An Introduction to Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machine (HVM) Rootkits
An Introduction to Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machine (HVM) Rootkits
Michael Myers Stephen Youndt Crucial Security Crucial Security http://crucialsecurity.com/ August 7, 2007 Abstract Since mid-2006, a number of security researchers have made public claims about a theoretical rootkit tech- nique based on the hardware-assisted virtualization ca- pabilities of the most recent x86 processors from AMD and Intel. The presentations on the topic generated a great deal of excitement and private research. Un- til recently, however, there were no publicly-available source code or implementation details available. This paper and its associated source code presents a min- imal hypervisor framework for a rootkit. Supporting code to insert the hypervisor into a running Windows XP system is also provided. 1 Introduction Hypervisor Virtual Machine (HVM) rootkits were first described in 2006 [1, 2], but few implementation de- tails were available. Recently, source code for an Intel- specific implementation of an HVM rootkit was con- tributed to Rootkit.com [3] and an AMD implementa- tion followed soon after at BluePillProject.org [4]. In this paper, we provide an introduction and overview of currently-available knowledge on the topic of HVM rootkits, as well as implementation details to complement previously-discussed research on the method. We will consider the detection techniques that have been proposed to date and evaluate the vi- ability of each. In addition, we will provide the components neces- sary to create an HVM rootkit on an AMD multi-core x86 processor. Although not presenting a complete so- lution, this paper will describe the unique features and provide sufficient source code for a programmer knowl- edgeable in contemporary rootkits to begin working with virtualization technology. 2 AMD Virtualization In our hypervisor example, only AMD Virtualiza- tion (AMD-VTM) technology, formerly known by the code name “Pacifica,” will be implemented. Although Intel VT-xTM (code-named “Vanderpool”) technol- ogy is similar, a multi-platform implementation would require significant additional code and complexity. Nonetheless, the discussions in this paper should serve as a road map to implementing similar functionality on IntelTM hardware. AMD-V, also referred to as “AMD Secure Virtual Machine” (SVM) technology in the AMD program- mer’s manuals [5], is implemented as a set of excep- tions which intercepts any instructions or CPU events that may affect the hypervisor or its guests. AMD-V defines several new instructions, registers and control flags to implement a more privileged mode, or “ring minus one.” Previously, ring zero was the most privi- leged mode implemented in the x86 architecture. Data structures known as Virtual Machine Control Blocks (VMCB) allow exceptions to be controlled. VMCBs are not shared amongst processor cores. The instructions defined to implement SVM include those to execute a guest (VMRUN) and manage guest state information (VMSAVE and VMLOAD). The VMMCALL instruction allows guests to explicitly communicate with the hypervisor while STGI and CLGI are used to control global interrupts. INVLPGA is used to invalidate entries in the memory controller’s Translation Looka- side Buffer (TLB) while SKINIT provides the ability to implement a secure hypervisor loader. In addi- tion, the MOV instruction has been extended to directly read and write the CR8 control register (Task Prior- ity Register), as an SVM-related performance speed- up. Lastly, enabling SVM affects the behavior of a number of existing AMD64 instructions. Overall, the newly defined instructions are used primarily for creat- ing the hypervisor and switching between a guest and the host (known as a “world switch”). The VMCB is described in the AMD64 Architec- 1 ture Programmer’s Manual.[5] The VMCB consists of two areas. The first area contains control bits includ- ing the intercept enable mask. This mask determines which conditions cause a #VMEXIT. The second area maintains the guest state. This save state area pre- serves the segment registers and most of the virtual memory and entry point control registers, but not the general purpose or floating point registers. Most of the VMCB (2564 bytes in size) is currently defined as un- used bytes and is reserved for future expansion. The VMCB must be allocated as page-aligned contiguous physical memory. The central functionality in any AMD-V hypervi- sor is a loop of VMRUN followed by #VMEXIT process- ing. The hypervisor initiates guest operation by ex- ecuting the VMRUN instruction, providing the appro- priate VMCB. Execution of the guest continues until an enabled #VMEXIT condition occurs. Control returns to the hypervisor at the instruction following VMRUN. The guest state, including the reason for the #VMEXIT, is placed in the save-state area of the VMCB. The hypervisor may emulate, deny, or alter the execution of the intercepted instruction by making changes to the VMCB. Table 2 shows the logical layout of the VMCB[5]. Listing 1 is the C language listing for the VMCB. The functionality of primary interest in an HVM rootkit is the set of enabled exception conditions in the VMCB and the method chosen for handling the #VMEXIT conditions. Although nearly any operation can be intercepted by the hypervisor, a minimal AMD- V hypervisor need only trap execution of the VMRUN instruction. 3 Intel Virtualization IntelTM Virtualization Technology for IA-32 proces- sors is known as VT-x. These extensions are concep- tually the same as those implemented in AMD-V, but many of the details differ significantly. Some of these differences stem from the fact that while the AMD64 memory controller is on-die with the CPU, Intel im- plementation is on a separate chip. The primary VT-x data structure is the VMCS. It fills the same role of the AMD-V VMCB, but has a completely different structure. The VMCS is of vary- ing length and indicates that Intel may produce in- compatible revisions of VT-x since the structure starts with a revision number and states that software should not use a VMCS of one revision on a processor of an- other. Table 3 shows the initial fields of the VMCS. The VMCS data is made up of varying length sections. These are described briefly in Table 4. The instructions that make up the VT-x extensions include VMPTRLD and VMPTRST which respectively load to and save from the current-VMCS pointer. The VMCLEAR instruction ensures that data for the VMCS specified are copied to the VMCS region in mem- ory and initializes parts of the VMCS region. The VMWRITE and VMREAD instructions copy components of the VMCS to and from the contents of a register operand. VMCALL is used in non-root operation to allow the guest to interact with the HVM. The VMLAUNCH in- struction begins execution of a guest, while VMRESUME continues execution of the current guest. VMXON and VMXOFF enable and disable HVM operations on the cur- rent core. A minimal Intel VT-x hypervisor must implement exit handling for CPUID, INVD, and MOV from CR3. The hypervisor must also handle exits for instructions introduced with VT-x. These include VMCALL, VMCLEAR, VMLAUNCH, VMPTRLD, VMPTRST, VMREAD, VMRESUME, VMWRITE, VMXOFF, and VMXON. In addition there are re- quired exits that the chipset implements. 4 Rootkits The first rootkits were collections of user-mode pro- grams for UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems that replaced key system binaries in order to present a false view of the system to administrators and other users [6]. They generally filtered out processes, files and network connection information whose presence would betray the existence of malicious software running on the system. Although initially effective, these rootkits were generally trivial to detect by using alternate user mode tools to retrieve the same information. As user-mode detection techniques evolved, rootkit authors moved to using shared libraries and kernel modules. This allowed the rootkits to generalize, af- fecting the system view of not only chosen programs, but all programs on the system that use the subverted library or system service. Kernel-mode rootkits are the most prevalent kind today, most likely because they are well-situated to hide from both user-mode pro- grams and system-level security services. User-mode and shared library rootkits may see a resurgence, how- ever, in light of Microsoft Windows VistaTM’s driver- signing requirement and kernel patch protection. Re- gardless of whether they are implemented in a shared library or as a device driver, contemporary rootkits do their work by