使用ispExpert, 这是个宏的使用的例子。但是怎莫就是说找不到
Fatal Error 3500: Lower-level Module \'CBU28\' does not exist. Done: failed with exit code: 0002. 原有信息如下 ispDesignEXPERT Auto-Make Log File ---------------------------------- Updating: Functional Simulation Starting: \'C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS\\BIN\\ahdl2blf.exe xcbu.abv -vec -ovec xcbu.tmv -sim component -def _AMDMACH_ _MACH_ _MACH2_ _MACH4_ -err automake.err -gui\' AHDL2BLF ABEL-HDL Processor Copyright(C), 1992-2000, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved Portions Copyright(c), 1992-1999, Vantis Corporation Portions Copyright(C), 1993-1998, Data I/O Corporation Portions Copyright(C), 1997-1998, MINC Washington Corporation Portions Copyright(C), Alan Phillips, Lancaster University Computer Centre 1992-1998 Done: completed successfully. Starting: \'C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS\\BIN\\Synpwrap.exe -e xcbu28 -target mach\' Synplicity VHDL/Verilog HDL Synthesizer finished successfully Done: completed successfully. Starting: \'C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS\\BIN\\edif2blf.exe -edf xcbu28.edi -out xcbu28.bl0 -err automake.err -log xcbu28.log -lib \"C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS/dat/mach.edn\" -net_Vcc VCC -net_GND GND -nbx -dse -tlw -cvt YES -xor\' Starting EDIF2BLIF.... EDIF2BLIF: Warning: Net GND is floating and will be removed. readEDIF ended normally. Inspect circuit XCBU28 Number of input ports : 3 Number of output ports : 3 Number of bidir ports : 0 Number of instances : 28 Number of nets : 39 No design errors found in circuit XCBU28 WriteBLIF ended normally. Done: completed successfully. Starting: \'C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS\\BIN\\mblifopt.exe xcbu28.bl0 -collapse none -reduce none -keepwires -gui -err automake.err -family\' BLIFOPT Open-ABEL Optimizer U.C. Berkeley, SIS Ver. 1.0, supported by Lattice Semiconductor ispDesignEXPERT 8.03 Copyright 1992-2001 Lattice Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. Note 0000: BLIFOPT complete - Time 1 seconds Done: completed successfully. Starting: \'C:\\ISPTOOLS\\ISPSYS\\BIN\\mblflink.exe \"xcbu28.bl1\" -o \"component.bl2\" -omod \"component\" -gui -err \"automake.err\"\' BLIFLINK Top-Down Design Linker ispDesignEXPERT 8.03 Copyright 1992-2001 Lattice Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. Fatal Error 3500: Lower-level Module \'CBU28\' does not exist. Done: failed with exit code: 0002. 项目见附件 |
发布于:2002-08-25 20:11
使用ispExpert, 这是个宏的使用的例子。但是怎莫就是说找不到 太简单啦, 不用宏啦 |
发布于:2002-08-25 20:28
看不成 :mad: |
发布于:2002-08-25 22:34
没有软件 我再给你装一个 |