sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_IP); 在linux下是这样的: sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_PACKET,htons(ETH_P_RARP)); |
发布于:2003-05-28 17:44
别的不说,前边的AF_INET说明是tcp/ip协议组,下边指定eth就不行; 使用libpcap或者libnet等驱动库 |
发布于:2003-05-28 19:29
sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_PACKET,htons(ETH_P_RARP)); 在再windows下要实现同样功能应该怎样?可以这样调用吗? sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_IP); 你认为用WinPcap实现更容易,那么在那里可以找到库函数的详细资料,多谢先。 |
发布于:2003-05-29 14:17
文件及其相应的数据结构: net/if_arp.h arp hdr结构的定义 netinet/if ether.h 多个结构和常量的定义 netinet/if_ether.d ARP函数 所以你在*nix下应该可以用socket(AF_INET,SOCK_PACKET,htons(ETH_P_RARP));把。 而在windows下虽然winsock2.h中提供了SOCK_SEQPACKET socket类型,但没有协议与ETH_P_RARP相对应的协议 类型;从winsock2.h的定义中的协议都是以IPPROTO_开头的,都是ip的子协议,而没有其他的,虽然其他头文 件比如wsipx.h中提供了NSPROTO_IPX这一协议类型,但他同时需要使用AF_IPX协议地址族,即 socket(AF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, NSPROTO_IPX)来创建ipx的socket。创建其他协议的socket也都要不同协议地址族,因此AF_INET 应该只能用于建立ip协议及其之上的socket,而不能用于建立arp协议socket。 winsock2.h中还提供了协议地址族AF_DLI,但似乎不能使用 socket(AF_DLI, SOCK_SEQPACKET, x);的方式来创 建arp的socket,系统总是返回10047 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT错误,而他的含义在msdn中是指向socket() 传递了不支 持的协议或者说该协议族没有安装。对于ipx和appletalk、irda等来说没有安装相应协议返回10047是正常的, 但datalink根本不需要安装其他协议的,似乎返回10047没有道理,我的猜想是windows不支持这种方式访问 datalink层把。 那windows下有没有办法使用arp协议呢?既然winsock提供了AF_DLI就应该有相应的支持,在dlcapi.h里的确提 供了相应的接口,不过基本上只有1个函数AcsLan(),非常可惜他并不采用socket方式,在sdk里有相应的介绍 ,不过比较麻烦。在sdk里有个例子netds\\dlc\\simplex,虽然说是simple但也够麻烦的,恰好netds\\dlc里还有 一个sendarp,恰好是发送arp包的,他也是使用dlc的,我想如果有简单的socket方式发送arp的话,ms不会用dlc接口把。 还有就是使用winpcap了,因此winpcap是使用驱动收发包的,而他收发的包都是包含eth包头的,因此直接构造arp包,然后使用winpcap发送应该比dlc简单。 MSDN: WSAEPFNOSUPPORT (10046) Protocol family not supported. The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. This message has a slightly different meaning from WSAEAFNOSUPPORT. However, it is interchangeable in most cases, and all Windows Sockets functions that return one of these messages also specify WSAEAFNOSUPPORT. WSAEAFNOSUPPORT (10047) Address family not supported by protocol family. An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. All sockets are created with an associated address family (that is, AF_INET for Internet Protocols) and a generic protocol type (that is, SOCK_STREAM). This error is returned if an incorrect protocol is explicitly requested in the socket() call, or if an address of the wrong family is used for a socket, for example, in sendto(). SDK Example: /* THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: SendArp.c Required modules: dlcapi.lib ( AcsLan() ) ws2_32.lib ( inet_addr(), inet_ntoa(), htons() ) Author: Gary Yukish (garyy) 15-July-98 Abstract: This module illustrates how to use the Windows NT DLC API to post and receive an ARP query to a Direct Station on an Ethernet adapter. The code retrieves the MAC address given a specific IP address. The format for the Ethernet Frame and ARP Packet were taken from \"TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 The Protocols\" by W. Richard Stevens. Pages 21-23 and 56-57. Given the local Hardware Address, IP Address and a Destination IP Address, this program will broadcast a request to get the Hardware Address that the Destination IP Address is assigned to. It then reads frames from the Network adapter until an ARP Reply is received. The application uses the AcsLan() api to send DLC commands to the DLC protocol. The basic idea with using this function is that you create a CCB (command control block) that contains the LLC command you want to use, parameters and data buffers applicable to that command. For instance the LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT function requires that you pass a pointer to a LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT_PARMS structure that it can fill in. The standard pattern for issuing a DLC command is: 1) ZeroMemory the LLC_CCB structure. 