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Playing with GPU

更多 发布于:2007-08-03 14:21
     3D cards are just GREAT, period. When you're installing such a card in
your computer, you're not just plugging a device that can render nice
graphics, you're also putting a mini-computer in your own computer. Today's
graphical cards aren't a simple chip anymore. They have memory, they have a
processor, they even have a BIOS ! You can enjoy a LOT of features from
these little things.

     First of all, let's consider what a 3D card really is. 3D cards are
here to enhance your computer performances rendering 3D and to send output
for your screen to display. As I said, there are three parts that interest
us in our 3v1L doings :

       1/ The Video RAM. It is memory embedded on the card. This memory is
used to store the scene to be rendered and to store computed results. Most
of today's cards come with more than 256 MB of memory, which provide us a
nice place to store our stuff.

       2/ The Graphical Processing Unit (shortly GPU). It constitutes the
processor of your 3D card. Most of 3D operations are maths, so most of the
GPU instructions compute maths designed to graphics.

       3/ The BIOS. A lot of devices include today their own BIOS. 3D cards
make no exception, and their little BIOS can be very interesting as they
contain the firmware of your 3D card, and when you access a firmware, well,
you can just nearly do anything you dream to do.

       I'll give ideas about what we can do with these three elements, but
first we need to know how to play with the card. Sadly, as to play with any
device in your computer, you need the specs of your material and most 3D
cards are not open enough to do whatever we want. But this is not a big
problem in itself as we can use a simple API which will talk with the card
for us. Of course, this prevents us to use tricks on the card in certain
conditions, like in a shellcode, but once you've gained root and can do
what pleases you to do on the system it isn't an issue anymore. The API I'm
talking about is OpenGL (see [3]), and if you're not already familiar with
it, I suggest you to read the tutorials on [4]. OpenGL is a 3D programming
API defined by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board which is composed of
members from many of the industry's leading graphics vendors. This library
often comes with your drivers and by using it, you can develop easily
portable code that will use features of the present 3D card.

       As we now know how to communicate with the card, let's take a deeper
look at this hardware piece. GPU are used to transform a 3D environment
(the "scene") given by the programmer into a 2D image (your screen).
Basically, a GPU is a computing pipeline applying various mathematical
operations on data. I won't introduce here the complete process of
transforming a 3D scene into a 2D display as it is not the point of this
paper. In our case, all you have to know is :

   1/ The GPU is used to transform input (usually a 3D scene but nothing
prevents us from inputing anything else)

   2/ These transformations are done using mathematical operations commonly
used in graphical programming (and again nothing prevents us from using
those operations for another purpose)

   3/ The pipeline is composed of two main computations each involving
multiple steps of data transformation :

     - Transformation and Lighting : this step translates 3D objects
     into 2D nets of polygons (usually triangles), generating a
     wireframe rendering.

     - Rasterization : this step takes the wireframe rendering as input
     data and computes pixels values to be displayed on the screen.

      So now, let's take a look at what we can do with all these features.
What interests us here is to hide data where it would be hard to find it
and to execute instructions outside the processor of the computer. I won't
talk about patching 3D cards firmware as it requires heavy reverse
engineering and as it is very specific for each card, which is not the
subject of this paper.

    First, let's consider instructions execution. Of course, as we are
playing with a 3D card, we can't do everything we can do with a computer
processor like triggering software interrupts, issuing I/O operations or
manipulating memory, but we can do lots of mathematical operations. For
example, we can encrypt and decrypt data with the 3D card's processor
which can render the reverse engineering task quite painful. Also, it can
speed up programs relying on heavy mathematical operations by letting the
computer processor do other things while the 3D card computes for him. Such
things have already been widely done. In fact, some people are already
having fun using GPU for various purposes (see [5]). The idea here is to
use the GPU to transform data we feed him with. GPUs provide a system to
program them called "shaders". You can think of shaders as a programmable
hook within the GPU which allows you to add your own routines in the data
transformation processus. These hooks can be triggered in two places of the
computing pipeline, depending on the shader you're using. Traditionnaly,
shaders are used by programmers to add special effects on the rendering
process and as the rendering process is composed of two steps, the GPU
provides two programmable shaders. The first shader is called the
"Vexter shader". This shader is used during the transformation and lighting
step. The second shader is called the "Pixel shader" and this one is used
during the rasterization processus.

