看了<全面解析4GB内存无法完全识别问题>,这里我说的内存仅仅是指普通的DDR RAM, 还是很迷糊.比如32位地址线,最大可以访问4G,但是这个4G是否包括I/O地址,BIOS地址,如果包括的话那么肯定是不支持4G的了,但是x86的地址架构又是独立编码,也就是访问I/O地址又与访问RAM的指令不一样,是否可以认为对同一个数值的地址,如果用I/O指令方式访问(IN/OUT)就是访问I/O,而用RAM指令方式(普通指针方式赋值)访问就是访问RAM,那么,这样的话,又好像可以单独支持4G内存了.
我上面的猜测有什么问题了? |
发布于:2008-10-20 00:41
1.4G不包括io地址,包括bios地址,包括memory mapped io
2.cpu的地址线早就超过32位了. 3.4G内存问题在北桥上面.. 4.windows xp不支持4G内存不是因为作不到..而是微软人为限制了内存使用..微软想你花更多钱买2003而不是xp来使用4G内存.你要使用8G内存..那么再花钱买enterprise edition. 要在xp上面使用4G以上内存..只是需要patch ntoskrnl的2个地方一共8个字节的数据... VOID MiCheckPaeLicense(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock) { ULONG MaxPages; ULONG HighestPhysicalAddress; if(ExVerifySuite(Blade) == TRUE) { // // blade server? // 2GB physical memory // highest physical address is 128GB // MaxPages = 0x80000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x2000000; } else if(ExVerifySuite(DataCenter) == TRUE) { if(LoaderBlock->u.I386.VirtualBias == 0) { // // data center without /3GB // 128GB physical memory // highest physical address is 128GB // MaxPages = 0x2000000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x2000000; } else { // // The system is booting /3gb, so don't use more than 16gb of // physical memory. This ensures enough virtual space to map // the PFN database. // 16GB physical memory // highest physical address is 16GB // MaxPages = 0x400000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x400000; } } else if(MmProductType != 0x00690057 && ExVerifySuite(Enterprise) == TRUE) { // // 0x00690057 means 'W' 'i',the first two charaters of 'WinNT' in unicode encoding // this value will be 'S' 'e'(ServerNT) for the Server family,the other type such as windows xp it will be 'WinNT' // if(LoaderBlock->u.I386.VirtualBias == 0) { // // Advanced Server is permitted a maximum of 64gb physical memory. // The system continues to operate in 8-byte PTE mode. // 64GB physical memory // highest physical address is 128GB // MaxPages = 0x1000000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x2000000; } else { // // The system is booting /3gb, so don't use more than 16gb of // physical memory. This ensures enough virtual space to map // the PFN database. // MaxPages = 0x400000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x400000; } } else if(ExVerifySuite(TerminalServer) == TRUE) { // // terminal server,windows 2003 standard edition and windows 2000 pro will be here // if(LoaderBlock->u.I386.VirtualBias == 0) { // // without /3GB // 4GB physical memory // highest physical address is 128GB // MaxPages = 0x100000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x2000000; } else { // // The system is booting /3gb, // 4GB physical memory // highest physical address is 16GB // MaxPages = 0x100000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x400000; } } else { // // the other type,such as windows xp and vista will be here[patch the numbers(0x100000)] // 4GB physical memory // highest physical address is 4GB // MaxPages = 0x100000; HighestPhysicalAddress = 0x100000; } // // for each memory descriptor,check its bounds // ULONG TotalPages = 0; ULONG TotalUsablePages = 0; for(PLIST_ENTRY NextMd = LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead.Flink; NextMd != &LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead; NextMd = MemoryDescriptor->ListEntry.Flink) { PMEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR MemoryDescriptor = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextMd,MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR,ListEntry); TYPE_OF_MEMORY Type = MemoryDescriptor->MemoryType; // // skip those special memory type // if(Type != LoaderFirmwarePermanent && Type != LoaderBad && Type != LoaderSpecialMemory && Type != LoaderBBTMemory) { // // check highest physical address // if(HighestPhysicalAddress) { // // the whole range is beyond the highest physcial address,remove this descriptor // if(MemoryDescriptor->BasePage >= HighestPhysicalAddress) { RemoveEntryList(&MemoryDescriptor->ListEntry); continue; } else if(MemoryDescriptor->BasePage + MemoryDescriptor->PageCount > HighestPhysicalAddress) { // // truncate it // MemoryDescriptor->PageCount = HighestPhysicalAddress - MemoryDescriptor->BasePage; } } // // check total size // TotalPages += MemoryDescriptor->PageCount; if(TotalPages > MaxPages) { if(TotalPages - MemoryDescriptor->PageCount < MaxPages) { MemoryDescriptor->PageCount = MemoryDescriptor->PageCount - (TotalPages - MaxPages); } else { RemoveEntryList(&MemoryDescriptor->ListEntry); continue; } } if(MemoryDescriptor->PageCount) TotalUsablePages += MemoryDescriptor->PageCount; } } // // kernel support 64bits DMA // if(MmDynamicPfn || TotalUsablePages > 0x100000) Mm64BitPhysicalAddress = TRUE; } look一下.... http://thxlp.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!6317274E5BA1CBD7!490.entry |
发布于:2009-02-20 23:00
发布于:2009-03-31 13:33
现在cpu大多数支持emt64,可以切换到long mode做64位操作,北桥的4G限制早已经不是问题,remap以后,可以解决。
os可以用64 version的windows. |
发布于:2017-10-31 16:22
用户被禁言,该主题自动屏蔽! |