csp 想说爱你不容易
Tnnd 偶搞不定csp了
有人作过CSP吗?怎么在WINXP下测试啊? 按照CSPDK中所说的:To install the ADVAPI32.DLL on your Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 computer: 1. Go to the %systemroot%\\system32 folder (windows\\system for Windows 98). 2. Rename the current advapi.dll to advapi32.bak 3. Expand the appropriate ADVAPI32.DLL for your test platform to the %systemroot%\\system32 folder (windows\\system for Windows 98). 4. Copy the cspsign.exe to the %systemroot%\\system32 folder (windows\\system for Windows 98). 5. Reboot. 可是只有Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000的没有WINXP的,这可怎么测试:( 我用expand WIN2000目录下的ADVAPI32.DL_到winxp系统目录下,可WINXP系统无法正常启动!! 如果使用WINXP系统本身的ADVAPI32.DLL,用下面的方法: 1. Copy CSP.DLL, CSPINSTL.EXE and TESTCSP.EXE to the %systemroot%\\system32 folder (windows\\system for Windows 98). 2. Sign the sample CSP by running the following command line: cspSign s csp.dll csp.sig (Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 registry based signature) cspSign c csp.dll (Windows 2000 for DLL resource based signature) cspSign c csp.dll csp.sig (Both) 3. Install the sample CSP by running the command, \"regsvr32 csp.dll\". Alternatively, the old CSPINSTL.EXE program may also be used. 4. Run the sample application by running TESTCSP.EXE 再用CSPDK中的cspinstl.c进行安装,对注册表中的值进行修改。 测试时发现: bResult = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, \"CSP Eleven\", CSP11_PROV_TYPE, 0); if (bResult == TRUE) printf(\"SUCCEED\\n\"); else { printf(\"CryptAcquireConext returned error %x\\n\", GetLastError()); return(TRUE); } 这个函数返回0x80090006L错误,明显是签名错误,天哪!! 我可是按CSPDK中的说明一步步作的!!! 请大家帮忙!! :( :( :( |
发布于:2005-02-22 22:13
发布于:2005-02-23 18:05
若已经获得签名在XP下可以测试,但若装了SP2的补丁,我没有试过! |
发布于:2005-02-25 09:20
谢谢 只有先试试WIN2k了 :(
发布于:2005-03-21 16:42