先介绍我目前的情况: 目标:两块flash,一块norflash 4MB,一块nandflash 64MB. 现在想这样, 1,按照置顶贴子里说的做一个极小的xip类型的内核。烧入norflash. bib文件如下: nk.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\kern.exe NK SH coredll.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\coredll.dll NK SH filesys.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\filesys.exe NK SH fatfsd.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\fatfsd.dll NK SH diskcache.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\diskcache.dll NK SH fatutil.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\fatutil.dll NK SH fsdmgr.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\fsdmgr.dll NK SH mspart.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\mspart.dll NK SH ceddk.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\ceddk.dll NK SH nandfmd.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\nandfmd.dll NK SH device.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\device.exe NK SH FILES boot.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\boot.hv NK SH default.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\default.hv NK SH user.hv $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\user.hv NK SH config.bib如下: MEMORY NK 9e000000 400000 RAMIMAGE ;NK段就是我放XIP的段了,我设了4MB大小,实际编译出来的bin文件才2MB多点。我想应该够 了 RAM 81100000 05000000 RAM ;这里指定了内存区域。。。我的内存从80000000开始的,但前面有0x1000000大小留给了一个媒体加速用了 MAE 80100000 01000000 RESERVED ;媒体加速 DRV_GLB 800FFC00 00000400 RESERVED EDBG_MEM 80008000 00020000 RESERVED EBOOT 80080000 0007FC00 RESERVED CONFIG ROMSTART=9e000000 ROMSIZE=400000 ROMWIDTH=32 ROMOFFSET=0 COMPRESSION=ON PROFILE=OFF KERNELFIXUPS=ON ROMFLAGS=0 AUTOSIZE=ON SRE=ON 2,另一块nandflash 64MB已经格式化好了。fat类型,整个就一个分区,事先我已经手动把它当做一个根文件系统建立好了各个目录,并且想到了办法把没有包含进xip的文件全给弄了上去。 3,这一步我想这样:在xip阶段,加载nandflash驱动后把它作为根文件系统挂载,就像linux那样,内核启动后挂载文件系统但是不成功。。。 帖上我的HIVE部分的注册表: ; @CESYSGEN IF FILESYS_FSREGHIVE ; HIVE BOOT SECTION ; Valid Bits for Flags registry value ; If no flags are set, the hive will be stored in the object store. ; ; 0x00000001 Start storage manager in boot phase 1 for hive-based registry ; 0x00000002 Start device manager in boot phase 1 for hive-based registry ; 0x00000004 Start storage manager in boot phase 1 for registry in ; external ROM (such as BINFS) ; 0x00000008 Start device manager in boot phase 1 for registry in ; external ROM (such as BINFS) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars] "SystemHive"="Documents and Settings\\system.hv" "ProfileDir"="Documents and Settings" "Flags"=dword:1 "DefaultUser"="default" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\FlashDrv] "DriverPath"="Drivers\\BuiltIn\\NAND_Flash" "LoadFlags"=dword:1 "MountFlags"=dword:2 "BootPhase"=dword:0 "Flags"=dword:1000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\NAND_Flash] "Dll"="NANDFMD.dll" "Order"=dword:0 "Prefix"="DSK" "Ioctl"=dword:4 "Profile"="FlashDisk" "IClass"=multi_sz:"{A4E7EDDA-E575-4252-9D6B-4195D48BB865}" "FriendlyName"="NAND FLASH Driver" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS] "FriendlyName"="FAT FileSystem" "Dll"="fatfsd.dll" "Flags"=dword:00000024 "Paging"=dword:1 "EnableCache"=dword:1 "CacheSize"=dword:0 "Util"="fatutil.dll" "CacheDll"="diskcache.dll" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\FlashDisk] "DefaultFileSystem"="FATFS" "PartitionDriver"="mspart.dll" "AutoMount"=dword:1 "AutoPart"=dword:1 "AutoFormat"=dword:1 "MountAsBootable"=dword:1 "Name"="NAND FLASH" "Folder"="NAND Flash" "Ioctl"=dword:4 "MountFlags"=dword:2 "BootPhase"=dword:0 "Flags"=dword:1000 "MountAsRoot"=dword:1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\FlashDisk\FATFS] "Flags"=dword:00000064 ;24 "EnableCacheWarm"=dword:0 "MountAsRoot"=dword:1 ; END HIVE BOOT SECTION ; @CESYSGEN ENDIF FILESYS_FSREGHIVE 出错时的打印信息: FLASH INIT END ==========>我的加的表示驱动的初始化已经完成了 Invalid handle: Set=1 Method=2 Exception 002 Thread=864e8a88 Proc=064e8c9a 'filesys.exe' AKY=00000003 PC=03f84cb4(coredll.dll+0x00034cb4) RA=03f84c8c(coredll.dll+0x00034c8c) BVA=00000000 Exception 002 Thread=864e8a88 Proc=064e8c9a 'filesys.exe' AKY=00000003 PC=03f84cb4(coredll.dll+0x00034cb4) RA=03f84c8c(coredll.dll+0x00034c8c) BVA=00000000 Unhandled exception c0000005: Terminating thread 864e8a88 Exception 002 Thread=864e8a88 Proc=064e8c9a 'filesys.exe' AKY=00000003 PC=8112b990(NK.EXE+0x0002b990) RA=8112b97c(NK.EXE+0x0002b97c) BVA=03ef1a70 Exception 002 Thread=864e8a88 Proc=064e8c9a 'filesys.exe' AKY=ffffffff PC=00031a04(filesys.exe+0x00021a04) RA=000319ac(filesys.exe+0x000219ac) BVA=42001000 Exception 002 Thread=864e8a88 Proc=064e8c9a 'filesys.exe' AKY=ffffffff PC=00033554(filesys.exe+0x00023554) RA=0003aeec(filesys.exe+0x0002aeec) BVA=420000e8 大侠们帮帮忙啊~~~稍微帮我思考一下, 我的这个做法对不对? 不对的话要怎样改进。我出错的原因大概是在哪里???请无比提示一下啊~ |
发布于:2007-10-26 12:26
哪位大侠帮忙看看啊。。。怎么没人回呢 0x864ff028: KernelInit2: pCurThread=864ff028 hCurThread=064ff212 hCurProc=064ff002, KernelInit = 81130c98 0x864ff028: init criticalsection 0x864ff028: first = 01ef0000, last = 02000000, SharedDllBase = 03c00000 0x864ff028: Kernel init end 0x864ff028: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x10100b4 0x864ff028: PostInit 0x864e5a38: CertMod.dll not found, using old OEM Trust Model 0x864e5a38: FileSystem Starting - starting with clean file system 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x1010038 0x864e5a38: FS: initializing ROM/RAM file system 0x864e5a38: SC_CreateAPIHandle: pvData == NULL 0x864e5a38: FS: Registering file system ROM, index 2, flags 0x00000031 0x864e5a38: FS: Mount complete (ROM, index 2, flags 0x00000031) 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x101008c 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Opening existing volume 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Volume heap already initialized 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Mounted ROM portion of boot registry 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Creating clean virtual volume 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Initializing volume heap 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Mounted RAM portion of boot registry 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x10100b0 0x864e5a38: FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/DevMgrApiSetReady 0x864e5a38: FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/PowerManagerReady 0x864e5a38: FS: Creating signal event SYSTEM/GweApiSetReady 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "Start DevMgr" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: FILESYS: Starting storage manager. 