我用DS的WIZARD生成了一个ISA的工程,使用到了中断,程序内容没有做改动。编译后使用Ezdrvinstaller调用inf文件后,要求我重起计算机,我选择了取消,然后提示:驱动安装成功,但是当我用工程的测试程序时,发现在函数:OpenByInterface()中CDeviceInterface DevInterface(&DevClass, instance, pError)处返回错误,我怀疑是inf有问题,导致驱动并没有真正安装上,请大家指点一下,谢谢!
修改的地方已经标了出来。 ;--------- Version Section --------------------------------------------------- [Version] Signature=\"$Windows 95$\" Provider=%ProviderName% ; If device fits one of the standard classes, use the name and GUID here, ; otherwise create your own device class and GUID as this example shows. Class=TestInt6 我改了这里 ClassGUID={ff646f80-8def-11d2-9449-00105a075f6b} [Class_AddReg] HKR,,,,%DeviceClassName% HKR,,Icon,,\"-18\" ;--------- Manufacturer and Models Sections ---------------------------------- [Manufacturer] %MfgName%=Mfg0 [Mfg0] %DeviceDesc%=Testint6_DDI,testint6 [Testint6_DDI.NT.Services] Addservice = Testint6, 0x00000002, Testint6_AddService [Testint6_AddService] DisplayName = %SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\\System32\\Drivers\\Testint6.sys [Testint6_NT_AddReg] HKLM, \"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Testint6\\Parameters\",\\ \"BreakOnEntry\", 0x00010001, 0 ; ------ Logical Config (common) ------- [Testint6_Config] ; This is the logical configuration for the device. If the device has no ; hardware resources, you can remove this section, and remove the reference ; to it in section [Testint6_Device] ; ConfigPriority=NORMAL 我改了这里 ; The allowed values for ConfigPriority are: ; HARDWIRED Cannot be reset in any way ; DESIRED Soft Configurable most optimal ; NORMAL Soft Configured medium optimal ; SUBOPTIMAL Soft Configured least optimal ; DISABLED Hardware disabled ; RESTART Requires Windows restart to affect ; REBOOT Requires system reboot to affect ; POWEROFF Requires power cycle to affect ; HARDRECONFIG Requires Jumper setting ; IRQConfig=6 我改了这里 ;; TODO: You must replace IRQNUM in the line above with the correct IRQ for your device ;--------- Strings Section --------------------------------------------------- [Strings] 以下全部改了 ProviderName=\"wlw\" MfgName=\"testint6\" DeviceDesc=\"just a demo\" DeviceClassName=\"testint6\" SvcDesc=\"For test int 6\" |
发布于:2003-09-29 20:23