哪位知道在那里可以下载源代码? |
发布于:2007-03-09 09:34
这个是开源项目,TCPMP的官方网站上有的下 |
发布于:2007-03-09 09:43
http://picard.exceed.hu/tcpmp/0.71/ 官网是 http://tcpmp.corecodec.org/ www.tcpmp.org www.coreplayer.com 中的一个吧,貌似我都上不了 |
发布于:2007-03-12 14:30
发布于:2007-03-12 14:47
引用第1楼rilyyu于2007-03-09 09:34发表的“”: 在网站上都下不下来,高手可以上传一份源代码供大家学习学习吗? |
发布于:2007-05-17 14:39
Rily or someone,
It seems that even the website of http://picard.exceed.hu/tcpmp is closed. Do you have source codes to make the Mpeg4 and other plugins, and the source codes of previous versions: 0.71 and 0.70? If so, would you kindly email to me or post them? My email address is: "johnchen_1024@yahoo.com". Thanks a lot. It seems the "tcpmp.src.0.72RC1.rar" misses many source codes. Maybe we should collect all source codes of TCPMP and put them in some website so that some people can carry on the development for this open source project. Corecodec shows a very bad example for open source development. We do not mind they formed a company to make money. But for the behavor of closing down the original TCPMP development site including source codes and discussions, it just makes people having a very bad feeling to this company. Remember, it is a open-source project. Many people had contributions to that, at least for the features and debugging. For Picard, I respect him for his efforts and passion for this player. Although the drama of TCPMP hurts the open-source society, best wish for his career. Maybe one day, he will find the passion again to contribute to the society. John |