100分,请高手看一下 我的INF文件为什么总是安装失败????
我是在msplot的基础上必的,这已经是我写的第XX个INF文件了, :( :( :(
关于修改主要由以下几个方面 plotter.dll---->HTMLDrv.dll plottui.dll---->HTMLDrvUI.dll 这个只是原文件改了个名字. plottui.hlp---->HTMLDrv.hlp; 这个只是原文件改了个名字. 安装失败产生的提示是:未安装打印驱动程序,操作无法完成 ; Plotter.inf for DDK ; ; List of supported printers, manufacturers ; [Version] Signature=\"$Windows NT$\" Provider=%MS% ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer [ClassInstall32.NT] AddReg=printer_class_addreg [printer_class_addreg] HKR,,,,%PrinterClassName% HKR,,Icon,,\"-4\" HKR,,Installer32,,\"ntprint.dll,ClassInstall32\" HKR,,NoDisplayClass,,1 HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,\"printui.dll,PrinterPropPageProvider\" ; ; Manufacturer section. ; ; This section lists all of the manufacturers ; that we will display in the Dialog box ; [Manufacturer] %HP%=HP ; ; Model sections. ; ; Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order ; that they appear in the INF file. ; [HP] \"Temp Html Driver\" = HPGL2PEN.PCD,THD_7319,THD/2_Plotter ; Copy Sections ; ; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced ; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains ; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the ; installer section, using the @filename notation) or if it\'s a color ; profile (since the DestinationDirs can only handle sections, and not ; individual files). ; [HPGL2PEN.PCD] CopyFiles=@HTMLDrv.PCD,PLOTTER DataSection=PLOTTER_DATA [PLOTTER] HTMLDrv.DLL HTMLDrvUI.DLL HTMLDrv.HLP ; ; Data Sections ; ; These sections contain data that is shared between devices. ; [PLOTTER_DATA] DriverFile=HTMLDrv.DLL ConfigFile=HTMLDrvUI.DLL HelpFile=HTMLDrv.HLP ; ; Call SetupSetDirectoryId with 66000 to set the target directory at runtime ; (depending on which environment drivers are getting installed) ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 ; ; Source Disk Section ; This was added to enable Web Point&Print. ; All files added to this must also be added to Layout.INF ; [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = ,,, [SourceDisksFiles] HTMLDrv.pcd = 1 HTMLDrv.dll = 1 HTMLDrvUI.dll = 1 HTMLDrv.hlp = 1 ; ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] MS=\"Microsoft Windows 2000\" PrinterClassName=\"Printers\" ; Manufacturers HP=\"HP\" |
发布于:2005-04-07 17:59
不要用plotter的, 建议使用unidriv的, 如unidrvui.dll,unidrv.hlp, 数据文件*.gpd文件,随便找一个 |
发布于:2005-04-07 18:02
还有就是打印机名字要和*.gpd里面的名字保持一致 |
发布于:2005-04-08 08:59
还没搞定? 啊,谢谢snowstart,总算有人愿意帮忙了. 使用Unidrv???但是我的绘制插件里没有用到IPrintOemUni接口呀,使用是和msplot里一样的,是以纯drvEnableDriver开始的.还请snowStart指点一下. |
发布于:2005-04-08 12:29
那个例子跟插件没有任何关系 |
发布于:2005-04-13 10:48
你不试试,怎么知道是行,还是不行呢 多谢Snowstart的帮助,总算安装上了. 但是为什么在打印的时候会出现\"句柄无效\"提示,用SOFTICE也加载不了DLL的源码.现在正在想办法把原来的代码用DDK的build再编译一次. 总之,还是要谢谢SnowStart,下面我写的INF文件,贴出来,希望对以后的朋友能有用. |
发布于:2005-04-13 10:55
; OEMDLL.INF ; ; INF file for OEM DLL Customization samples ; ; Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation [Version] Signature=\"$Windows NT$\" Provider=%MS% LayoutFile=ntprint.inf ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer DriverVer=11/18/1999 ; ; Manufacturer section. ; ; This section lists all of the manufacturers ; that we will display in the Dialog box ; [Manufacturer] \"Microsoft\" ; ; Model sections. ; ; Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order ; that they appear in the INF file. ; [Microsoft] \"HTMLDrv\" = NT5_OEMUNI ; ; Installer Sections ; ; These sections control file installation, and reference all files that ; need to be copied. The section name will be assumed to be the driver ; file, unless there is an explicit DriverFile section listed. ; [NT5_OEMUNI] CopyFiles=@HTMLDrv.GPD CopyFiles=@HTMLDrv.INI CopyFiles=OEMUNI DataSection=UNIDRV_DATA DataFile=HTMLDrv.GPD Include=NTPRINT.INF Needs=UNIDRV.OEM ; Copy Sections ; ; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced ; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains ; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the ; installer section, using the @filename notation) or if it\'s a color ; profile (since the DestinationDirs can only handle sections, and not ; individual files). ; ; May need to modify this [PSCRIPT4] and [UNIDRV4] sections to comply ; with the actual released names of the of the NT 5 core drivers back ported to NT 4. [OEMUNI] HTMLDrv.DLL ; ; Location of source files not in Layout.inf. ; ; May need to alter the source locations for the pscript4 and Unidrv4 files ; to indicate where to install them from. [SourceDisksFiles] HTMLDrv.DLL = 1,,,, HTMLDrv.GPD = 1,,,, ; ; Call SetupSetDirectoryId with 66000 to set the target directory at runtime ; (depending on which environment drivers are getting installed) ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 ; ; Control Flags ; [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = 2369 ; ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] MS=\"Microsoft\" 下面是HTMLDrv.ini文件的内容. [OEMFiles] OEMDriverFile1=HTMLDrv.DLL |