hooking or rewriting selected services that provide information about the current state of the system (i.e. processes, files, and network objects). The only real drawback of user-mode rootkits is that 2 they are vulnerable to detection by other services run- ning in kernel mode. HVM rootkits, theoretically at least, are not vul- nerable to any action the operating system can take since the rootkit runs in a more privileged state than the OS. A hypervisor need not even exist in memory that is accessible to the operating system. When a hy- pervisor bootstraps itself, it makes any instructions or memory accesses which could betray its existence more privileged than the operating system. When these in- structions occur, the processor traps to the hypervisor, allowing it to modify the results. Thus, the hypervisor need not make any changes to the operating system to hide its own presence. The hypervisor can, however, make any such changes with impunity and make them undetectable by the operating system. In 2006, two researchers (Dino Dai Zovi and Joanna Rutkowska) worked in parallel (but not collabora- tively) on proving the concept of an HVM rootkit. They presented within hours of each other at the 2006 Black Hat Briefings in Las Vegas; Zovi presented a skeleton framework for an HVM rootkit implemented with Intel VT, and Rutkowska presented similar mate- rials for an HVM rootkit implemented with AMD-V. Neither presented source code, but both claimed to have working prototypes named Vitriol and Blue Pill, respectively. Of the two, only Rutkowska claimed to have designed a fully undetectable rootkit, and that claim became the center of controversy within the re- search community due to lack of proof made available and inability to test her claims. Researchers interested in creating their own HVM rootkits had to start more or less from scratch. For nearly a year after the Black Hat presentations, there still were not any publicly-available HVM examples to build upon, except in the code contributed to the Xen project by engineers from Intel and AMD. The Xen code, unfortunately, is far more complex than what is required to implement an HVM rootkit. Xen is designed to support multiple guest VMs and mul- tiple CPU architectures and abstracts architecture- specific virtualization schemes with its own set of meta-structures. The AMD and Intel virtualization technology documentation is complete as a specifica- tion, but it is far from being a roadmap to implemen- tation. Unlike the typical hypervisor which loads before it starts its guest VM, an HVM rootkit loads into an already loaded operating system and turns it into its guest VM. Therefore the rootkit must initialize the hypervisor functionality and dynamically take over as host, turning the running operating system into a guest. This process has been repeatedly referred to as “forking” or “migrating” the OS to a guest state, but these terms are misleading. The hypervisor and OS do not run concurrently (as they would if they were “forked” in the UNIX sense) nor does the OS need to be altered or moved in any way (“migrated”). The process of installing an HVM hypervisor in a running OS is more like that of installing a “shim,” in the soft- ware engineering sense of the word. A shim is a piece of code between two layers, in this case between the CPU and all other software running on the system. 5 Prerequisites As mentioned in Section 2, an AMD-V hypervisor ini- tiates guest execution with VMRUN. The VMRUN instruc- tion must be issued in ring-0, i.e. from a kernel-mode driver. An HVM rootkit, then, must begin with a driver. But when the hypervisor is installed, that driver would now be in the “guest” and may reveal the presence of the hypervisor to the guest. Rather than hiding the driver in the normal manner of rootk- its, we have chosen to have the driver allocate a non- paged memory region for containing the hypervisor, copy the hypervisor code there, and then unload the driver from the kernel. Therefore the driver that in- stalls the hypervisor must act only as a loader for the hypervisor and not as a container for it. After the hy- pervisor is installed, the driver file on disk could even be deleted, perhaps from the driver’s unload routine. Our code requires the Windows DDK to compile (available online from Microsoft). We supply a Vi- sual Studio 2005 project for convenience (compatible with the freeware Visual C++ Express). The project includes the source for a user-mode executable that checks your system for AMD-V support, registers and loads the driver, then unregisters and unloads the driver. 6 Implementation The following steps are required to install an HVM rootkit under AMD-V: (a) load a driver (requires administrator privilege); (b) turn on the flag enabling AMD-V functionality; (c) allocate non-paged contiguous physical memory space for a VMCB structure; (d) allocate a non-paged area in kernel memory and copy the hypervisor code there; (e) allocate a non-paged contiguous physical memory space for a host save area, and store the phys- ical address to this area in the VM HSAVE PA register; 3 (f) initialize the control area of the VMCB with a set of intercept conditions that will cause execu- tion to transfer out of the guest and back to the hypervisor; (g) initialize the guest area of the VMCB with the entire current state of the operating system, in order to seamlessly turn the current state into a guest VM; (h) transfer execution to the hypervisor code outside the driver; (i) issue a VMRUN instruction from the hypervisor to “launch” the operating system, thereby perform- ing the seamless switch to guest mode; (j) transfer execution back to the driver, and unload the driver. In our implementation of the technique, driver code begins execution, like all Windows kernel-mode drivers, in its DriverEntry() routine. Because multi-core and multi-CPU support is desired, the next step is to iterate across all CPUs in the sys- tem and perform the hypervisor setup steps on each of them in turn. In order to do this, we to use a constant set by the Windows kernel called KeNumberProcessors and an undocumented kernel API called KeSetAffinityThread() to immediately reschedule the current thread onto the processor/core specified. A routine we define called EnableAMDV() performs the steps to enable AMD-V functionality on each processor/core: read the Model-Specific Regis- ter (MSR) called “VM CR” and check for the bit signifying that AMD-V has been disabled in the BIOS (bit 4). If it is clear, EnableAMDV() pro- ceeds to set the appropriate bit in the Extended Features MSR to turn on AMD-V functionality (EFER.SVME). Next, a region of physically con- tiguous, page-aligned, non-pageable memory is al- located by the routine AllocateVMCB() using two kernel APIs: MmAllocateContiguousMemory() and MmProbeAndLockPages(). The next routine to be called is StartHypervisor(), which allocates another region of memory for holding the hypervisor code (de- fined by the routine HypervisorCode()), by calling our routine CopyHypervisorCodeToMemory(). Only one instance of the hypervisor is necessary, even if there are multiple processors/cores in the system. Next, the host-state save area is allocated, and its physical address is written to the required location, the VM HSAVE PA MSR. Whenever physical ad- dresses of data are required, we use the kernel API MmGetPhysicalAddress(). The chosen set of inter- cepts to be implemented by the hypervisor is written into the appropriate field of the VMCB, as is the ad- dress where guest execution should begin. Finally, StartHypervisor() calls the HypervisorCode() routine so that the hypervi- sor can actually begin. In order to ensure exclusivity on each CPU, the processor’s IRQ priority level (IRQL) is raised to DISPATCH LEVEL (high prior- ity) and the CLGI instruction is executed to disable global interrupts. Then we fill in the all of the initial guest’s state with the current values of the host (copy the values of all of the current registers into the corresponding locations in the VMCB guest state save area), load the physical address of the VMCB into EAX, and call VMRUN. Execution begins in guest mode now, at the end of the HypervisorCode() routine, which returns back to the driver code. The driver code proceeds to switch CPU cores and load hypervisors on the other processors/cores in the same fashion. When all processors/cores have entered guest mode, the driver is free to unload and go away. The preceding discussion is a complete description of how to implement an HVM hypervisor using AMD- V. However, to go one step further and create an HVM rootkit, methods by which the hypervisor may be de- tected or attacked must be taken