所以我定义了一个很大的unsigned int数组超过64K,用来存放HEX过的数据,准备烧到flash里面,但是由于.bss太大了,我想放到片外的SDRAM,SDRAM是在CE0空间。但是我发现只要是把.bss放在SDRAM里面,程序怎么链接都有问题。 如果.bss过大,出错就是 >> error: relocation overflow occured at address 0x00000000 in section \'.bios\' of input file \'c:/ti/c6000/bios/lib/biosi.a62\'. The 16-bit relocated address 0xae18 is too large to encode in the 15-bit field. You may need to add a mask to the assembly instruction or use other target specific assembly features if you really only need the lowest 15 bits of this symbol. Please see the section on Relocation in the Assembly User\'s Guide. 请问这个该怎么解决? 如果将来碰到很大的程序,需要数据空间超过64K怎么办? |