2) Set the uchDlcCommand member of the CCB to the command you want to call. 3) ZeroMemory any buffers you are going to pass along to the command. 4) Fill in any settings in the CCB structure and other structures you are passing. 5) Set the hCompletionEvent member of the CCB to an event you had previously created. 6) ResetEvent the hCompletionEvent. 7) Make the AcsLan API call passing the CCB you created. 8) WaitForSingleObject on the event you set. 9) Check the results for Success, TimeOut or Error. You must have the DLC protocol installed for the application to work correctly. The application was tested on WinNT 3.51, WinNT 4.0. Using AcsLan to control the DLC Protocol ======================================== The command sequence used by this sample follows the following logic. 1) LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE 2) LLC_DIR_OPEN_ADAPTER 3) LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT 4) LLC_BUFFER_CREATE 5) LLC_BUFFER_GET 6) LLC_BUFFER_FREE 7) LLC_RECEIVE 8) LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME LOOP 9) LLC_READ 10) LLC_BUFFER_FREE UNTIL LLC_READ fails or good data received 11) LLC_RECEIVE_CANCEL 12) LLC_DIR_CLOSE_DIRECT 13) LLC_DIR_CLOSE_ADAPTER Other sources of information DLC ================================ \"A C Programmer\'s Guide to the IBM Token Ring\", by William H. Roetzheim \"IBM LAN Technical Reference IEEE 802.2 and NETBIOS Application Program Interface\", by IBM. The book is out of print but is available in a software format at www.ibm.com. As of 7/10/98 it was available at: http://service2.boulder.ibm.com/devcon/showcase/cat/bk8p7000.htm or seach their web page on \"IEEE 802.2\" */ #include <windows.h> #include <dlcapi.h> #include <stdio.h> #define STATION_ID 0 #define ADAPTER_ID 0 #pragma pack(push, 2) //The structure must be packed on a 2 byte alignment //in order for it to go accross the internet as one IP Packet struct ethernet_hdr { char dest[6]; // ETHERNET MANDATED PACKET HEADER char src[6]; // (14 bytes) WORD type; // Filled in by adapter } *PETHER; typedef struct arp_packet { struct ethernet_hdr; WORD hardType; //Type of Hardware Address: 1 for Ethernet WORD protType; //Type of Protocol: 0x0800 for IP, 0x0806 for ARP BYTE hardSize; //Size of Hardware Address: 6 for Ethernet BYTE protSize; //Size of Protocol Address: 4 for IP addresses WORD opCode; //Operation Code: 1=ARP Request, 2=ARP Reply, 3=RARP Request, 4=RARP Reply BYTE srcAddr[6]; //Hardware Address of source ULONG srcIP; //IP Address of source BYTE destAddr[6]; //Hardware Address of destination ULONG destIP; //IP address of destination char padding[18]; } ARP_PACKET, *PARP_PACKET; #pragma pack(pop) void twiddle_bits(LPBYTE, DWORD ); void FillArpPacket(PARP_PACKET a, LPSTR srcAddr, LPSTR srcIPAddress, LPSTR ipAddr); void PrintNext(LPBYTE *t, int c); #define RECEIVE_COMPLETE_FLAG 0x80204030 #define RECEIVE_DATA_FLAG 0x80204040 //Unique flag to test if its my data #define BUFFSIZE 2000 char BigBuff[20000]; //Create a buffer to receive info from the adapter void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { LLC_CCB CCB, *pBadCCB; char headerBuff[255]; PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER pxmitBuff=(PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER) headerBuff; ACSLAN_STATUS rtrn; HANDLE hEvent; LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE_PARMS InitParms; LLC_DIR_OPEN_ADAPTER_PARMS OpenParms; LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT_PARMS OpenDirectParms; LLC_DLC_PARMS DlcParms; LLC_ADAPTER_OPEN_PARMS AdapterOpenParms; LLC_EXTENDED_ADAPTER_PARMS ExtendedAdapterParms; LLC_TRANSMIT_PARMS TransmitParms; LLC_RECEIVE_PARMS ReceiveParms; LLC_READ_PARMS ReadParms; LLC_BUFFER_CREATE_PARMS BufferCreateParms; LLC_BUFFER_GET_PARMS BufferGetParms; LLC_BUFFER_FREE_PARMS BufferFreeParms; UCHAR AppID; HANDLE BufferHandle; LPBYTE BufferPool = (LPBYTE)BigBuff; DWORD readStatus; BOOL Done = FALSE; UCHAR *pStat = &CCB.uchDlcStatus; char verbose = 0; ARP_PACKET a; if(argv[argc-1][1]==\'v\') verbose=argc--; if(argc<3) { printf(\"Syntax: SendRaw LocalIPAddress RemoteIPAddress [/v]\\n\" \"Sample: SendRaw\\n\" \"\\n/v displays the frames as they are received.