哪位能指点一下关于EZUSB FX2的GPIF的一些问题
Programming GPIF Waveforms
The “programs” for GPIF waveforms are the Waveform Descriptors, which are stored in the Waveform Registers by FX2 firmware. The FX2 can hold up to four Waveform Descriptors, each of which can be used for one of four types of transfers: Single Write, Single Read, FIFO Write, or FIFO Read. By default, one Waveform Descriptor is assigned to each transfer type, but it’s not necessary to retain that configuration; all four Waveform Descriptors could, for instance, be configured for FIFO Write usage (see the GPIFWFSELECT register in Chapter 15 \"Registers\"). Each Waveform Descriptor consists of up to seven 32-bit State Instructions that program key transition points for GPIF interface signals. There’s a one-to-one correspondence between the State Instructions and the GPIF state-machine States. Among other things, each State Instruction defines the state of the CTLx outputs, the state of FD[15:0], the use of the RDYn inputs, and the behavior of GPIFADR[8:0]. Transitions from one State to another always happen on a rising edge of the IFCLK, but the GPIF may remain in one State for many IFCLK cycles. 看了好久,总是不能理解。这个waveform到底有什么用?做什么的? |
发布于:2004-05-27 10:34