      Ok, so now we have two entry points in the GPU system, but this
doesn't tell us how to develop and inject our own routines. Again, as we
are playing in the hardware world, there are several ways to do it,
depending on the hardware and the system you're running on. Shaders use
their own programming languages, some are low level assembly-like
languages, some others are high level C-like languages. The three main
languages used today are high level ones :

      - High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) : this language is provided by
      Microsoft's DirectX API, so you need MS Windows to use it. (see [6])

      - OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL or GLSlang) : this language is
      provided by the OpenGL API. (see [7])

      - Cg : this language was introduced by NVIDIA to program on their
      hardware using either the DirectX API or the OpenGL one. Cg comes
      with a full toolkit distributed by NVIDIA for free (see [8] and [9]).

    Now that we know how to program GPUs, let's consider the most
interesting part : data hiding. As I said, 3D cards come with a nice
amount of memory. Of course, this memory is aimed at graphical usage but
nothing prevents us to store some stuff in it. In fact, with the help of
shaders we can even ask the 3D card to store and encrypt our data. This is
fairly easy to do : we put the data in the beginning of the pipeline, we
program the shaders to decide how to store and encrypt it and we're done.
Then, retrieving this data is nearly the same operation : we ask the
shaders to decrypt it and to send it back to us. Note that this encryption
is really weak, as we rely only on shaders' computing and as the encryption
and decryption process can be reversed by simply looking at the shaders
programming in your code, but this can constitutes an effective way to
improve already existing tricks (a 3D card based Shiva could be fun).

    Ok, so now we can start coding stuff taking advantage of our 3D cards.
But wait ! We don't want to mess with shaders, we don't want to learn
about 3D programming, we just want to execute code on the device so we can
quickly test what we can do with those devices. Learning shaders
programming is important because it allows to understand the device better
but it can be really long for people unfamiliar with the 3D world.
Recently, nVIDIA released a SDK allowing programmers to easily use 3D
devices for other purposes than graphisms. nVIDIA CUDA (see [10]) is a SDK
allowing programmers to use the C language with new keywords used to tell
the compiler which part of the code should be executed on the device and
which part of the code should be executed on the CPU. CUDA also comes with
various mathematical libraries.

     Here is a funny code to illustrate the use of CUDA :

------[ 3ddb.c

** 3ddb.c : a very simple program used to store an array in
** GPU memory and make the GPU "encrypt" it. Compile it using nvcc.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <cutil.h>
#include <cuda.h>

/*** GPU code and data ***/

char *        store;

__global__ void    encrypt(int key)
  /* do any encryption you want here */
  /* and put the result into 'store' */
  /* (you need to modify CPU code if */
  /* the encrypted text size is      */
  /* different than the clear text   */
  /* one). */

/*** end of GPU code and data ***/

/*** CPU code and data ***/
CUdevice    dev;

void        usage(char * cmd)
  fprintf(stderr, "usage is : %s <string> <key>\n", cmd);

void        init_gpu()
  int        count;

  if (count <= 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "error : could not connect to any 3D card\n");
  CU_SAFE_CALL(cuDeviceGet(&dev, 0));

int        main(int argc, char ** argv)
  int        key;
  char *    res;

  if (argc != 3)
  CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&store, strlen(argv[1])));
  res = malloc(strlen(argv[1]));
  key = atoi(argv[2]);
  encrypt<<<128, 256>>>(key);
  for (i = 0; i < strlen(argv[1]); i++)
    printf("%c", res);
  CUT_EXIT(argc, argv);
  return 0;

本文为节选,完整文章见Phrack64 -- Hacking deeper in the system
  • 注册日期2006-03-11
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发布于:2007-08-03 16:54
顺便问一句:有些文章中“on-the-fly”和“in the wild”该怎么翻译?
  • 注册日期2006-04-07
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发布于:2007-08-03 19:33
引用第1楼z.b.Azy于2007-08-03 16:54发表的  :
顺便问一句:有些文章中“on-the-fly”和“in the wild”该怎么翻译?

后面那个我看了一下原文,是use in the wild,那基本上就是widely used(广泛使用)的意思了
  • 注册日期2006-03-11
  • 最后登录2013-04-29
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发布于:2007-08-07 14:03
引用第2楼123456789012于2007-08-03 19:33发表的  :

后面那个我看了一下原文,是use in the wild,那基本上就是widely used(广泛使用)的意思了