\\n\\n\"); return; } hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Initialize DLC ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE; ZeroMemory(&InitParms, sizeof(InitParms)); CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&InitParms; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); printf(\"%-22s returned %u \\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\",\"LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE\",rtrn,*pStat); if(*pStat==0) { // Open the Adapter ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_DIR_OPEN_ADAPTER; ZeroMemory(&OpenParms, sizeof(OpenParms)); CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&OpenParms; ZeroMemory(&AdapterOpenParms, sizeof(AdapterOpenParms)); OpenParms.pAdapterParms = &AdapterOpenParms; ZeroMemory(&ExtendedAdapterParms, sizeof(ExtendedAdapterParms)); ExtendedAdapterParms.LlcEthernetType=LLC_ETHERNET_TYPE_DEFAULT; OpenParms.pExtendedParms = &ExtendedAdapterParms; ZeroMemory(&DlcParms, sizeof(DlcParms)); OpenParms.pDlcParms = &DlcParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; ResetEvent(hEvent); rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000); //format bits from IBM Token ring format to Ethernet MAC address format twiddle_bits(AdapterOpenParms.auchNodeAddress, 6); printf(\"%-22s returned %u \\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_DIR_OPEN_ADAPTER\", rtrn, *pStat); AppID = CCB.uchReserved2; if(*pStat==0) { //LLC_BUFFER_CREATE - Create a buffer to receive frame directed at the direct station ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_BUFFER_CREATE; ZeroMemory(&BufferCreateParms, sizeof(BufferCreateParms)); ZeroMemory(&BigBuff, sizeof(BigBuff)); BufferCreateParms.pBuffer = BigBuff; BufferCreateParms.cbBufferSize = sizeof(BigBuff); BufferCreateParms.cbMinimumSizeThreshold=sizeof(BigBuff) / 4; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&BufferCreateParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) printf(\"Buffer.Create Timed out.\\n\"); BufferHandle = BufferCreateParms.hBufferPool; printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_BUFFER_CREATE\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0) { //LLC_BUFFER_GET - Test & Initialize the buffer by getting the entire buffer ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ZeroMemory(&BufferGetParms, sizeof(BufferGetParms)); BufferGetParms.cBuffersToGet = 1; BufferGetParms.cbBufferSize = 256; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_BUFFER_GET; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&BufferGetParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, NULL); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) printf(\"LLC_BUFFER_GET Timed out.\\n\"); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_BUFFER_GET\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0) { //LLC_BUFFER_FREE - Free the entire buffer you grabbed earlier ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ZeroMemory(&BufferFreeParms, sizeof(BufferFreeParms)); BufferFreeParms.pFirstBuffer = BufferGetParms.pFirstBuffer; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_BUFFER_FREE; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&BufferFreeParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, NULL); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) printf(\"LLC_BUFFER_FREE Timed out.