into account. There are many avenues of attack which the HVM rootkit must defend. These include, but may not be limited to, (a) emulating all of the AMD-V feature extensions, (b) emulating access to all AMD-V related MSRs, (c) intercepting I/O to off-CPU local timers to cheat timing analysis, (d) “rewinding” the TSC counter after emulating in- structions (again to cheat timing analysis), (e) implementing Shadow Paging or using the Nested Page Table feature of AMD-V to avoid detection by advanced page table caching (TLB) analysis, (f) using External Access Protection to cloak the memory region containing the hypervisor as seen by peripheral devices with DMA access to system memory, (g) intercepting access by the guest OS’s software to the memory region containing the hypervisor, (h) detecting “anomalous detector behavior” that cannot be defeated, and having an unload/reload scheme to dodge such detection. In the next section we will discuss in detail the reasons for the rootkit needing each of these defenses. The of- ficial AMD documentation makes no mention of any 4 “hypervisor present” bit flag, but unofficial documen- tation at Sandpile.org claims that when a hypervisor is present and CPUID function 8000 000A is called, that RAX bit 8 is set to 1 [7]. We were not able to con- firm this from any other source, nor in testing on first- generation AMD-V capable processors. 7 Detection One might be tempted to suggest that rootkits are only expected to hide from less security-savvy portions of the population in order to be successful. However, contemporary kernel-mode rootkits are already suffi- ciently hidden from a casual investigation. The goal of an HVM hypervisor should be to avoid detection even under expert analysis. There are two primary approaches to hiding the ex- istence of a hypervisor. The first is to emulate a less capable CPU, i.e. one without the AMD-V instruc- tions. The second is to emulate the AMD-V instruc- tions in the hypervisor. The first approach is by far the easier to implement, but makes the rootkit considerably less stealthy. In- complete emulation of the target system will be imme- diately obvious to a user expecting a processor with virtualization functionality. Xen 3.1.0, contrary to some claims [8], takes this simpler approach. The second, and preferred method is to completely emulate all instructions intercepted by the hypervisor. This would in theory allow any hypervisor, including the rootkit itself, to execute in the guest exactly as it would directly on the hardware. An HVM rootkit should give the appearance of full AMD-V function- ality. In order to support nested hypervisors in this fashion, it is only necessary to intercept and emulate the VMRUN instruction. The “BluePill” rootkit takes this approach [1]. In our code, the simpler approach was taken – it does not attempt to support nested hypervisors. For the sake of discussion, we will nevertheless consider all of the theoretical measures and countermeasures for detecting a “complete” HVM rootkit. Current research indicates that performance of cur- rent hardware-supported virtualization is significantly worse than that implemented completely in software [9, 10, 11]. If a user is familiar with the normal op- eration of his system, the difference will be noticed. The more limited virtualization necessary for a sim- ple rootkit will, under most circumstances, have much smaller performance impact on the system. We can also assume that hardware implementations will only get better (e.g. with Intel moving to an on-die mem- ory controller [12] and the industry adopting IOMMU to virtualize peripheral devices [13]) such that perfor- mance will eventually be nearly indistinguishable from native execution of the operating system. Even so, there is and always will be a measurable performance hit incurred whenever a hypervisor in- tercepts any instruction. In tests we performed with an AMD Athlon64 X2 4000+ processor, the difference between the time required to perform a RDMSR EFER natively and with a hypervisor interception was pro- found. Native execution took only 50 processor cycles, while intercepted and emulated execution took around 10,000 cycles. Checking a local time stamp before and after the execution of certain instructions suspected to be hypervisor-intercepted seems like an obvious attack. However, because successful virtualization has histor- ically depended on a coherent and predictable time stamp counter (TSC), both AMD and Intel imple- mented methods by which the hypervisor can account for trap-related delays. The hypervisor can trap on the RDTSC instruction, or simply use a “TSC Offset” feature. In practice, though, this feature is not reliable enough to use as a hypervisor stealth mechanism. An HVM rootkit needs to read the TSC before and after emulating any instruction, and manually “fix up” the value in the TSC as seen by the guest. Yet another problem that complicates any attempt to use TSC-based timing measurements as a detec- tion scheme is the power/heat-saving features of mod- ern CPUs. Modern CPUs, especially those designed for laptop use, can dynamically vary their clock speed to meet the current processing load. A 2GHz AMD processor might scale down to a mere 800MHz when AMD Cool N’ QuietTM is enabled and supported by the motherboard. This is a documented cause for TSC unreliability [14]. Dynamic clocking is not an feature unique to AMD processors. Many chips have an unre- liable TSC when features like speed-stepping, various power modes, and multiple processors or cores are ac- tive [15]. Alternate types of local system hardware timers may work in place of TSC for timing-analysis based HVM rootkit detection schemes. VMWare has written a white-paper specifically on the challenges of virtualizing hardware timers for VMguests, and it may be of help when studying this issue [16]. A detector could make use of any of the various timers present on the system to do timing-analysis detection, and an HVM rootkit would need to intercept access to all of those timers in order to maintain hidden. No rootkit to date is capable of this, but it is perhaps theoretically possible through interception of the I/O instructions used to access these off-CPU timers. VMWare engineer Keith Adams and Symantec re- searcher Peter Ferrie have both independently pro- 5 posed another class of detection method based on pro- filing resource usage by the hypervisor [17, 8]. With the assumption that an HVM rootkit must intercept the CPUID instruction, and that doing so will inher- ently flush part or all of the TLB, a virtualized guest could detect this change made to the TLB. Normal execution of the CPUID instruction does not flush the TLB. The guest detects a change to the TLB by mea- suring the time required to access a certain page of memory, with and without first explicitly flushing the TLB. This produces a known difference: the difference between accessing a cached page table entry (PTE) and accessing the same PTE when it is not already cached in the TLB. Then the guest executes a CPUID instruction. If a subsequent attempt to access the same PTEs (that ought be cached) takes the amount of time to access a non-cached page, then it is known that the TLB has been flushed during the CPUID in- struction and this would indicate the presence of an HVM hypervisor. Using Intel VT, an HVM rootkit cannot avoid this detection scheme since CPUID gen- erates an exit unconditionally. However, when using AMD-V, the CPUID instruction does not indicate the presence of a hypervisor, and thus it need not be inter- cepted. This does not mean the TLB profiling method will not work against an AMD-V rootkit, it just means the detector must choose a different instruction as the test case, such as RDMSR EFER. Building upon the idea of trying to indirectly ob- serve the hypervisor’s cache usage, Adams suggested another TLB profiling approach that does not re- quire the use of a timer. He suggested a detector which directly edited Page Table Entries (PTEs) to invalidate the TLB’s cached copies, then executed an HVM-intercepted instruction, then attempted to ac- cess the memory locations that were known to have been cached in the TLB directly beforehand. It would be apparent whether the memory locations were ac- cessed using the mappings cached in the TLB, or the ones in the actual Page Table. If it were the former, the detector could assume that the TLB had been flushed and refilled, signing the presence of an HVM hypervi- sor. HVM rootkit proponents have pointed out that AMD-V, unlike Intel VT, supports a feature whereby every TLB entry is tagged with an Address Space Iden- tifier (ASID) marking whether it is an entry from the host or