哪儿有_eprocess 的完整结构体,可以直接在ddk里使用的,ddk里好像没有导出这个结构体
哪儿有_eprocess 的完整结构体,可以直接在ddk里使用的,ddk里好像没有导出这个结构体,谢谢大家了。
发布于:2009-01-26 16:21
在SOURCE.CODE.MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.2000.AND.NT4-BTDE\windows_2000_source_code\win2k\private\ntos\inc\ps.h 头文件中可以找到如下定义: // Process structure. // // If you remove a field from this structure, please also // remove the reference to it from within the kernel debugger // (nt\private\sdktools\ntsd\ntkext.c) // typedef struct _EPROCESS { KPROCESS Pcb; NTSTATUS ExitStatus; KEVENT LockEvent; ULONG LockCount; LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; LARGE_INTEGER ExitTime; PKTHREAD LockOwner; HANDLE UniqueProcessId; LIST_ENTRY ActiveProcessLinks; // // Quota Fields // SIZE_T QuotaPeakPoolUsage[2]; SIZE_T QuotaPoolUsage[2]; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T CommitCharge; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; // // VmCounters // SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize; SIZE_T VirtualSize; MMSUPPORT Vm; LIST_ENTRY SessionProcessLinks; PVOID DebugPort; PVOID ExceptionPort; PHANDLE_TABLE ObjectTable; // // Security // PACCESS_TOKEN Token; // This field must never be null // FAST_MUTEX WorkingSetLock; PFN_NUMBER WorkingSetPage; BOOLEAN ProcessOutswapEnabled; BOOLEAN ProcessOutswapped; UCHAR AddressSpaceInitialized; BOOLEAN AddressSpaceDeleted; FAST_MUTEX AddressCreationLock; KSPIN_LOCK HyperSpaceLock; struct _ETHREAD *ForkInProgress; USHORT VmOperation; UCHAR ForkWasSuccessful; UCHAR MmAgressiveWsTrimMask; PKEVENT VmOperationEvent; PVOID PaeTop; ULONG LastFaultCount; ULONG ModifiedPageCount; PVOID VadRoot; PVOID VadHint; PVOID CloneRoot; PFN_NUMBER NumberOfPrivatePages; PFN_NUMBER NumberOfLockedPages; USHORT NextPageColor; BOOLEAN ExitProcessCalled; // // Used by Debug Subsystem // BOOLEAN CreateProcessReported; HANDLE SectionHandle; // // Peb // PPEB Peb; PVOID SectionBaseAddress; PEPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK QuotaBlock; NTSTATUS LastThreadExitStatus; PPAGEFAULT_HISTORY WorkingSetWatch; HANDLE Win32WindowStation; HANDLE InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; ULONG DefaultHardErrorProcessing; PVOID LdtInformation; PVOID VadFreeHint; PVOID VdmObjects; PVOID DeviceMap; // // Id of the Hydra session in which this process is running // ULONG SessionId; LIST_ENTRY PhysicalVadList; union { HARDWARE_PTE PageDirectoryPte; ULONGLONG Filler; }; ULONG PaePageDirectoryPage; UCHAR ImageFileName[ 16 ]; ULONG VmTrimFaultValue; BOOLEAN SetTimerResolution; UCHAR PriorityClass; union { struct { UCHAR SubSystemMinorVersion; UCHAR SubSystemMajorVersion; }; USHORT SubSystemVersion; }; PVOID Win32Process; struct _EJOB *Job; ULONG JobStatus; LIST_ENTRY JobLinks; PVOID LockedPagesList; // // Used by rdr/security for authentication // PVOID SecurityPort ; PWOW64_PROCESS Wow64Process; LARGE_INTEGER ReadOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER WriteOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER OtherOperationCount; LARGE_INTEGER ReadTransferCount; LARGE_INTEGER WriteTransferCount; LARGE_INTEGER OtherTransferCount; SIZE_T CommitChargeLimit; SIZE_T CommitChargePeak; LIST_ENTRY ThreadListHead; PRTL_BITMAP VadPhysicalPagesBitMap; ULONG_PTR VadPhysicalPages; KSPIN_LOCK AweLock; } EPROCESS; typedef struct _ETHREAD { KTHREAD Tcb; union { // // The fact that this is a union means that all accesses to CreateTime // must be sanitized using the two macros above. // LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; // // These fields are accessed only by the owning thread, but can be // accessed from within a special kernel APC so IRQL protection must // be applied. // struct { unsigned NestedFaultCount : 2; unsigned ApcNeeded : 1; }; }; union { LARGE_INTEGER ExitTime; LIST_ENTRY LpcReplyChain; }; union { NTSTATUS ExitStatus; PVOID OfsChain; }; // // Registry // LIST_ENTRY PostBlockList; LIST_ENTRY TerminationPortList; // also used as reaper links KSPIN_LOCK ActiveTimerListLock; LIST_ENTRY ActiveTimerListHead; CLIENT_ID Cid; // // Lpc // KSEMAPHORE LpcReplySemaphore; PVOID LpcReplyMessage; // -> Message that contains the reply ULONG LpcReplyMessageId; // MessageId this thread is waiting for reply to // // Security // // // Client - If non null, indicates the thread is impersonating // a client. // ULONG PerformanceCountLow; PPS_IMPERSONATION_INFORMATION ImpersonationInfo; // // Io // LIST_ENTRY IrpList; // // File Systems // ULONG_PTR TopLevelIrp; // either NULL, an Irp or a flag defined in FsRtl.h struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceToVerify; // // Mm // ULONG ReadClusterSize; BOOLEAN ForwardClusterOnly; BOOLEAN DisablePageFaultClustering; BOOLEAN DeadThread; BOOLEAN HideFromDebugger; ULONG HasTerminated; // // Client/server // ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; PEPROCESS ThreadsProcess; PVOID StartAddress; union { PVOID Win32StartAddress; ULONG LpcReceivedMessageId; }; BOOLEAN LpcExitThreadCalled; BOOLEAN HardErrorsAreDisabled; BOOLEAN LpcReceivedMsgIdValid; BOOLEAN ActiveImpersonationInfo; LONG PerformanceCountHigh; LIST_ENTRY ThreadListEntry; } ETHREAD; |