\\n\"); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_BUFFER_FREE\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0) { // Open the Direct Station ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT; ZeroMemory(&OpenDirectParms, sizeof(OpenDirectParms)); CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; CCB.u.dlc.usStationId=STATION_ID; /************************************************************************************/ //One of the most important parts of getting this to work is getting the //correct Protocol Type and offset established. //EFFECT ON RECEIVING FRAMES: //========================= //The Receive command is going to use these values to decide what frames to pick up. //For an ARP Packet the protocol type is loaded 2 bytes into the frame itself //Whenever LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT sees anything other than the following values: // LLC_ETHERNET_TYPE_DEFAULT, // use the parameter value set in registry // LLC_ETHERNET_TYPE_AUTO, // automatic header type selction for links // LLC_ETHERNET_TYPE_802_3, // use always 802.3 lan headers // LLC_ETHERNET_TYPE_DIX // use always LLC on DIX SNA type. //it will compare the 2 bytes in the protocol frame offset by the value of //OpenDirectParms.usProtocolTypeOffset (in this case 2 bytes), AND them together //and compare the result with OpenDirectParms.ulProtocolTypeMatch. //FROM THE PLATFORM SDK: //The ulProtoTypeMask, ulProtocolTypeMatch, and usProtocolTypeOffset members are optional. //They specify the protocol type mask, match, and offset, respectively. //They receive frames for a particular subprotocol type or socket. //That is, the packet is received whenever the following statement is true: //(* (PULONG)((PUCHAR)pFrame + 14 + offset) & mask) == match //EFFECT ON SENDING FRAMES: //======================== //It also uses the OpenDirectParms.usEthernetType to determine how to setup the frame //to be transmitted. //In an Ethernet Frame bytes 13 & 14 are the type of frame that is sent, the same bytes //are used to show the length of an 802.3 frame. No Ethernet types are valid lengths for //an 802.3 frame. The AcsLan API looks at the proto type located in the ethernet frame offset //by the value of usProtocolTypeOffset value. If this is a valid frame type then it continues //otherwise it assumes it is a length value and you\'ll probably end up transmitting an //unknown frame type. OpenDirectParms.usEthernetType=0x0806; //SUB Protocol Type: ARP; OpenDirectParms.ulProtocolTypeMask=0x0000; OpenDirectParms.ulProtocolTypeMatch=0x0000; OpenDirectParms.usProtocolTypeOffset=2; /************************************************************************************/ CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&OpenDirectParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; ResetEvent(hEvent); rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000); printf(\"%-22s returned %u \\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_DIR_OPEN_DIRECT\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0) { //LLC_RECEIVE - Setup the receive to start listening for data on the adapter ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ZeroMemory(&ReceiveParms, sizeof(ReceiveParms)); ReceiveParms.usStationId=STATION_ID; ReceiveParms.uchOptions = LLC_CONTIGUOUS_DATA; ReceiveParms.ulReceiveFlag = RECEIVE_DATA_FLAG; ReceiveParms.uchRcvReadOption = LLC_RCV_READ_INDIVIDUAL_FRAMES; ReceiveParms.pFirstBuffer = BufferCreateParms.hBufferPool; CCB.uchAdapterNumber = ADAPTER_ID; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_RECEIVE; CCB.ulCompletionFlag = RECEIVE_COMPLETE_FLAG; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&ReceiveParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_RECEIVE\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0xFF) { //LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME - Broadcast the ARP Packet as a Direct Frame FillArpPacket(&a, AdapterOpenParms.auchNodeAddress, argv[1], argv[2]); ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME; CCB.ulCompletionFlag = 0; ZeroMemory(&headerBuff, sizeof(headerBuff)); pxmitBuff->cbBuffer=14; CopyMemory(&pxmitBuff->auchData[0],&a,14); ZeroMemory(&TransmitParms, sizeof(TransmitParms)); TransmitParms.pXmitQueue1=pxmitBuff; TransmitParms.usStationId = STATION_ID; TransmitParms.cbBuffer1 = sizeof(a)-14; TransmitParms.cbBuffer2 = 0; TransmitParms.pBuffer1 = (LPBYTE)&a.hardType; TransmitParms.pBuffer2 = NULL; TransmitParms.uchXmitReadOption = LLC_COMPLETE_SINGLE_XMIT_FRAME; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&TransmitParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) printf(\"LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME Timed out.