[招聘] Camera software engineer(SH/SZ)—内部招聘NVIDIA Hiring~~! 机会难得!业内大侠们快来看看喽~~~ 欢迎大家将中英文简历发送到邮箱lulin@nvidia.com,也可以通过论坛给我发短消息,或者加我的MSN lucylinxiyang@hotmail.com。本人将定期更新NV最新招聘信息,欢迎长期关注。(本人就是NV的HR,所有岗位都非猎头哦~)
Camera software engineer
Job Description:
•To work on NVIDIA Tegra BSP for mobile device using Android or Embedded Linux
•Develop low level camera/module drivers, sensor bring up and tuning.
•Customer interface, debugging, technical support and problem solving throughout customer development cycle
•Provide software technical training, deep dive and on-site support
•Establish relationships and trust through excellent execution, high quality, and exceeding expectations
•BSEE/CS or equivalent
•3+ years of experience in developing low-level or embedded projects
•Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills
•Must have a solid operational knowledge of ISP pipelines and algorithms, sensor hardware and low level sensor drivers.
•Excellent C skill