from the guest. The purpose of this is to allow the hypervisor to avoid flushing the guest’s TLB dur- ing any intercepted instruction. However, it is a per- formance feature, not a stealth feature. It will not en- tirely prevent alterations to the TLB, and does not en- able an HVM rootkit to fully hide from TLB-profiling detection. It has also been suggested that the Nested Page Ta- bles feature of an upcoming revision of AMD-V may defeat TLB profiling-based detection [18]. The HVM rootkit would use Nested Page Tables to monitor ac- cesses to the page table entries for detector-like be- havior. If such anomalous behavior were observed, the rootkit would unload and return some time later. Another detection scheme that has been suggested is to exploit buggy behavior (“errata”) specific to cer- tain CPU models [19]. Most modern x86 processors have known and documented errata, which is any be- havior that deviates from the processor architecture specification. If an HVM hypervisor is not designed to accurately emulate the bugs in the native behav- ior of the CPU it is running on, an HVM hypervi- sor detector could test for these inconsistencies. One such example is AMD Erratum 140, which documents that VMCB.TSC OFFSET is not added to the times- tamp counter when it’s being read via MSR 0x10. As a detection scheme, this approach is unattractive to some because it relies on processor model-specific bugs rather than a generically applicable technique. The simplest and yet most effective detection method is also one of the most recent [20]. A multi- core processor, as most of today’s systems contain, al- lows for true concurrent execution of two threads. An HVM rootkit detector can use this capability to exe- cute a simple loop counter in a thread on one CPU core, while on another CPU core a second thread at- tempts an instruction that would be intercepted by an HVM hypervisor. The threads are synchronized to start and stop at the same time, thus the timer thread is able to reliably measure the execution time of the instruction thread. Results will vary greatly between a system with and one without a hypervisor present. At this stage, the practical detectability of HVM rootkits is still hotly contested. The trend is clear, however. Researchers are continually suggesting new detection methods, and the code required in the HVM rootkit to evade each one is successively layering more and more complexity into the rootkit’s design. Para- doxically, the more complicated an HVM rootkit must be to avoid known detection schemes, the more pres- ence it has within the system to have to work to hide. With that said, the popular consensus has been that HVM rootkits will eventually become too difficult or costly to implement, or even that they are ultimately unfeasible. One might point to the fact that there are no known HVM rootkits in the wild. But neither are there any HVM rootkit detectors to find them if there were. Proponents of the HVM rootkit threat make the point that it is not enough to simply detect the pres- ence of an HVM hypervisor. If we cannot ascertain 6 anything about the nature of the hypervisor, then we cannot make any decisions on behalf of the user. With the increasing adoption and utilization of HVM tech- nology for legitimate purposes, simply knowing that it is being actively used on a particular system may not be useful information at all. 8 Prevention Regardless of the effectiveness of HVM rootkit detec- tion schemes, we ought to consider how to prevent the rootkit’s installation in the first place. Obviously, most of the effort in defending against HVM rootkits should be in preventing malicious code from executing at all, specifically code with administrator privileges required to stage a rootkit installation. However, assuming ma- licious code does execute with administrator privilege and enter the kernel, there are still two preventative practices that should defend against an HVM rootkit installation. The first method is to preemptively load a pro- tective hypervisor which denies any subsequent at- tempts to load other (potentially malicious) hypervi- sors. The preventative hypervisor need only intercept VMRUN, since hiding its presence is not one of its goals. The second method is a brand new security feature that has only very recently been introduced by AMD, likely in response to the concerns raised in the secu- rity research community. In the July 2007 revision of the AMD64 Programmer’s Manual, AMD documents a “revision 2” of the SVM architecture, which has the ability to lock the SVM Enable flag, and optionally, to provide a 64-bit key to unlock it again. If a key is not set before the lock is activated, the SVM Enable flag cannot be changed without a processor reset. We were not able to obtain a processor supporting this feature at the time we wrote this paper, but expect such CPUs to be widely available soon. Either one of these methods ought to provide full protection against unwanted HVM hypervisors. If the lock and key method is used, however, one should be aware of the importance of securing the key value against access by malicious software on the local ma- chine. 9 Memory forensics If detection of an HVM rootkit is difficult and imprac- tical, actually procuring a forensic copy of an active HVM rootkit may very well be impossible. The HVM rootkit only needs to exist in RAM, meaning a foren- sic examiner is tasked with obtaining a copy of all of physical memory in order to search for the presence of an HVM hypervisor. There are two common ap- proaches to imaging physical memory. One approach is to run software on the local system which accesses physical memory through an operating system hard- ware interface layer. In this case, an HVM hypervisor is able to intercept and control access to the physical memory by way of its exception conditions. It could present the pages of memory containing its hypervi- sor code to appear to contain all zeros or all ones, for instance. This subversion of memory would go unnoticed by the forensic capture process. The sec- ond approach to imaging physical memory is to take advantage of the abilities of certain hardware periph- eral devices that can perform Direct Memory Access (DMA), that is, devices which can read and write sys- tem memory without intervention by the CPU. Nor- mally, this would be the most reliable and forensically sound method for capturing the contents of physical memory. However, AMD-V introduces a feature to se- cure the system memory against any unwanted access from DMA devices. It is called External Access Pro- tection (EAP), and it allows the hypervisor to define “Device Exclusion Vectors,” or maps of memory which should be secured against DMA access by certain de- vices on the system. EAP is implemented in and per- formed by the Northbridge host bridge controller, and is set up by way of a pair of control registers in PCI configuration space, DEV OP and DEV DATA. The use of this feature is documented in the AMD64 Ar- chitecture Programmer’s Manual [5]. Note that a similar technique was first introduced by researcher Joanna Rutkowska at a presentation at Black Hat Briefings DC 2007 [21]. Rutkowska’s tech- nique is more general; it does not require an HVM hypervisor nor the EAP feature to implement, but it works similarly by programming the memory con- troller to present a different view of memory as seen from DMA device access than by local system software access. However, without the HVM hypervisor’s abil- ity to secure access to the memory controller, a clever forensic DMA device could undo (re-program) the sub- verted state of the memory controller and achieve unimpeded access to the true values of system memory [22]. No such “clever” forensic device yet exists, how- ever. Also, it is not clear whether evidence gathered via such an approach is legally admissible in a court of law, because the approach requires tampering with the contents of memory in order to image it. 10 Other uses The concept of an undetectable HVM hypervisor is worrisome, and naturally we should be concerned with 7 the potential that it is a technology that will be used against the user. It has been demonstrated how an HVM rootkit can be used to hide evidence of a secu- rity breach from its owner. In the same manner, digital rights management (DRM) seems a natural applica- tion for the technology to hide cryptographic secrets from reverse engineers. Obviously though, there are benign uses for HVM hypervisors, even when implemented as the HVM rootkit is, loadable in a running OS. For one, it could be used as an undetectable debugger to aid in malware analysis. There are many powerful anti- debugger techniques [23] that malware authors can employ to frustrate or even defeat reverse engineering of their executables. A debugger implemented with the use of an HVM hypervisor to trap execution, and a hypervisor-guest control scheme, using VMMCALL perhaps, would give reverse engineers a powerful time- saving tool. Another use for an HVM hypervisor, men- tioned previously, is as a security monitor to prevent subsequent attempts to load unwanted hypervisors. The concept might be extended to monitor and/or log access to other resources on the system. This leads to a third use of an undetectable HVM hypervisor, which is as a honeypot, i.e. a system set up to lure malicious attackers and monitor and study their behavior [24]. 