为何用 RasSetEntryProperties 函数创建拨号连接时老是返回ERROR_INVALID_SIZE,高手们请指点
RASENTRY RasEntry; RASDIALPARAMS RasDialParams; HRASCONN hRasConn=NULL; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; TCHAR szError[100] = {0}; TCHAR szMsg[100] = {0}; // Initialize the RASENTRY structure. dwSize=sizeof(RASENTRY); memset (&RasEntry, 0, dwSize); RasEntry.dwSize=dwSize; RasEntry.dwfOptions=0; _tcscpy(RasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, _T("*99#")); RasEntry.dwfNetProtocols=RASNP_Ip; RasEntry.dwFramingProtocol=RASFP_Ppp; _tcscpy(RasEntry.szDeviceType,RASDT_Modem); _tcscpy(RasEntry.szDeviceName, _T("GPRS Modem")); // Create a new phone-book entry. dwError=RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, _T("My Dialer"), &RasEntry, sizeof(RASENTRY), NULL, 0); if (dwError!=0) { return(FALSE); } 返回的dwError值为632,我查过Raserror.h,632中ERROR_INVALID_SIZE,意思是我的结构大小传的不对,高手请指点一下,我的代码哪里有问题,万分感谢! |
发布于:2007-11-16 12:36
发布于:2007-11-19 09:45
我看有的论坛上说要先用RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwEntrySize, NULL, NULL)获取结构体的size,然后把dwEntrySize赋给RasEntry.dwSize,但我试过,结果返回87的错误码,晕死,谁来帮我看看啊,谢了!
发布于:2007-11-20 09:26
发布于:2008-03-24 17:58
Re:为何用 RasSetEntryProperties 函数创建拨号连接时老是返回ERR
怎么解决的,偶也遇到这个问题了 |
![]() |
发布于:2008-09-22 10:12
// DON'T USE "RASDT_Modem", use "modem", otherwise dwRV = 87
发布于:2008-10-17 11:31
達成 RAS Entry Porperties Set 功能已經四天了, 再不紀錄就快忘了. 先提幾個 Key Point, (1) Binary Data Structure 似乎找不到正式文件, 得笨笨的一個一個猜, (2) Device Name 和 Entry Name 不要混淆, 上週一就是這部份混淆了, 否則上週一就完成了, 之後還是靠比對 寫入 & Dialog 產生 的 Binary Data 才知道問提出在這.
RASRegSet 是以 Export Entire Class 的 DLL 方式 Implement, 主要的檔案有 3 個, Macro.h, CRASRegSet.h CRASRegSet.cpp, 分別 List 如下 (For WinCE 5.0) : Macro.h (For Export Entire Class PreDefine) #ifndef __RAS_MACRO__ #define __RAS_MACRO__ #ifndef AFX_EXT_DATA #ifdef _AFXEXT #define AFX_EXT_CLASS AFX_CLASS_EXPORT #define AFX_EXT_API AFX_API_EXPORT #define AFX_EXT_DATA AFX_DATA_EXPORT #define AFX_EXT_DATADEF #else #define AFX_EXT_CLASS AFX_CLASS_IMPORT #define AFX_EXT_API AFX_API_IMPORT #define AFX_EXT_DATA AFX_DATA_IMPORT #define AFX_EXT_DATADEF #endif #endif #endif CRASRegSet.h // CRASRegSet.h: interface for the CRASRegSet class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "Macro.h" #include #include #define __REG_NAME__ _T("BT Connection") #define __DEVICE_NAME__ _T("Bluetooth DUN on COM2") #define __PHONE_NUMBER__ _T("\*99\#") #define __COUNTRY_CODE__ 0×376 #define __AREA_CODE__ _T("03") #define __AT_CMD_LEN__ 331 // Following Data Struct Is Reversing From HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\Xxxx, (Xxxx Is Modem Device Name) // Use For API RasSetEntryProperties Parameter, For Set Modem & Extra Command Like "+cgdcont=1,"ip","internet" // 2008/10/03, Tony.Jou typedef struct { WORD wHeader; // 0×00(L:2), Val = 0×30, Unknown WORD wWaitForCreditCardSec; // 0×02(L:2), Val = 0×0, Wait For Credit Card Tone Seconds, WORD wCancelTimeOut; // 0×04(L:2), Val = 78 00 -> 0×78 WORD wReserved1; // 0×06(L:2), Val = 0×0, BYTE bFlowControl; // 0×08(L:1), Val = 0×0, // F.C. = None, Val = 0×0, // F.C. = H.W., Val = 0×10, // F.C. = S.W., Val = 0×20, BYTE bWaitForDialTone; // 0×09(L:1), Val = 0×1, Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing // Enable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×1 // Disable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×3 WORD wReserved2; // 0×0A(L:2), Val = 0×0, UINT uBaudRate; // 0×0C(L:4), Val = 00 c2 01 00, 0×0001c200 = 115200 WORD wTerminal; // 0×10(L:2), Val = 00(L^) 00(H) -> 0×0, digital (d2)(d1)(d0), // d2:Manual Dial, // d1:Use terminal window before dialing, // d0:Use