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[深圳 微软]招聘开发工程师(偏驱动)

更多 发布于:2013-07-31 15:07

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Microsoft Asia Center for Hardware (MACH) is a fast growing team based in Shenzhen, China, in supporting Microsoft Hardware businesses across the company to design, develop and manufacture computer peripherals, Xbox gaming consoles and accessories, and other hardware devices. We have been successfully developing the product development, manufacturing engineering, and factory management capabilities with an integrated cross-functional team.  
MACH Surface software team is looking for an experienced, talented and motivated Software Development Engineer to help us double our successful business. You will be responsible for product feature development and work closely with program managers and testers to define products and features. Additional responsibilities include hiring and management of vendor employees.
The software to be developed covers products in two of our categories:
  1) Desktop navigation (mice and keyboard)
  2) Surface accessories  
If you’re passionate for new technology and shipping software that’s used by millions of customers worldwide every day, and want to take on various challenges and work in a fast growing environment with huge opportunities, then this is the job for you.
· Providing strong technical leadership in building SW solutions that has flexibility, extensibility, testability and maintainability.
· Working with other developers, testers and PMs to define, design, develop and timely deliver high quality features and driver solutions.
· Owning technical design specifications, estimates, implementation, debugging and contributing to design and code reviews.
· Be able to handle multiple concurrent releases and drive for results.
· Initiating, promoting and driving engineering best practices.
· Collaborating with other disciplines including Firmware, Interaction Design, User Research as well as partner teams across Microsoft such as Windows.
· Coach vendor developers on feature design and coding.
Position Requirements:
· Passion for technology and innovation.
· Ability to quickly understand new technology.
· Bachelor/Master in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field is required.
· Minimum 5+ years’ experience in industry utilizing C/C++ and object oriented programming on Windows with full release cycles of major software products.
· 2+ years’ experience in Windows driver development including KMDF and UMDF.
· Proven ability of estimating, scheduling, developing, and delivering high quality feature work on time.
· Good design skills utilizing solid coding practices with the proven ability to write maintainable shipping-quality code.
· Solid problem solving and debugging skills.
· Excellent cross group collaboration skills and team working with worldwide teams.
· Strong technical mentor for junior team members.
· Good oral and written communication skills in English.
· Experience with Agile development practices, C#, .net, COM, ATL, STL, XML, MSI, WIX, HID protocols, Bluetooth, USB, all pluses.

