CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles [DriverCopyFiles] mchpusb.sys,,,2 ~~~这里几个逗号和这个2是啥意思??? |
发布于:2005-04-21 08:30
destination-file-name[,source-file-name][,temporary-file-name][,flag] ... An INF-writer-defined file-list-section can have any number of entries, each on a separate line. Each file-list-section can have an optional, associated file-list-section.security section of the following form: [file-list-section.security] \"security-descriptor-string\" file-list-section Entries destination-file-name Specifies the name of the destination file. If no source-file-name is given, this specification is also the name of the source file. source-file-name Specifies the name of the source file. If the source and destination file names for the file copy operation are the same, source-file-name can be omitted. temporary-file-name Specifies the name of a temporary file to be created in the copy operation if a file of the same name on the destination is open or currently in use. Only used on Windows 9x/Me platforms. The NT-based OS automatically generates temporary file names when necessary and renames the copied source files the next time the OS is started. flag These optional flags, expressed in hexadecimal notation or as a decimal value in a section entry, can be used to control how (or whether) a particular source file is copied to the destination. One or more (ORed) values for the following system-defined flags can be specified, but some of these flags are mutually exclusive: 0x00000400 (COPYFLG_REPLACEONLY) Copy the source file to the destination directory only if the file is already present in the destination directory. 0x00000800 (COPYFLG_NODECOMP) Copy the source file to the destination directory without decompressing the source file if it is compressed. 0x00000008 (COPYFLG_FORCE_FILE_IN_USE) Force file-in-use behavior: do not copy over an existing file of the same name if it is currently open. Instead, copy the given source file with a temporary name so that it can be renamed and used when the next reboot occurs. 0x00000010 (COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE) Do not replace an existing file in the destination directory with a source file of the same name. This flag cannot be combined with any other flags. 0x00001000 (COPYFLG_REPLACE_BOOT_FILE) This file is required by the system loader. The system will prompt the user to reboot the system. 0x00002000 (COPYFLG_NOPRUNE) Do not delete this operation as a result of optimization. For example, Setup might determine that the file copy operation is not necessary because the file already exists. However, the writer of the INF knows that the operation is required and directs Setup to override its optimization and perform the file operation. (This flag can be used to ensure that files are copied if they are also specified in an INF DelFiles directive or an INF RenFiles directive.) 0x00000020 (COPYFLG_NO_VERSION_DIALOG) Do not write over a file in the destination directory with the source file if the existing file is newer than the source file. This flag is irrelevant to digitally signed INF files. If a driver package is digitally signed, Setup installs the package as a whole and does not selectively omit files in the package based on other versions already present on the machine. 0x00000004 (COPYFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK) Ignore file versions and write over existing files in the destination directory. This flag and the next two are mutually exclusive. This flag is irrelevant to digitally signed INF files. 0x00000040 (COPYFLG_OVERWRITE_OLDER_ONLY) Copy the source file to the destination directory only if the file on the destination will be superseded by a newer version. This flag is irrelevant to digitally signed INF files. 0x00000001 (COPYFLG_WARN_IF_SKIP) Send a warning if the user elects to not copy a file. This flag and the next are mutually exclusive, and both are irrelevant to INF files that are digitally signed. 0x00000002 (COPYFLG_NOSKIP) Do not allow the user to skip copying a file. This flag is implied if the driver package is signed. |