terminal window after dialing, BYTE bDataBits; // 0×12(L:1), Val = 0×8, BYTE bStopBits; // 0×13(L:1), Val = 0×0, // StopBits = 1, Val = 0×0 // StopBits = 1.5,Val = 0×1 // StopBits = 2, Val = 0×2 WORD wParity; // 0×14(L:2), Val = 00(^L) 00(H) -> 0×0 // Parity = None, Val = 0×0 // Parity = Odd, Val = 0×1 // Parity = Even, Val = 0×2 // Parity = Mark, Val = 0×3 // Parity = Space,Val = 0×4 WCHAR wszAtCmd[__AT_CMD_LEN__]; // 0×16(L:662), // __AT_CMD_LEN__ ->331, Why "331" -> Reg DevCfg TotalLen : 684(0~0×2AB) // 684(0~0×2AB) - 22(0×0~0×15->0×16) = 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) // 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) / sizeof(WCHAR) } sDevConfig; class AFX_EXT_CLASS CRASRegSet { public: CRASRegSet(); virtual ~CRASRegSet(); bool UpdateRASReg(); private: sDevConfig m_DevConfig; RASENTRY m_RASEntry; bool InitVar(); bool GetRASEntries(); bool GetDeficeID(TCHAR *btname, int *iDeviceID); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_CRASREGSET_H__96AA9E65_FEE2_441F_A7E2_57CEF87FA627__INCLUDED_) CRASRegSet.cpp // CRASRegSet.cpp: implementation of the CRASRegSet class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "CRASRegSet.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CRASRegSet::CRASRegSet() { memset(m_DevConfig.wszAtCmd,0,__AT_CMD_LEN__*sizeof(WCHAR)); } CRASRegSet::~CRASRegSet() { } bool CRASRegSet::UpdateRASReg() { DWORD dwRet = 0; bool bRet = false; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; int iLineID = 0; int iDeviceID = 0; LONG lRet = -1; // This is important! Find the buffer size (different from sizeof(RASENTRY)). RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, L"", NULL, &dwBufferSize, NULL, NULL); dwSize = sizeof(m_DevConfig); bRet = InitVar(); //bRet = true; if (bRet) { dwRet = RasSetEntryProperties( NULL, __REG_NAME__, &m_RASEntry, dwBufferSize, (LPBYTE)&m_DevConfig, dwSize ); switch (dwRet) { case ERROR_BUFFER_INVALID: MessageBox(NULL,_T("ERROR_BUFFER_INVALID"),NULL,MB_OK); break; case ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PHONEBOOK: MessageBox(NULL,_T("ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PHONEBOOK"),NULL,MB_OK); break; default: break; } bRet = (dwRet?false:true); dwBufferSize = 0; m_RASEntry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, __REG_NAME__, NULL, &dwBufferSize, NULL, NULL); dwRet = RasGetEntryProperties( NULL, __REG_NAME__, &m_RASEntry, &dwBufferSize, (LPBYTE)&m_DevConfig, &dwSize ); bRet = (dwRet?false:true); } if (bRet) { bRet = GetRASEntries(); } if (bRet) { bRet = GetDeficeID(L"Bluetooth", &iDeviceID); } return bRet; if (bRet) { //lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"Comm"); //lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"tapi/line"); // lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"comm/datamodem/portname/Bluetooth DUN on COM2\0"); //lRet = lineSetDevConfig((DWORD)iDeviceID, &m_DevConfig, dwSize, L"Comm/datamodem"); bRet = (lRet?false:true); } return bRet; } bool CRASRegSet::InitVar() { // Read Config … // m_RASEntry Variable DWORD dwFlagOptions = 0; DWORD dwChannel = 0; bool bSpecificDNS = false; bool bSpecificIpAddr = false; int iDeviceType = 0; // Set Variable m_RASEntry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); memset((void*)&m_RASEntry, 0, m_RASEntry.dwSize); m_RASEntry.dwfOptions = RASEO_ProhibitEAP; dwFlagOptions = RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway; if (bSpecificDNS) { dwFlagOptions |= RASEO_SpecificNameServers; // example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×1 m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.a = 0×1; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.b = 0×1; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.c = 0×5F; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDns.d = 0xA8; // example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×2 m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.a = 0×2; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.b = 0×1; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.c = 0×5F; m_RASEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt.d = 0xA8; // example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×3 m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.a = 0×3; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.b = 0×1; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.c = 0×5F; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWins.d = 0xA8; // example : -> 0xA8, 0×5F, 0×1, 0×4 m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.a = 0×4; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.b = 0×1; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.c = 0×5F; m_RASEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt.d = 0xA8; } if (bSpecificIpAddr) { dwFlagOptions |= RASEO_SpecificIpAddr; // example : -> 0xCB, 0×16, 0×5F, 0×2A m_RASEntry.ipaddr.a = 0×2A; m_RASEntry.ipaddr.b = 0×5F; m_RASEntry.ipaddr.c = 0×16; m_RASEntry.ipaddr.d = 0xCB; } m_RASEntry.dwfOptions = dwFlagOptions; m_RASEntry.dwCountryCode = __COUNTRY_CODE__; // _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szAreaCode, __AREA_CODE__); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, __PHONE_NUMBER__); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szDeviceName, __DEVICE_NAME__); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25PadType, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25Address, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25Facilities, _T("")); _tcscpy(m_RASEntry.szX25UserData, _T("")); m_RASEntry.dwfNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip; m_RASEntry.dwFramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp; switch (iDeviceType) { case 0: _tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem); break; case 1: _tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Direct); break; case 2: _tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem); break; default: _tcscpy (m_RASEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Vpn); break; } // Number specifying the number of channels supported by the device, // where 1 is mono, 2 is stereo, and so on. m_RASEntry.dwChannels = dwChannel; m_RASEntry.dwReserved1 = 0; m_RASEntry.dwReserved2 = 0; m_RASEntry.dwCustomAuthKey = 0; // Init DevConfig /* WORD wHeader; // 0×00(L:2), Val = 0×30, Unknown WORD wWaitForCreditCardSec; // 0×02(L:2), Val = 0×0, Wait For Credit Card Tone Seconds, WORD wCancelTimeOut; // 0×04(L:2), Val = 78 00 -> 0×78 WORD wReserved1; // 0×06(L:2), Val = 0×0, BYTE bFlowControl; // 0×08(L:1), Val = 0×0, // F.C. = None, Val = 0×0, // F.C. = H.W., Val = 0×10, // F.C. = S.W., Val = 0×20, BYTE bWaitForDialTone; // 0×09(L:1), Val = 0×1, Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing // Enable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×1 // Disable Wait For Dial Tone Before Dialing, Val = 0×3 WORD wReserved2; // 0×0A(L:2), Val = 0×0, UINT uBaudRate; // 0×0C(L:4), Val = 00 c2 01 00, 0×0001c200 = 115200 WORD wTerminal; // 0×10(L:2), Val = 00(L^) 00(H) -> 0×0, digital (d2)(d1)(d0), // d2:Manual Dial, // d1:Use terminal window before dialing, // d0:Use terminal window after dialing, BYTE bDataBits; // 