0x864e5a38: FS: Registering file system StoreMgr, index 3, flags 0x00000001 0x864e5a38: Nand flash init 0x864e5a38: FMD:ReadID (Maker=ec,Device=76,Spare=a5,MP=c0) 0x864e5a38: ####dwDeviceId:0xec76 0x864e5a38: 32 pages per block for Binary 0x864e5a38: end init 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:BuildupMappingInfo() - Enter. 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1408e!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x696!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x298!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13eda!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13c78!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x424!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x26!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa65!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xecd!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x1e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x2e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x3e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x4e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x5e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x6e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x7e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x8e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x9e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xa800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xaa00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xac00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xae00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xb000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xb200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xb400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xb600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xb800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xba00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xbc00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xbe00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xc800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xca00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xcc00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xce00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xd000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xd200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xd400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xd600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xd800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xda00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xdc00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xde00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xe000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xe200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xe400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xe600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xe800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xea00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xec00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xee00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xf000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xf200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xf400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xf600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xf800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xfa00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xfc00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0xfe00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x10e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x11e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12a00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12c00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x12e00!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13000!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13200!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13400!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13600!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13800!!! 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:L2P_GetPhysicalSectorAddr() - Secondary table doesn't exist for logical sector 0x13a00!!! 0x864e5a38: Loading partition driver mspart.dll hModule=864A1F00 0x864e5a38: Driver mspart.dll loaded 0x864e5a38: Opened the store hStore=000EEF60 0x864e5a38: NumSec=130752 BytesPerSec=512 FreeSec=0 BiggestCreatable=0 0x864e5a38: Partition Part00 NumSectors=130750 0x864e5a38: MSPART!PD_OpenPartition: dwStoreId=000EEF60, PartName=Part00 0x864e5a38: FSD_MountDisk: mounting volumes for hDsk=00134280 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: access time updates disabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: event logging enabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: automatic scanning disabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: write verify disabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: extra FAT on format disabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: force write through enabled 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: Codepage = 1 0x864e5a38: FATFS!OpenVolume: Number of path cache entries = 50 0x864e5a38: CreateCache: Successful. Cache Size: 256 KB, Start: 32, End: 2075. 