\\n\"); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME\", rtrn, *pStat); if(*pStat==0) { //LLC_READ - Check to see if we received any data until we read the data // we want or tried to read 50 (an arbitrary value) times. int d=50; readStatus = 0; while((readStatus == 0) && !Done) { printf(\"\\n=====================\\n\"); //Post a Read ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ZeroMemory(&ReadParms, sizeof(ReadParms)); ReadParms.usStationId=STATION_ID; ReadParms.uchOptionIndicator = 0; ReadParms.uchEventSet = LLC_EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_READ; CCB.ulCompletionFlag = RECEIVE_COMPLETE_FLAG; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&ReadParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { //if we timed out or another error occured //setup loop to end, by making readStatus not Zero printf(\"Read Timed out or another error occurred.\\n\"); readStatus = *pStat; } else { printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_READ\", rtrn, *pStat); readStatus = *pStat; // Organize the results of the LLC_READ // Filter out all but RECEIVE_DATA events. if(ReadParms.uchEvent == LLC_EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA) { PLLC_BUFFER pFrame = ReadParms.Type.Event.pReceivedFrame; PARP_PACKET pArp = (PARP_PACKET) ((LPBYTE) pFrame + pFrame->Buffer.Header.offUserData); DWORD i; LPBYTE t = (LPBYTE) pFrame + pFrame->Buffer.Header.offUserData; if(verbose) { PrintNext(&t,14); //print out the entire frame PrintNext(&t,8); //in an easy to read format PrintNext(&t,6); PrintNext(&t,4); PrintNext(&t,6); PrintNext(&t,4); PrintNext(&t,8); i=(DWORD)((LPBYTE) pFrame + pFrame->Buffer.Header.offUserData - t); PrintNext(&t,(int)((LPBYTE) pFrame + pFrame->Buffer.Header.offUserData - t)); } //Compare the destination of the frame that was read //if it is the same as the MAC address we submitted in //our transmit frame then this frame was directed to us if(memcmp(pArp->dest,AdapterOpenParms.auchNodeAddress,6) == 0) { struct in_addr x; x.s_addr = pArp->srcIP; printf(\"Got data!\\nIP Address: %s\\t Mac Address: \", inet_ntoa(x)); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf(\"%02X-\",pArp->srcAddr); printf(\"%02X\\n\\n\",pArp->srcAddr); Done = TRUE; } else { //data was bound for another MAC address printf(\"Data bound for: \"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf(\"%02X-\",(BYTE)pArp->dest); printf(\"%02X\\n\\n\",(BYTE)pArp->dest); if(d-- == 0) Done = TRUE; } //LLC_BUFFER_FREE - You must free every buffer that comes //in, even if it wasn\'t to your MAC Address, direct station, //or SAP ResetEvent(hEvent); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ZeroMemory(&BufferFreeParms, sizeof(BufferFreeParms)); BufferFreeParms.pFirstBuffer = (PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER)ReadParms.Type.Event.pReceivedFrame; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_BUFFER_FREE; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&BufferFreeParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, NULL); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) printf(\"LLC_BUFFER_FREE Timed out.