0×12(L:1), Val = 0×8, BYTE bStopBits; // 0×13(L:1), Val = 0×0, // StopBits = 1, Val = 0×0 // StopBits = 1.5,Val = 0×1 // StopBits = 2, Val = 0×2 WORD wParity; // 0×14(L:2), Val = 00(^L) 00(H) -> 0×0 // Parity = None, Val = 0×0 // Parity = Odd, Val = 0×1 // Parity = Even, Val = 0×2 // Parity = Mark, Val = 0×3 // Parity = Space,Val = 0×4 WCHAR wszAtCmd[331]; // 0×16(L:662), // Why "331" -> Reg DevCfg TotalLen : 684(0~0×2AB) // 684(0~0×2AB) - 22(0×0~0×15->0×16) = 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) // 662(0×16~0×2AB->0×296) / sizeof(WCHAR) */ m_DevConfig.wHeader = 0×30; // 0×00(L:2) m_DevConfig.wWaitForCreditCardSec = 0×0;// 0×02(L:2), m_DevConfig.wCancelTimeOut = 0×78; // 0×04(L:2), m_DevConfig.wReserved1 = 0×0; // 0×06(L:2), m_DevConfig.bFlowControl = 0×0; // 0×08(L:1), m_DevConfig.bWaitForDialTone = 0×1; // 0×09(L:1), m_DevConfig.wReserved2 = 0×0; // 0×0A(L:2), m_DevConfig.uBaudRate = 0×0001c200; // 0×0C(L:4), m_DevConfig.wTerminal = 0×0; // 0×10(L:2), m_DevConfig.bDataBits = 0×8; // 0×12(L:1), m_DevConfig.bStopBits = 0×0; // 0×13(L:1), m_DevConfig.wParity = 0×0; // 0×14(L:2), _tcscpy(m_DevConfig.wszAtCmd, _T("+cops=1,2,\"46692\";+cgdcont=1,\"ip\",\"internet\"")); return true; } bool CRASRegSet::GetRASEntries() { DWORD dwRet = -1; DWORD cb; DWORD cEntries; bool bRet = false; LPRASENTRYNAME lpRASEntryName; int i = 0; lpRASEntryName = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(RASENTRYNAME)); lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME); if ((dwRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lpRASEntryName, &cb, &cEntries)) == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { lpRASEntryName = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb); lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME); } // Calling RasEnumEntries to enumerate the phonebook entries dwRet = RasEnumEntries(NULL, NULL, lpRASEntryName, &cb, &cEntries); if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE(_T("RasEnumEntries failed: Error %d\n"), dwRet); } else { TRACE(_T("Phone book entries in the default phonebook:\n\n")); for(i=0;i < cEntries;i++) { TRACE(_T("%s\n"),lpRASEntryName->szEntryName); if(_tcsncmp((lpRASEntryName + i)->szEntryName, __DEVICE_NAME__, _tcslen(__DEVICE_NAME__)) == 0) { lpRASEntryName = (LPRASENTRYNAME)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb); lpRASEntryName->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRYNAME); return TRUE; } } } bRet = (dwRet?false:true); return bRet; } bool CRASRegSet::GetDeficeID(TCHAR *btname, int *iDeviceID) { LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfo = NULL; DWORD dwBufSize = 0; DWORD dwNumDevices = 0; DWORD dwDeviceID = 0; DWORD dwErr; // find the buffer size needed dwErr = RasEnumDevices(NULL, &dwBufSize, &dwNumDevices); if (!dwBufSize) return false; lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBufSize); if (!lpRasDevInfo) return false; lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); if (RasEnumDevices(lpRasDevInfo, &dwBufSize, &dwNumDevices)) { LocalFree(lpRasDevInfo); return false; } dwDeviceID = 0; // // Find the correct device ID for this connection type // while (dwDeviceID < dwNumDevices) { if (wcsncmp((lpRasDevInfo + dwDeviceID)->szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem, wcslen(RASDT_Modem)) == 0) { if(wcsncmp((lpRasDevInfo + dwDeviceID)->szDeviceName, btname, wcslen(btname)) == 0) { LocalFree(lpRasDevInfo); *iDeviceID = dwDeviceID; return true; } } dwDeviceID++; } LocalFree(lpRasDevInfo); return false; } |
发布于:2009-06-27 17:48
回 3楼(hirock) 的帖子
我也碰到了这个问题,如何解决阿,请出来指导下,感谢 |