发局部流脑疫情,其他部分地区陆续出现散发病例,共累及11个市,60多人发病并 出现8人死亡。随后江苏、广东等省市也陆续出现散发病例,引起了卫生部门和市 民媒体的关注。 Since December 2004, more than 60 cases of meningococcal meningitis have been reported in Anhui province Wuhu, Chuzhou, Anqing, Chaohu, Hefei, etc.. There have been eight deaths. The majority of cases have been in teenage students attending local schools. Later, Jiangsu, Guangzhou provinces, etc. have meningococcal meningitis cases occurred. 流行性脑脊髓膜炎(简称流脑)是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的急性呼吸道传染病,共分 13个血清群,A、B、C群最为常见,我国人群流脑发病一直是以A群为主。此次安徽 等省市流脑病人感染的主要为C群脑膜炎双球菌,该群流脑毒力较强,易引起局部 暴发,感染后死亡率较高。 Meningococcal meningitis is an acute respiratory infectious disease, classed as 13 serogroups, serogroup A, B, C are very common. In China, serogroup A is the most common one. This time, most cases in Anhui province have been identified as due to Neisseria meningitides serogroup C. The disease Meningococcal disease is a severe, often fatal, bacterial infection. 冬春季节是流脑的多发季节。病人和带菌者是流脑的传染源,主要通过呼吸道和鼻 咽部分泌物传播。发病以儿童为主。此次安徽、江苏等省市的流脑疫情主要为中小 学生。 People can contract the disease if they inhale droplets that have been coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person. Direct contact with an infected person’s throat secretions ( e.g. through kissing, sharing drinks) can also spread the disease. The susceptible are minor. The majority of cases in Anhui are teenage students. 流脑的潜伏期一般2-3天。C群流脑与A群早期症状没有明显区别,均有类流感样的 高热,伴有头痛、呕吐、咽痛、鼻塞等症状,随着病情发展,可进一步出现颈项强 直、烦躁、抽风、皮肤粘膜有出血点或瘀斑。一般病人经及时治疗,1-3周病情好 转。少数病人起病急骤,休克型和脑膜脑炎型的重症病人如不及时治疗,24小时内 将危及生命。 Meningococcal meningitis’ latency phase is 2~3 days. No obviously different between the early phase symptom s of serogroup A and C. Symptoms include fever, intense headache, vomiting, neck stiffness and progress to coma. A characteristic red, blotchy rash occurs all over the body in most serious cases. With timely medical treatment, the patience will recover in 1~ 3 weeks. A few cases may cause patience permanent brain damage or death if the disease progresses rapidly. 由于脑膜炎球菌怕热、怕冷、厌氧,因此流脑好发季节应经常晒衣被,居室注意开 窗通风,保持室内空气新鲜和阳光充足。此外应加强体育锻炼,合理饮食,增强体 质。目前正值寒假期间,春节即将来临,市民走亲访友、外出旅游增多,市民应注 意个人防护,家长应教育孩子提高防护意识,减少集体性活动,少去公共场所。一 旦出现发热、头痛、呕吐等类似症状要提高警惕,及时前往医院就诊,以免延误病 情。 Neisseria meningitides is afraid of heat, cold, oxygen, therefore, in Meningoccal meningitis season ( spring and winter), we recommend to solarize cloths, ventilate rooms, keep indoor air fresh and enough sun shine. Spring festival is coming, we would recommend citizens to pay more attention on self-protection; avoid public activity if possible; once have symptom, such as fever, headache, vomit, please go to see doctor. 到目前为止,北京、天津、上海、无锡、苏州尚未分型检测到C型“流脑”病例,我 们会密切关注并随时通报最新消息; By now, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Wuxi, Suzhou haven't identified Neisseria meningitides serogroup C cases, we will keep close watch and update to you. 本次注射的流脑疫苗是A+C型;自注射1周后开始保护,可以保护3年; The vaccine of meningitis is A+C colony; can protect you 3 years after getting shot one week later; 流脑通常是每年2月开始流行,北京自1月,已经发现6例; The meningitis usually be in epidemic after February. The cases of meningitis already be found in Beijing are 6 for the time being; |
发布于:2005-02-04 14:04
发布于:2005-02-04 16:09
发布于:2005-02-04 16:12