntoskrnl.exe. The downside to this is that a USB keyboard or USB mouse will not work in SoftICE. (Option 2) - (For 2.7 and later SoftICE users) - Obtain a copy of osinfo_XPSP1.bat from: ftp://ftp.compuware.com/pub/driverstudio/outgoing/OsInfo/osinfo_XPSP1.dat. Rename that file to osinfo.dat. Copy the file to your \winnt\system32\drivers directory and reboot - NOTE. Copying over the file is the only item required. You will NOT need to update your winice.dat with NTSYMBOLS=ON. You will most likely not need symbols. (Additional Support Note) - NOTE. There is an additional set of steps that may be required. You will know that the steps below are required if a hook failure on NtTerminateProcess shows up in the SoftICE Command Window. 1 - Update osinfo.dat and start SoftICE 2 - Type in 'mod ntoskrnl'. This will give you information on ntoskrnl. The piece of information that we are interested in is the "Base" of ntoskrnl. Make note of the base address. 3 - From the SoftICE command line type in On Single Processor Kernels - '? (base address of ntoskrnl that we got from the mod command)+0xBDC32 On SMP Kernels - '? (base address of ntoskrnl that we got from the mod command)+0xDEBF2 Write this address down. 4 - Using regedit go to the "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ntice\ key 5 - Add a dword value called 'Addr.NtTerminateProcess' 6 - Set the value of this entry to the address that was calculated in step 3 above. Do not include the 0x. 7 - Reboot and you are good to go. |
发布于:2005-06-27 17:08
下载ftp://ftp.compuware.com/pub/driverstudio/outgoing/OsInfo/osinfo.dat.文件就可以了。^_^ |