下面我选择了4个国家语言支持。有4个同样的警告!!!有谁知道怎么回事么?谢谢回复!!! Build started at 04/20/04 10:57:52. Calculating size of cabinet files... Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0404-Chinese (Traditional)\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0009-English\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0011-Japanese\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0012-Korean\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Copying uncompressed setup files... Preprocessing data for data1.hdr... Component: <Support> Component: <Support>\\Engine Component: <Support>\\Engine\\Log Component: <Support>\\Engine\\Kernel File group: <Engine>Kernel Placeholder File group: <Engine>EngineCommonPlaceHolder Component: <Support>\\Main Installation Component: <Data> Component: Script File group: <Support>Script Component: Setup File group: <Support>Language Independent OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Language Independent Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>English OS Independent Files File group: <Support>English Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Japanese OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Japanese Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Korean OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Korean Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Misc Support Files Component: StrTbl File group: <Support>English String Tables File group: <Support>Korean String Tables File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) String Tables File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) String Tables File group: <Support>Japanese String Tables Component: RunTime File group: <Support>Non-SelfRegistering Component: Resource File group: <Support>English Files File group: <Support>Japanese Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) Files File group: <Support>Korean Files Component: Disk<1> File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(1) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(2) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(3) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(4) Component: <ISUS>Update Service Executables File group: <ISUS>Agent - Reg Shared File group: <ISUS>Web Agent - Reg File group: <ISUS>Player - Reg Shared File group: <ISUS>Player Stub - Reg Shared Component: Main App File group: App Executables File group: App Self Reg DLLs Component: Tutorial File group: Tutorial Files Component: Examples File group: Example Files Processing registries... Building cabinet file data1.hdr... Building cabinet file data1.cab... Component: <Support> Component: <Support>\\Engine Component: <Support>\\Engine\\Log Component: <Support>\\Engine\\Kernel File group: <Engine>Kernel Placeholder File group: <Engine>EngineCommonPlaceHolder Component: <Support>\\Main Installation Component: <Support>\\Main Installation\\Script File group: <Support>Script Component: <Support>\\Main Installation\\Setup File group: <Support>Language Independent OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Language Independent Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>English OS Independent Files File group: <Support>English Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Japanese OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Japanese Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Korean OS Independent Files File group: <Support>Korean Intel 32 Files File group: <Support>Misc Support Files Component: <Support>\\Main Installation\\StrTbl File group: <Support>English String Tables File group: <Support>Korean String Tables File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) String Tables File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) String Tables File group: <Support>Japanese String Tables Component: <Support>\\Main Installation\\RunTime File group: <Support>Non-SelfRegistering Component: <Support>\\Main Installation\\Resource File group: <Support>English Files File group: <Support>Japanese Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Simplified) Files File group: <Support>Chinese (Traditional) Files File group: <Support>Korean Files Component: <Data> Building cabinet file data2.cab... Component: <Data>\\Disk<1> File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(1) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(2) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(3) File group: <Disk1>Disk1 Files(4) Component: <Data>\\<ISUS>Update Service Executables File group: <ISUS>Agent - Reg Shared File group: <ISUS>Web Agent - Reg File group: <ISUS>Player - Reg Shared File group: <ISUS>Player Stub - Reg Shared Component: <Data>\\Main App File group: App Executables File group: App Self Reg DLLs Component: <Data>\\Tutorial File group: Tutorial Files Component: <Data>\\Examples File group: Example Files Creating disk layout file \'layout.bin\'... Build finished at 04/20/04 10:58:00. New CD-ROM Media - 0 error(s), 4 warning(s) |
发布于:2004-04-23 15:53
发布于:2004-04-29 00:49
发布于:2004-04-29 10:33
我现在用VC做了一个程序(英文版),我现在想让我的程序支持简体中文和繁体中文,我应该在程序和InstallShield安装上怎么做?能告诉我一个方向? |
发布于:2004-04-29 12:37
to aquariuscamus:
这样的错误可以把和打开Media\\New CD-ROM Media\\Disk Images\\Disk1文件夹有关的程序或浏览器关掉再编译一下就ok了。 to sy10302: 你要下载你installshield相对应版本的东、西方语言包安装就ok了。 我上面的问题不知道那位大侠知道的,当安装完语言包后,如果同时选择几个国家语言时,编译时总是有警告说找不到语言包的dll。 Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0404-Chinese (Traditional)\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0009-English\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0011-Japanese\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. Warning -5006: \'EnterPassword\' dialog resource not found in resource library F:\\Program Files\\InstallShield\\Professional 7\\Redistributable\\Compressed Files\\0012-Korean\\Intel 32\\_isres.dll. |
发布于:2004-07-25 14:59