\\n\"); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_BUFFER_FREE\", rtrn, *pStat); printf(\"Free Buffers: %u\\n\",BufferFreeParms.cBuffersLeft); } else //Show the type of event you received this should //never get called since we asked only to get //LLC_EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA events when we did the LLC_READ printf(\"%d\\n\",ReadParms.uchEvent); } } } printf(\"\\n=====================\\n\"); ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); ResetEvent(hEvent); //LLC_RECEIVE_CANCEL //Release the request to RECEIVE frames on this station //This isn\'t really necessary in this APP since the app //is going away. But normally you should do this anyway. CCB.uchAdapterNumber = ADAPTER_ID; CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_RECEIVE_CANCEL; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&ReceiveParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); printf(\"%-22s returned %u\\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_RECEIVE_CANCEL\", rtrn, *pStat); } // Close the Direct Station ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_DIR_CLOSE_DIRECT; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; ResetEvent(hEvent); rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000); printf(\"%-22s returned %u \\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_DIR_CLOSE_DIRECT\", rtrn, *pStat); } } } } // Close the Adapter ZeroMemory(&CCB, sizeof(CCB)); CCB.uchDlcCommand = LLC_DIR_CLOSE_ADAPTER; CCB.uchReserved2 = AppID; CCB.u.pParameterTable = (PLLC_PARMS)&OpenParms; OpenParms.pAdapterParms = &AdapterOpenParms; OpenParms.pExtendedParms = &ExtendedAdapterParms; OpenParms.pDlcParms = &DlcParms; CCB.hCompletionEvent = hEvent; ResetEvent(hEvent); rtrn = AcsLan(&CCB, &pBadCCB); WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000); printf(\"%-22s returned %u \\tStatus: 0x%X\\n\", \"LLC_DIR_CLOSE_ADAPTER\", rtrn, *pStat); } } return; } void FillArpPacket(PARP_PACKET a, LPSTR srcAddr, LPSTR srcIPAddress, LPSTR ipAddr) { //build an ARP packet // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // | Destination Address | Source Address | Type | Hard Type | // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // | Prot Type | HS* | PS* | Oper Code | Sender Enternet Address | Sender IP Address | // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // | Target Ethernet Address | Target IP Address | 18 Bytes of Padding | // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // | Padding Continued | // /-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ // // *HS = Hardware Address Size, PS = Protocol Address Size ZeroMemory(a,sizeof(ARP_PACKET)); FillMemory(a->dest,6, 0xFF); a->type=htons(0x0806); //Network byte order a->hardType=htons(0x0001); //Network byte order a->protType=htons(0x0800); //Network byte order a->hardSize=0x06; a->protSize=0x04; a->opCode=0x0100; CopyMemory(a->srcAddr, srcAddr, 6); a->srcIP = inet_addr(srcIPAddress); a->destIP = inet_addr(ipAddr); } unsigned char swap_bits(unsigned char b) { unsigned char bb = 0; unsigned char mask; for (mask = 1; mask; mask <<= 1) { bb <<= 1; bb |= ((b & mask) ? 1 : 0); } return bb; } void twiddle_bits(LPBYTE buffer, DWORD length) { //This function is used to format bits from IBM Token ring (BigEndian) //format to Ethernet MAC address format (LittleEndian) while (length--) { *buffer = swap_bits(*buffer); ++buffer; } } void PrintNext(LPBYTE *t, int c) { //This function prints c bytes of memory on one line //with spaces between each byte... like this: //00 A0 C9 C9 F6 11 00 10 54 42 C0 80 00 00 int i; for(i=0;i<c;i++) { printf(\"%02X \",**t); (*t)++; } printf(\"\\n\"); } //哎,连eth数据结构都得自己定义 |
发布于:2003-05-30 19:07
发布于:2003-06-02 16:09
发布于:2003-06-03 11:33
想再请教:我在两台机器之间(我家里只有两台)测试ids,在台式机上向笔记本(已启动snort)发送SynFlood数据流,结果笔记本中的snort记录下了所有的攻击,但没有死机,而台式机却掉线了(是Adsl)。为什么?是不是SynFlood只能攻击服务器,对于普通网络用户SynFlood不起作用,同时SynFlood在短时间内留下了大量的记录,那么是不是可以用来攻击ids呢? 我刚接触ids,见笑了。。。 |
发布于:2003-06-19 11:34
首先synflood不会马上导致目标死机,所以你flood笔记本而没死机是正常的,不过一般cpu应该有100%; 你说台式机却掉线了(是Adsl),我不是很明白你的意思,你家的二台机器应该是用网卡网线连的把,和adsl有啥关系呢?或者你是使用台式机作proxy,然后synflood时adsl连上internet了,然后synflood使adsl吊线了,这样的话是因为synflood笔记本的是伪包,进而笔记本的ack+syn回应就通过adsl发到internet上去了,由于流量太大,把你的adsl搞死了。 用synflood来攻击ids可以把,不过对方可以使synflood不作日志的,只是他的ids忙点而已。 |