0x864e5a38: CreateCache: Successful. Cache Size: 512 KB, Start: 2076, End: 130749. 0x864e5a38: FATFS!InitVolume: FAT version: 32 0x864e5a38: FATFS!InitVolume: Cluster Size (Sectors): 1 0x864e5a38: FS: Registering file system NAND Flash, index 4, flags 0x00000002 0x864e5a38: FS: Mount complete (NAND Flash, index 4, flags 0x00000002) 0x864e5a38: InitSharedHeap: 48200000 10000 c 0x864e5a38: InitSharedHeap: return 48200060 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\kmisc.c at line 2759 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116ba90 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\kmisc.c at line 2766 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116bb64 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\kmisc.c at line 2768 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116bbf4 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: Exception 002 Thread=864e5a38 Proc=264e5c4a 'filesys.exe' 0x864e5a38: AKY=00000003 PC=03f57470(coredll.dll+0x00057470) RA=03f573f4(coredll.dll+0x000573f4) BVA=00000000 0x864e5a38: Filesys faulted trying to initialize registry dirty, trying clean... 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x101008c 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Opening existing volume 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Volume heap already initialized 0x864e5a38: ERROR: c:\macallan\private\winceos\coreos\filesys\heap\volume.c line 716: 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Unable to mount heap - another heap with same guid already mounted 0x864e5a38: ERROR: d:\macallan\private\winceos\coreos\filesys\reg\reghive\registry.c line 714: 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to mount boot hive from ROM 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to load system registry! Registry will be unavailable. 0x864e5a38: FileSys: DEBUGCHK failed in file d:\macallan\private\winceos\coreos\filesys\reg\reghive\registry.c at line 1041 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @00048550 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x10100c4 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "RegistryFlags" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "NoDefaultUser" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Logging in default user. 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "DefaultUser" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: SetCurrentUser: Logging out (nobody), logging in default 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Mounting ROM portion of user hive 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Opening existing volume 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Volume heap already initialized 0x864e5a38: Mounting user hive from NAND Flash\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_GetFileAttributesW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0xffffffff (2) 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_GetFileAttributesW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0xffffffff (2) 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_CreateFileW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0x0 (2) 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Mounting clean user hive 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_GetFileAttributesW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0xffffffff (2) 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_GetFileAttributesW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0xffffffff (2) 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_CreateFileW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0x0 (2) 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Creating new volume (size=49152 bytes) 0x864e5a38: FATFS!FAT_GetFileAttributesW(\Documents and Settings\default\user.hv) returned 0xffffffff (2) 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014092 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014093 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014094 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014095 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014096 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014097 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014098 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014099 0x864e5a38: FSVOL: Initializing volume heap 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409a 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409b 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409c 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409d 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409e 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001409f 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a0 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a1 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a2 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a3 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a4 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a5 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a6 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a7 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a8 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140a9 