存储时:先存4个信号,在分别存两个UV信号。即存储器中数据为YYYY,UU,VV,YYYY等。是这样吗? 图像处理时,先处理Y,然后处理UV,是这样吗? |
发布于:2003-07-21 16:48
this web site is about the fourcc video data format, I think it have some help for you.
http://www.webartz.com/fourcc/indexyuv.htm on this web site you can get more detail info about YUV422. :D |
发布于:2003-07-21 23:16
YUV4:2:2 just a color format; it come from so call
YCrCb. the meaning is if a pixle is compsed of 8bits, there will be 4 bits for Y, 2bits for Cr, 2bits for Cb. if a pixel is composed of 16bits, there will be 8 bits for Y, 4bits for Cr and 4 bits for Cb. the YCrCb sequence will depends on the data source, mainly the video decoder, some may generate data as CrYCbYCrCb... some may generate CbYCrYCbYCr... and some can be like this YYYYYY.... CrCrCrCr.... CbCbCbCb.... if you have a certain hardware on hand, you better read the hardware data book to know all the details. if you just want to know in general, read some video related book. |