请救,,救我啊 急
.386p .model flat extrn MessageBoxA: proc HASH16FACTOR = 1985926h HASH16 MACRO String,sym HASH_Reg = 0FFFFFFFFh IRPC _x, <String> Ctrl_Byte = (\'&_x&\' XOR (HASH_Reg AND 0FFh)) HASH_Reg = (HASH_Reg SHR 8) REPT 8 Ctrl_Byte = (Ctrl_Byte SHR 1) XOR (HASH16FACTOR * (Ctrl_Byte AND 1)) ENDM HASH_Reg = (HASH_Reg XOR Ctrl_Byte) ENDM sym DW (HASH_Reg AND 0FFFFh) ENDM .data cap db \'Haha\',0 .code _start: call _start_ip_0 _start_ip_0: _start_ip equ k32_hash_table pop ebp add ebp,k32_hash_table-_start_ip_0 mov ebx,[esp] cmp ebx,80000000h ;比较是不是在WINNT lea edi,[ebp+k32_hash_table-8-_start_ip] and ebx,077E80000h call search_api_addr call [ebp+addrLoadLibraryA-_start_ip] push 0 push offset cap push offset cap push 0 call MessageBoxA push large 0 call [ebp+addrExitProcess-_start_ip] db \'KERNEL32\' ;---------------------------------------| k32_hash_table equ this word ; | HASH16 <LoadLibraryA>,hsLoadLibraryA ; | HASH16 <ExitProcess>,hsExitProcess ; | ; | ; 程序要搜索的函数名字 | dw 0 ; | k32_hash_addr equ this dword ; | addrLoadLibraryA dd 0 ; | addrExitProcess dd 0 ; | ;---------------------------------------| ;in--ebx is the base to search,edi->the hash table,include dll name search_api_addr: pushad ;保持所有的寄存器 pushfd ;保持所有的标志 call search_api_addr_ip search_api_addr_ip: pop ebp push ebp lea eax,[ebp+search_api_addr_seh-search_api_addr_ip] ;---------------------| push eax ; | xor ecx,ecx ; ;安装SEH | push dword ptr fs:[ecx] ; | mov fs:[ecx],esp ;---------------------| sub ebx,10000h search_api_addr_@1: add ebx,10000h ;ntoskrnl can be rebased,and it\'s not certain whether can found it,so not to search too high address to avoid blue screen cmp ebx,80500000h ; ja short search_api_addr_seh_restore cmp word ptr [ebx],\'ZM\' ;比较是不是MZ jnz short search_api_addr_@1 ;不是着跳 mov eax,[ebx+3ch] add eax,ebx ;现在eax=文件首领 cmp word ptr [eax],\'EP\' ;比较是不是PE jnz short search_api_addr_@1 ;不是着跳 mov eax,[eax+78h] add eax,ebx ;得到eax=IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY入口 mov edx,[eax+3*4] add edx,ebx ;edx=程序搜索到的函数名字 mov ecx,[edi] ;ecx=程序要找的函数名字 cmp dword ptr [edx],ecx ;--------------------------------------| jnz short search_api_addr_@1 ; | mov ecx,[edi+4] ; ;这里是比较匹配的API函数名字 | cmp dword ptr [edx+4],ecx ; | jnz short search_api_addr_@1 ;--------------------------------------| search_api_addr_seh_restore: ;-----------------------| xor ecx,ecx ;ecx=0 ; | POP DWord Ptr FS:[ecx] ; restore except chain ; | pop esi ; ;恢复SEH | pop esi ; | add edi,8 ;-----------------------| or ebx,ebx jz short search_api_addr_ret call find_all_exportfunc search_api_addr_ret: popfd ;恢复所有的标志 popad ;恢复所有的寄存器 retn search_api_addr_seh: ;---------------------------| call search_api_addr_seh_ip ; ;如果程序异常跳到这里 | search_api_addr_seh_ip: ; | pop eax ; | lea eax,[eax-(search_api_addr_seh_ip-search_api_addr_@1)] ; | seh_cont: ; | PUSH eax ; | MOV EAX,[ESP + 00Ch+4] ; context ; | POP DWord Ptr [EAX + 0B8h] ; context.eip = @ExceptProc ; | XOR EAX,EAX ; 0 = ExceptionContinueExecution ; | RET ; | search_api_addr_end: ;---------------------------| ;;;请帮小妹一句一句的注释下面的这段代码;;;;;;;注释在代码旁 ; 全部 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| find_all_exportfunc: | cld | dec ecx ;ecx=FFFFFFFF | push eax ;保存eax=IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY入口 | xor eax,eax ;eax=0 | repnz scasw ;ecx=FFFFFFFB ;edi+8 | not ecx ;ecx=00000004 | dec ecx ;ecx=00000003 | push ecx ;保存ecx=00000003 | push edi | rep stosd ;清楚全部的API地址 ;ecx=00000000 ;esi+12 | pop edi | sub edi,4 | pop ecx ;恢复ecx=00000003 | pop eax ;恢复eax=IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY入口 | | mov esi,[eax+8*4] | add esi,ebx ;esi->name RVA array ;esi=AddressOfNames | mov esi,[esi] | add esi,ebx ;esi=程序搜索到的API函数名字 | xor edx,edx ;edx=0 | push ecx ;保存ecx=00000003 | | find_exportfunc: | push ecx ;保存ecx=00000003 | find_exportfunc_1: | cmp edx,[eax+6*4] ;[eax+6*4]=NumberOfNames | pop ecx ;恢复ecx=00000003 | jz short find_exportfunc_ret | push ecx ;保存ecx=00000003 | inc edx ;edx=1 | push eax ;保存=eax | call calc_hash16 | push edi | std | mov ecx,[esp+3*4] | repnz scasw | pop edi | pop eax | jnz short find_exportfunc_1 | | push edx | dec edx | push edi | mov edi,[eax+9*4] | add edi,ebx ;edi->ordinal array | movzx edx,word ptr [edi+edx*2] | mov edi,[eax+7*4] | add edi,ebx ;edi->function RVA | mov edx,[edi+edx*4] | add edx,ebx | pop edi | mov [edi+ecx*4+4],edx | pop edx | pop ecx | loop find_exportfunc | | | find_exportfunc_ret: | pop ecx | retn | find_exportfunc_end: | | calc_hash16: | ;esi->string | push edx | push 0ffffffffh | pop edx ;edx=FFFFFFFFFF | cld | load_character: | lodsb | or al, al | jz exit_calc_crc | xor dl, al | mov al, 8 | crc_byte: | shr edx, 1 | jnc loop_crc_byte | xor edx, HASH16FACTOR ;最奇怪的是这里,HASH16FACTOR这个值可以随便填 | loop_crc_byte: | dec al | jnz crc_byte | jmp load_character | exit_calc_crc: | xchg edx, eax | ;now ax is the hash 16,esi->string after the NULL character after last string | pop edx | ret | calc_hash16_end: | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end _start |
发布于:2003-03-31 11:28
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