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140aa 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140ab 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140ac 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140ad 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140ae 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140af 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b0 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b1 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b2 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b3 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b4 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b5 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b6 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b7 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b8 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140b9 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140ba 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140bb 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140bc 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140bd 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140be 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140bf 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c0 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c1 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c2 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c3 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c4 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c5 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c6 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c7 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c8 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140c9 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140f2 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x000140fa 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014102 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001410a 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014112 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001411a 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x00014122 0x864e5a38: FLASHDRV.DLL:ReadFromMedia() - Unable to determine physical sector address for logical sector 0x0001412a 0x864e5a38: Error creating Comm\Security\Crypto key 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x10100d0 0x864e5a38: Kernel init end 0x864e5a38: OEMIocontrol:: Code=0x10100f8 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "RegistryFlags" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: FSREG: Unable to read value "DBFlags" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars 0x864e5a38: InitSharedHeap: 48200000 0 c 0x864e5a38: InitSharedHeap: return 48200060 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\kmisc.c at line 2766 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116bb64 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\kmisc.c at line 2768 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116bbf4 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: Exception 002 Thread=864e5a38 Proc=264e5c4a 'filesys.exe' 0x864e5a38: AKY=00000003 PC=03f57470(coredll.dll+0x00057470) RA=03f57430(coredll.dll+0x00057430) BVA=00000000 0x864e5a38: NKDispatchException: returning failure. Flags=0 0x864e5a38: Unhandled exception c0000005: 0x864e5a38: Terminating thread 864e5a38 0x8638ce10: Main thread in proc 264e5c4a faulted, Excpetion code = c0000005, Exception Address = 03f57470! 0x8638ce10: Main thread in proc 264e5c4a faulted, WMGR not on line! 0x8638ce10: Main thread in proc 264e5c4a faulted - cleaning up! 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module diskcache.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module fatfsd.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module mspart.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module ceddk.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module nandfmd.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: Process filesys.exe loaded Module fsdmgr.dll without freeing it before process exit 0x864e5a38: FATFS!UnmountDisk: unmounting all volumes on disk 00 0x864e5a38: FATFS!CloseVolume: stream ~1 still open (1 refs) 0x864e5a38: Exception 002 Thread=864e5a38 Proc=264e5c4a 'filesys.exe' 0x864e5a38: AKY=00000003 PC=03ec4be4(diskcache.dll+0x00004be4) RA=03ec2004(diskcache.dll+0x00002004) BVA=cccccce8 0x864e5a38: MMFILE: logged FlushMap failed on read 1 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\mapfile\mapfile.c at line 2355 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @811876e4 Ignored. 0x864e5a38: NK Kernel: DEBUGCHK failed in file c:\wince500\private\winceos\coreos\nk\kernel\objdisp.c at line 1347 0x864e5a38: DEBUG_BREAK @8116169c Ignored. 0x864e5a38: Exception 000 Thread=864e5a38 Proc=264e5c4a 'filesys.exe' 0x864e5a38: AKY=00000003 PC=811616c0(NK.EXE+0x000616c0) RA=81115e68(NK.EXE+0x00015e68) BVA=00000000 0x864e5a38: NKDispatchException: returning failure. Flags=9 0x864e5a38: Unhandled exception c000000d: 0x864e5a38: Exception 000 Thread=864e5a38 AKY=00000003 PC=811616c0 BVA=00000000 0x864e5a38: SR=00000003 AT=00000000 V0=81116064 V1=81560000 0x864e5a38: A0=c000000d A1=00000001 A2=00000000 A3=00000000 0x864e5a38: T0=00000008 T1=81116064 T2=00000072 T3=000001c8 0x864e5a38: T4=81105fdc T5=811061a4 T6=81116064 T7=864549e0 0x864e5a38: S0=bdbdbdbd S1=bdbdbdbd S2=bdbdbdbd S3=bdbdbdbd 0x864e5a38: S4=bdbdbdbd S5=bdbdbdbd S6=bdbdbdbd S7=bdbdbdbd 0x864e5a38: T8=00000000 T9=00000008 LO=00000028 HI=00000000 0x864e5a38: GP=bdbdbdbd SP=040bf94c S8=264e5c22 RA=81115e68 0x864e5a38: Can't terminate thread 864e5a38, sleeping forever |