8 11 Terminology and Operation Table 1: Comparison of common terms AMD Intel Description VMCB VMCS Data structure describing the behavior of the hypervisor and the guest and host save state areas IOPM Input/Output permissions map MSRPM Model Specific Register permissions map RAX current-VMCS Register containing physical address of current VM control data structure VM CR VM HSAVE PA VM control register. EFER.SVME := 1 CR4.VMXE := 1 VMXON IA32 FEATURE CONTROL.bit 5 := 1 Enable VM feature on processor. MOV RAX, vmcb pa VMRUN RAX MOV RAX, vmcs pa VMPTRLD VMLAUNCH Load VM control structure and start a guest. VMSAVE VMWRITE Write guest state information to hypervi- sor “save-state” area. VMLOAD VMREAD Read guest state information from hyper- visor “save-state” area. VMMCALL VMCALL Explicitly exit to hypervisor. AMD-VTM VT-xTM Official trade names for virtualization technology Pacifica Vanderpool Development code names for virtualiza- tion technology #VMEXIT VM exit Event causing return to hypervisor SVM VMX Generic term used for extensions associ- ated with virtual machines. guest non-root The cpu mode for operating systems run- ning under a hypervisor host root The cpu mode for a hypervisor when HVM is enabled. 9 Table 2: Logical layout of the VMCB[5] Offset Bits Description 000h 0–15 Intercept reads of CR015. 16–31 Intercept writes of CR015. 004h 0–15 Intercept reads of DR015. 16–31 Intercept writes of DR015. 008h 0–31 Intercept exception vectors 031. 00Ch 0 Intercept INTR. 1 Intercept NMI. 2 Intercept SMI. 3 Intercept INIT. 4 Intercept VINTR. 5 Intercept CR0 writes other than CR0.TS or CR0.MP. 6 Intercept reads of IDTR. 7 Intercept reads of GDTR. 8 Intercept reads of LDTR. 9 Intercept reads of TR. 10 Intercept writes of IDTR. 11 Intercept writes of GDTR. 12 Intercept writes of LDTR. 13 Intercept writes of TR. 14 Intercept RDTSC. 15 Intercept RDPMC. 16 Intercept PUSHF. 17 Intercept POPF. 18 Intercept CPUID. 19 Intercept RSM. 20 Intercept IRET. 21 Intercept INTn (software interrupt). 22 Intercept INVD. 23 Intercept PAUSE. 24 Intercept HLT. 25 Intercept INVLPG. 26 Intercept INVLPGA. 27 IOIO PROT–Intercept IN/OUT accesses to selected ports. 28 MSR PROT–intercept RDMSR or WRMSR accesses to selected MSRs. 29 Intercept task switches. 30 FERR FREEZE: intercept processor freezing during legacy FERR handling. 31 Intercept shutdown events. 010h 0 Intercept VMRUN. 1 Intercept VMMCALL. 2 Intercept VMLOAD. 3 Intercept VMSAVE. 4 Intercept STGI. 5 Intercept CLGI. 6 Intercept SKINIT. 7 Intercept RDTSCP. 8 Intercept ICEBP. 9–31 RESERVED, MBZ 014h-03Fh all RESERVED, MBZ 040h 0–63 IOPM BASE PA–Physical base address of IOPM (bits 11:0 are ignored). 048h 0–63 MSRPM BASE PA–Physical base address of MSRPM (bits 11:0 are ignored). 050h 0–63 TSC OFFSET–To be added in RDTSC and RDTSCP. 10 Table 2: Logical layout of the VMCB (continued) Offset Bits Description 058h 0–31 Guest ASID. 32–39 TLB CONTROL (0–Do nothing, 1–Flush TLB on VMRUN, Others-Reserved) 40–63 RESERVED, MBZ 060h 0–7 V TPR–The virtual TPR for the guest; currently bits 3:0 are used for a 4-bit virtual TPR value; bits 7:4 are MBZ. 8 V IRQ–If nonzero, virtual INTR is pending. 9–15 RESERVED, MBZ 16–19 V INTR PRIO–Priority for virtual interrupt. 20 V IGN TPR–If nonzero, the current virtual interrupts ignores the (virtual) TPR. 21–23 RESERVED, MBZ 24 V INTR MASKING–Virtualize masking of INTR interrupts. 25–31 RESERVED, MBZ 32–39 V INTR VECTOR–Vector to use for this interrupt. 40–63 RESERVED, MBZ 068h 0 INTERRUPT SHADOW–Guest is in an interrupt shadow; 1–63 RESERVED, MBZ 070h 0–63 EXITCODE 078h 063 EXITINFO1 080h 063 EXITINFO2 088h 063 EXITINTINFO 090h 0 NP ENA–Enable nested paging. 163 RESERVED, MBZ 098h–0A7h RESERVED. MBZ 0A8h 063 EVENTINJ–Event injection. 0B0h 063 H CR3–Host-level CR3 to use for nested paging. 0B4h–3FFh RESERVED, MBZ 11 Table 3: Intel VMCS Region [25] Byte Contents 0 VMCS revision identifier 4 VMX-abort indicator 8 VMCS data (implementation-specific format) Table 4: Data Region in VMCS [25] Section Description guest-state area Guest processor saved on VM exits and loaded upon VM entry. This includes guest registers and other ancillary data such as interrupt state. host-state area CPU state is loaded on VM exit. This includes segment registers, descriptor ta- ble registers, as well as system call table information. VM-execution control fields Control processor behavior in non-root operation. This includes bit-maps for which guest execution conditions cause a VM exit such as interrupts, reserved in- structions and register accesses. VM-exit control fields Controls how certain VM exits occur. This contains information on guest ad- dress space size and whether interrupts are acknowledged on exit. VM-entry control fields Determine mode of operation for the guest after VM entry. This includes controls for the loading and saving of model specific registers and for the injection of excep- tions into the guest environment. VM-exit information fields This area recieves information on the cause and nature of a VM exit. 12 Listing 1: Amd-v.h – definition of VMCB # pragma pack (1) // In GCC , use __attribute__ (( packed )) typedef struct { u32 interceptCR0 ; u32 interceptDR0 ; u32 interceptExceptionVectors; u32 interceptsGeneralPurpose1; u32 interceptsGeneralPurpose2; u8 reserved_space_01 [44]; u64 iopmBasePA ; u64 msrpmBasePA ; u64 tscOffset ; u32 guestASID ; u8 tlbControl ; u8 reserved_space_02 [3]; vintr_t vintr; u64 interruptShadow ; u64 exitcode ; u64 exitinfo1 ; u64 exitinfo2 ; u64 exitintinfo ; u64 np_enable ; u8 reserved_space_03 [16]; eventinj_t eventinj ; u64 host_level_cr3 ; u8 reserved_space_04 [840]; segment_selector_t es; segment_selector_t cs; segment_selector_t ss; segment_selector_t ds; segment_selector_t fs; segment_selector_t gs; segment_selector_t gdtr ; segment_selector_t ldtr ; segment_selector_t idtr ; segment_selector_t tr; u64 reserved_space_05 [5]; u8 reserved_space_06 [3]; u8 cpl ; u32 reserved_space_07 ; u64 efer ; // offset 1024 + 0xD0 u64 reserved_space_08 [14]; u64 cr4 ; // loffset 1024 + 0 x148 u64 cr3 ; u64 cr0 ; u64 dr7 ; u64 dr6 ; u64 rflags ; u64 rip ; u64 reserved_space_09 [11]; u64 rsp ; u64 reserved_space_10 [3]; u64 rax ; u64 star ; u64 lstar; u64 cstar; u64 sfmask ; u64 kernel_gs_base ; u64 sysenter_cs ; u64 sysenter_esp ; u64 sysenter_eip ; u64 cr2 ; u64 pdpe0; u64 pdpe1; u64 pdpe2; u64 pdpe3; u64 guest_pat ; // used only if nested paging is enabled u64 reserved_space_11 [50]; u64 reserved_space_12 [128]; u64 reserved_space_13 [128]; } amdv_vmcb_t ; 13 References [1] J. Rutkowska, Subverting VistaTM Kernel for Fun and Profit. [Online]. Available: http://blackhat.com/ presentations/bh-usa-06/BH-US-06-Rutkowska.pdf [2] D. A. D. Zovi, Hardware Virtualization Rootkits. [Online]. Available: http://www.theta44.org/software/ HVM Rootkits ddz bh-usa-06.pdf [3] S. Embleton, Hooking CPUID – A Virtual Machine Monitor Rootkit Framework. [Online]. Available: http://rootkit.com/newsread.php?newsid=758 [4] J. Rutkowska and A. Tereshkin, Blue Pill Project. [Online]. Available: http://bluepillproject.org/ [5] AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming. [Online]. Available: http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content type/white papers and tech docs/24593.pdf [6] G. Hoglund and J. Butler, Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel. [7] IA-32 architecture – CPUID. [Online]. Available: http://www.sandpile.org/ia32/cpuid.htm [8] P. Ferrie, Attacks on Virtual Machine Emulators. [Online]. Available: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/ reference/Virtual Machine Threats.pdf [9] K. Adams and O. Agesen, A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization. [Online]. Available: http://www.vmware.com/pdfs/asplos235 adams.pdf [10] J. Munro, Virtual Machines & VMware, Part II. [Online]. Available: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0, 1697,1156372,00.asp [11] A. Kivity, Subject: [ANNOUNCE] kvm-22 release. [Online]. Available: http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/5/6/39 [12] Intel Developer Forum Day 1 News Disclosures From Beijing. [Online]. Available: http://www.intel.com/ pressroom/archive/releases/20070416supp.htm [13] AMD I/O Virtualization Technology (IOMMU) Specification. [Online]. Available: http://www.amd.com/ us-en/assets/content type/white papers and tech docs/34434.pdf [14] Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 895980 - Programs that use the QueryPerformanceCounter function may perform poorly in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP. [Online]. Available: http: //support.microsoft.com/kb/895980/ [15] Linux kernel development discussion [patch 13/19] GTOD: Mark TSC unusable for highres timers. [Online]. Available: http://readlist.com/lists/vger.kernel.org/linux-kernel/55/277594.html [16] Timekeeping in VMWare Virtual Machines. [Online]. Available: http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vmware timekeeping.pdf [17] K. Adams, Blue Pill Detection in Two Easy Steps. [Online]. Available: http://x86vmm.blogspot.com/2007/ 07/bluepill-detection-in-two-easy-steps.html [18] J. Rutkowska and A. Tereshkin, IsGameOver(), anyone? [Online]. Available: http://bluepillproject.org/stuff/ IsGameOver.ppt [19] T. Garfinkel and K. Adams, Compatibility is Not Transparency: VMM Detection Myths and Realities. [Online]. Available: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/jfrankli/hotos07/vmm detection hotos07.pdf [20] E. Barbosa, Detecting Blue Pill. [Online]. Available: http://rapidshare.com/files/42452008/detection.rar.html [21] J. Rutkowska, Beyond the CPU: Defeating Hardware Based RAM Acquisition Tools (Part I: the AMD case). [Online]. Available: http://blackhat.com/presentations/bh-dc-07/Rutkowska/Presentation/ bh-dc-07-Rutkowska-up.pdf 14 [22] T. Ptacek, Rutkowska Concedes: Clever Forensics Devices Can Beat DMA Tricks. [Online]. Available: http://www.matasano.com/log/870/rutkowska-concedes-clever-forensics-can-beat-DMA-tricks [23] N. Lawson, Anti-debugger techniques are overrated. [Online]. Available: http://rdist.root.org/2007/04/19/ anti-debugger-techniques-are-overrated [24] Honeypot (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [Online]. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Honeypot (computing) [25] Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual - Volume 3B: System Programming Guide. [Online]. Available: http://www.intel.com/design/processor/manuals/253669.pdf 15 |
发布于:2007-09-07 15:47
Virtual Machine Monitor source
/*Virtual Machine Monitor Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Embleton This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <ntddk.h> #pragma warning(disable: 4133 4102) #define IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE 0x480 #define IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_CODE 0x03A VOID KeSetSystemAffinityThread ( IN KAFFINITY Affinity ); ////////////////// // // // PROTOTYPES // // // ////////////////// NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ); VOID DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject ); VOID StartVMX( ); VOID VMMEntryPoint( ); typedef struct _VMX_FEATURES { unsigned SSE3 :1; // SSE3 Extensions unsigned RES1 :2; unsigned MONITOR :1; // MONITOR/WAIT unsigned DS_CPL :1; // CPL qualified Debug Store unsigned VMX :1; // Virtual Machine Technology unsigned RES2 :1; unsigned EST :1; // Enhanced Intel?Speedstep Technology unsigned TM2 :1; // Thermal monitor 2 unsigned SSSE3 :1; // SSSE3 extensions unsigned CID :1; // L1 context ID unsigned RES3 :2; unsigned CX16 :1; // CMPXCHG16B unsigned xTPR :1; // Update control unsigned PDCM :1; // Performance/Debug capability MSR unsigned RES4 :2; unsigned DCA :1; unsigned RES5 :13; } VMX_FEATURES; ////////////// // // // EFLAGS // // // ////////////// typedef struct _EFLAGS { unsigned Reserved1 :10; unsigned ID :1; // Identification flag unsigned VIP :1; // Virtual interrupt pending unsigned VIF :1; // Virtual interrupt flag unsigned AC :1; // Alignment check unsigned VM :1; // Virtual 8086 mode unsigned RF :1; // Resume flag unsigned Reserved2 :1; unsigned NT :1; // Nested task flag unsigned IOPL :2; // I/O privilege level unsigned OF :1; unsigned DF :1; unsigned IF :1; // Interrupt flag unsigned TF :1; // Task flag unsigned SF :1; // Sign flag unsigned ZF :1; // Zero flag unsigned Reserved3 :1; unsigned AF :1; // Borrow flag unsigned Reserved4 :1; unsigned PF :1; // Parity flag unsigned Reserved5 :1; unsigned CF :1; // Carry flag [Bit 0] } EFLAGS; /////////// // // // MSR // // // /////////// typedef struct _MSR { ULONG Hi; ULONG Lo; } MSR; typedef struct _IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR { unsigned RevId :32; // Bits 31...0 contain the VMCS revision identifier unsigned szVmxOnRegion :12; // Bits 43...32 report # of bytes for VMXON region unsigned RegionClear :1; // Bit 44 set only if bits 32-43 are clear unsigned Reserved1 :3; // Undefined unsigned PhyAddrWidth :1; // Physical address width for referencing VMXON, VMCS, etc. unsigned DualMon :1; // Reports whether the processor supports dual-monitor // treatment of SMI and SMM unsigned MemType :4; // Memory type that the processor uses to access the VMCS unsigned VmExitReport :1; // Reports weather the procesor reports info in the VM-exit // instruction information field on VM exits due to execution // of the INS and OUTS instructions unsigned Reserved2 :9; // Undefined } IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR; typedef struct _IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR { unsigned Lock :1; // Bit 0 is the lock bit - cannot be modified once lock is set unsigned Reserved1 :1; // Undefined unsigned EnableVmxon :1; // Bit 2. If this bit is clear, VMXON causes a general protection exception unsigned Reserved2 :29; // Undefined unsigned Reserved3 :32; // Undefined } IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR; ///////////////// // // // REGISTERS // // // ///////////////// typedef struct _CR0_REG { unsigned PE :1; // Protected Mode Enabled [Bit 0] unsigned MP :1; // Monitor Coprocessor FLAG unsigned EM :1; // Emulate FLAG unsigned TS :1; // Task Switched FLAG unsigned ET :1; // Extension Type FLAG unsigned NE :1; // Numeric Error unsigned Reserved1 :10; // unsigned WP :1; // Write Protect unsigned Reserved2 :1; // unsigned AM :1; // Alignment Mask unsigned Reserved3 :10; // unsigned NW :1; // Not Write-Through unsigned CD :1; // Cache Disable unsigned PG :1; // Paging Enabled } CR0_REG; typedef struct _CR4_REG { unsigned VME :1; // Virtual Mode Extensions unsigned PVI :1; // Protected-Mode Virtual Interrupts unsigned TSD :1; // Time Stamp Disable unsigned DE :1; // Debugging Extensions unsigned PSE :1; // Page Size Extensions unsigned PAE :1; // Physical Address Extension unsigned MCE :1; // Machine-Check Enable unsigned PGE :1; // Page Global Enable unsigned PCE :1; // Performance-Monitoring Counter Enable unsigned OSFXSR :1; // OS Support for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR unsigned OSXMMEXCPT :1; // OS Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions unsigned Reserved1 :2; // unsigned VMXE :1; // Virtual Machine Extensions Enabled unsigned Reserved2 :18; // } CR4_REG; typedef struct _MISC_DATA { unsigned Reserved1 :6; // [0-5] unsigned ActivityStates :3; // [6-8] unsigned Reserved2 :7; // [9-15] unsigned CR3Targets :9; // [16-24] // 512*(N+1) is the recommended maximum number of MSRs unsigned MaxMSRs :3; // [25-27] unsigned Reserved3 :4; // [28-31] unsigned MSEGRevID :32; // [32-63] } MISC_DATA; ///////////////// // // // SELECTORS // // // ///////////////// typedef struct _GDTR { unsigned Limit :16; unsigned BaseLo :16; unsigned BaseHi :16; } GDTR; typedef struct _IDTR { unsigned Limit :16; unsigned BaseLo :16; unsigned BaseHi :16; } IDTR; typedef struct _SEG_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned LimitLo :16; unsigned BaseLo :16; unsigned BaseMid :8; unsigned Type :4; unsigned System :1; unsigned DPL :2; unsigned Present :1; unsigned LimitHi :4; unsigned AVL :1; unsigned L :1; unsigned DB :1; unsigned Gran :1; // Granularity unsigned BaseHi :8; } SEG_DESCRIPTOR; /////////// // // // Log // // // /////////// #define Log( message, value ) { DbgPrint("[vmm] %-40s [%08X]\n", message, value ); } /////////////// // // // SET BIT // // // /////////////// VOID SetBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit ) { ULONG mask = ( 1 << bit ); *dword = *dword | mask; } ///////////////// // // // CLEAR BIT // // // ///////////////// VOID ClearBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit ) { ULONG mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; ULONG sub = ( 1 << bit ); mask = mask - sub; *dword = *dword & mask; } /////////////// // // // Globals // // // /////////////// ULONG *pVMXONRegion = NULL; // Memory address of VMXON region. ULONG *pVMCSRegion = NULL; ULONG VMXONRegionSize = 0; ULONG VMCSRegionSize = 0; ULONG ErrorCode = 0; EFLAGS eFlags = {0}; MSR msr = {0}; PVOID FakeStack = NULL; ULONG HandlerLogging = 0; ULONG ScrubTheLaunch = 0; // Writes the contents of registers EDX:EAX into the 64-bit model specific // register (MSR) specified in the ECX register. The contents of the EDX // register are copied to high-order 32 bits of the selected MSR and the // contents of the EAX register are copied to low-order 32 bits of the MSR. // VOID WriteVMCS( ULONG encoding, ULONG value ) { __asm { PUSHAD PUSH value MOV EAX, encoding _emit 0x0F // VMWRITE EAX, [ESP] _emit 0x79 _emit 0x04 _emit 0x24 POP EAX POPAD } } // Loads the contents of a 64-bit model specific register (MSR) specified // in the ECX register into registers EDX:EAX. The EDX register is loaded // with the high-order 32 bits of the MSR and the EAX register is loaded // with the low-order 32 bits. // msr.Hi --> EDX // msr.Lo --> EAX // VOID ReadMSR( ULONG msrEncoding ) { __asm { PUSHAD MOV ECX, msrEncoding RDMSR MOV msr.Hi, EDX MOV msr.Lo, EAX POPAD } } // Write the msr data structure into MSR specified by msrEncoding. // msr.Hi <-- EDX // msr.Lo <-- EAX // VOID WriteMSR( ULONG msrEncoding ) { __asm { PUSHAD MOV EDX, msr.Hi MOV EAX, msr.Lo MOV ECX, msrEncoding WRMSR POPAD } } ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorBase( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ) { ULONG base = 0; SEG_DESCRIPTOR segDescriptor = {0}; RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 ); base = segDescriptor.BaseHi; base <<= 8; base |= segDescriptor.BaseMid; base <<= 16; base |= segDescriptor.BaseLo; return base; } ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorDPL( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ) { SEG_DESCRIPTOR segDescriptor = {0}; RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 ); return segDescriptor.DPL; } ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ) { SEG_DESCRIPTOR segDescriptor = {0}; RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 ); //return segDescriptor.LimitLo; return ( (segDescriptor.LimitHi << 16) | segDescriptor.LimitLo ); } PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr; VMX_FEATURES vmxFeatures; IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR vmxBasicMsr ; IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR vmxFeatureControl ; CR0_REG cr0_reg = {0}; CR4_REG cr4_reg = {0}; ULONG temp32 = 0; USHORT temp16 = 0; GDTR gdt_reg = {0}; IDTR idt_reg = {0}; ULONG gdt_base = 0; ULONG idt_base = 0; USHORT mLDT = 0; USHORT seg_selector = 0; SEG_DESCRIPTOR segDescriptor = {0}; MISC_DATA misc_data = {0}; PVOID GuestReturn = NULL; ULONG GuestStack = 0; /////////// // // // VMX // // // /////////// __declspec( naked ) VOID StartVMX( ) { // // Get the Guest Return EIP. // // // Hi | | // +-----------+ // | EIP | // +-----------+ <-- ESP after the CALL // Lo | | // // __asm POP GuestReturn Log("Guest Return EIP" , GuestReturn ); /////////////////////////// // // // SET THREAD AFFINITY // // // /////////////////////////// Log( "Enabling VMX mode on CPU 0", 0 ); KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 ); Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() ); //////////////// // // // GDT Info // // // //////////////// __asm { SGDT gdt_reg } temp32 = 0; temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo; gdt_base = temp32; Log( "GDT Base", gdt_base ); Log( "GDT Limit", gdt_reg.Limit ); //////////////////////////// // // // IDT Segment Selector // // // //////////////////////////// __asm SIDT idt_reg temp32 = 0; temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo; idt_base = temp32; Log( "IDT Base", idt_base ); Log( "IDT Limit", idt_reg.Limit ); // (1) Check VMX support in processor using CPUID. __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 1 CPUID // ECX contains the VMX_FEATURES FLAGS (VMX supported if bit 5 equals 1) MOV vmxFeatures, ECX MOV EAX, 0x80000008 CPUID MOV temp32, EAX POPAD } if( vmxFeatures.VMX == 0 ) { Log( "VMX Support Not Present." , vmxFeatures ); goto Abort; } Log( "VMX Support Present." , vmxFeatures ); // (2) Determine the VMX capabilities supported by the processor through // the VMX capability MSRs. __asm { PUSHAD MOV ECX, IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE RDMSR LEA EBX, vmxBasicMsr MOV [EBX+4], EDX MOV [EBX], EAX MOV ECX, IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_CODE RDMSR LEA EBX, vmxFeatureControl MOV [EBX+4], EDX MOV [EBX], EAX POPAD }; // (3) Create a VMXON region in non-pageable memory of a size specified by // IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR and aligned to a 4-byte boundary. The VMXON region // must be hosted in cache-coherent memory. Log( "VMXON Region Size" , vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion ) ; Log( "VMXON Access Width Bit" , vmxBasicMsr.PhyAddrWidth ); Log( " [ 1] --> 32-bit" , 0 ); Log( " [ 0] --> 64-bit" , 0 ); Log( "VMXON Memory Type", vmxBasicMsr.MemType ); Log( " [ 0] --> Strong Uncacheable" , 0 ); Log( " [ 1-5] --> Unused" , 0 ); Log( " [ 6] --> Write Back" , 0 ); Log( " [7-15] --> Unused" , 0 ); VMXONRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion; switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType ) { case 0: Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType ); goto Abort; break; case 6: break; default: Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMXON Region memory type." , 0); goto Abort; break; } // (4) Initialize the version identifier in the VMXON region (first 32 bits) // with the VMCS revision identifier reported by capability MSRs. *(pVMXONRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId; Log( "vmxBasicMsr.RevId" , vmxBasicMsr.RevId ); // (5) Ensure the current processor operating mode meets the required CR0 // fixed bits (CR0.PE=1, CR0.PG=1). Other required CR0 fixed bits can // be detected through the IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1 // MSRs. __asm { PUSH EAX MOV EAX, CR0 MOV cr0_reg, EAX POP EAX } if( cr0_reg.PE != 1 ) { Log( "ERROR : Protected Mode not enabled." , 0 ); Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg ); goto Abort; } Log( "Protected Mode enabled." , 0 ); if( cr0_reg.PG != 1 ) { Log( "ERROR : Paging not enabled." , 0 ); Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg ); goto Abort; } Log( "Paging enabled." , 0 ); cr0_reg.NE = 1; __asm { PUSH EAX MOV EAX, cr0_reg MOV CR0, EAX POP EAX } // (6) Enable VMX operation by setting CR4.VMXE=1 [bit 13]. Ensure the // resultant CR4 value supports all the CR4 fixed bits reported in // the IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 MSRs. __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR4 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xE0 MOV cr4_reg, EAX POP EAX } Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg ); cr4_reg.VMXE = 1; Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg ); __asm { PUSH EAX MOV EAX, cr4_reg _emit 0x0F // MOV CR4, EAX _emit 0x22 _emit 0xE0 POP EAX } // (7) Ensure that the IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR (MSR index 0x3A) has been // properly programmed and that its lock bit is set (bit 0=1). This MSR // is generally configured by the BIOS using WRMSR. Log( "IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL Lock Bit" , vmxFeatureControl.Lock ); if( vmxFeatureControl.Lock != 1 ) { Log( "ERROR : Feature Control Lock Bit != 1." , 0 ); goto Abort; } // (8) Execute VMXON with the physical address of the VMXON region as the // operand. Check successful execution of VMXON by checking if // RFLAGS.CF=0. __asm { PUSH DWORD PTR 0 PUSH DWORD PTR PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart _emit 0xF3 // VMXON [ESP] _emit 0x0F _emit 0xC7 _emit 0x34 _emit 0x24 PUSHFD POP eFlags ADD ESP, 8 } if( eFlags.CF == 1 ) { Log( "ERROR : VMXON operation failed." , 0 ); goto Abort; } Log( "SUCCESS : VMXON operation completed." , 0 ); Log( "VMM is now running." , 0 ); // // *** The processor is now in VMX root operation! // // (1) Create a VMCS region in non-pageable memory of size specified by // the VMX capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC and aligned to 4-KBytes. // Software should read the capability MSRs to determine width of the // physical addresses that may be used for a VMCS region and ensure // the entire VMCS region can be addressed by addresses with that width. // The term "guest-VMCS address" refers to the physical address of the // new VMCS region for the following steps. VMCSRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion; switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType ) { case 0: Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType ); goto Abort; break; case 6: break; default: Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMCS Region memory type." , 0 ); goto Abort; break; } // (2) Initialize the version identifier in the VMCS (first 32 bits) // with the VMCS revision identifier reported by the VMX // capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC. *(pVMCSRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId; // (3) Execute the VMCLEAR instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address. // This will initialize the new VMCS region in memory and set the launch // state of the VMCS to "clear". This action also invalidates the // working-VMCS pointer register to FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFFH. Software should // verify successful execution of VMCLEAR by checking if RFLAGS.CF = 0 // and RFLAGS.ZF = 0. __asm { PUSH DWORD PTR 0 PUSH DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart _emit 0x66 // VMCLEAR [ESP] _emit 0x0F _emit 0xc7 _emit 0x34 _emit 0x24 ADD ESP, 8 PUSHFD POP eFlags } if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 ) { Log( "ERROR : VMCLEAR operation failed." , 0 ); goto Abort; } Log( "SUCCESS : VMCLEAR operation completed." , 0 ); // (4) Execute the VMPTRLD instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address. // This initializes the working-VMCS pointer with the new VMCS region’s // physical address. __asm { PUSH DWORD PTR 0 PUSH DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart _emit 0x0F // VMPTRLD [ESP] _emit 0xC7 _emit 0x34 _emit 0x24 ADD ESP, 8 } // // *************************************** // * * // * H.1.1 16-Bit Guest-State Fields * // * * // *************************************** // // Guest ES selector 00000800H __asm MOV seg_selector, ES Log( "Setting Guest ES Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000800, seg_selector ); // Guest CS selector 00000802H __asm MOV seg_selector, CS Log( "Setting Guest CS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000802, seg_selector ); // Guest SS selector 00000804H __asm MOV seg_selector, SS Log( "Setting Guest SS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000804, seg_selector ); // Guest DS selector 00000806H __asm MOV seg_selector, DS Log( "Setting Guest DS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000806, seg_selector ); // Guest FS selector 00000808H __asm MOV seg_selector, FS Log( "Setting Guest FS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000808, seg_selector ); // Guest GS selector 0000080AH __asm MOV seg_selector, GS Log( "Setting Guest GS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000080A, seg_selector ); // Guest TR selector 0000080EH __asm STR seg_selector ClearBit( &seg_selector, 2 ); // TI Flag Log( "Setting Guest TR Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000080E, seg_selector ); // ************************************** // * * // * H.1.2 16-Bit Host-State Fields * // * * // ************************************** // // Host ES selector 00000C00H __asm MOV seg_selector, ES seg_selector &= 0xFFFC; Log( "Setting Host ES Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C00, seg_selector ); // Host CS selector 00000C02H __asm MOV seg_selector, CS Log( "Setting Host CS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C02, seg_selector ); // Host SS selector 00000C04H __asm MOV seg_selector, SS Log( "Setting Host SS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C04, seg_selector ); // Host DS selector 00000C06H __asm MOV seg_selector, DS seg_selector &= 0xFFFC; Log( "Setting Host DS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C06, seg_selector ); // Host FS selector 00000C08H __asm MOV seg_selector, FS Log( "Setting Host FS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C08, seg_selector ); // Host GS selector 00000C0AH __asm MOV seg_selector, GS seg_selector &= 0xFFFC; Log( "Setting Host GS Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0A, seg_selector ); // Host TR selector 00000C0CH __asm STR seg_selector Log( "Setting Host TR Selector" , seg_selector ); WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0C, seg_selector ); // *************************************** // * * // * H.2.2 64-Bit Guest-State Fields * // * * // *************************************** // // VMCS Link Pointer (full) 00002800H temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (full)" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00002800, temp32 ); // VMCS link pointer (high) 00002801H temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (high)" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00002801, temp32 ); // Reserved Bits of IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR must be 0 // (1D9H) ReadMSR( 0x000001D9 ); Log( "IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR" , msr.Lo ); // Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full) 00002802H temp32 = msr.Lo; Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full)" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00002802, temp32 ); // Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high) 00002803H temp32 = msr.Hi; Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high)" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00002803, temp32 ); // *********************************** // * * // * H.3.1 32-Bit Control Fields * // * * // *********************************** // // Pin-based VM-execution controls 00004000H // IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS MSR (index 481H) ReadMSR( 0x481 ); Log( "Pin-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo ); Log( "Pin-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi ); temp32 = 0; temp32 |= msr.Lo; temp32 &= msr.Hi; //SetBit( &temp32, 3 ); Log( "Setting Pin-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004000, temp32 ); // Primary processor-based VM-execution controls 00004002H // IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS MSR (index 482H) ReadMSR( 0x482 ); Log( "Proc-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo ); Log( "Proc-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi ); temp32 = 0; temp32 |= msr.Lo; temp32 &= msr.Hi; Log( "Setting Pri Proc-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004002, temp32 ); // Get the CR3-target count, MSR store/load counts, et cetera // // IA32_VMX_MISC MSR (index 485H) ReadMSR( 0x485 ); Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Lo ); //Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Hi ); RtlCopyBytes( &misc_data, &msr.Lo, 4 ); Log( " ActivityStates" , misc_data.ActivityStates ); Log( " CR3Targets" , misc_data.CR3Targets ); Log( " MaxMSRs" , misc_data.MaxMSRs ); // VM-exit controls 0000400CH // IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS MSR (index 483H) ReadMSR( 0x483 ); Log( "Exit controls allowed-0" , msr.Lo ); Log( "Exit controls allowed-1" , msr.Hi ); temp32 = 0; temp32 |= msr.Lo; temp32 &= msr.Hi; SetBit( &temp32, 15 ); // Acknowledge Interrupt On Exit Log( "Setting VM-Exit Controls Mask" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000400C, temp32 ); // VM-entry controls 00004012H // IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS MSR (index 484H) ReadMSR( 0x484 ); Log( "VMX Entry allowed-0" , msr.Lo ); Log( "VMX Entry allowed-1" , msr.Hi ); temp32 = 0; temp32 |= msr.Lo; temp32 &= msr.Hi; ClearBit( &temp32 , 9 ); // IA-32e Mode Guest Disable Log( "Setting VM-Entry Controls Mask" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004012, temp32 ); // *************************************** // * * // * H.3.3 32-Bit Guest-State Fields * // * * // *************************************** // // Guest ES limit 00004800H __asm MOV seg_selector, ES temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest ES limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004800, 0xFFFFFFFF ); // Guest CS limit 00004802H __asm MOV seg_selector, CS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest CS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004802, 0xFFFFFFFF ); // Guest SS limit 00004804H __asm MOV seg_selector, SS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest SS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004804, 0xFFFFFFFF ); // Guest DS limit 00004806H __asm MOV seg_selector, DS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest DS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004806, 0xFFFFFFFF ); // Guest FS limit 00004808H __asm MOV seg_selector, FS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest FS limit" , 0x00001000 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004808, 0x00001000 ); // Guest GS limit 0000480AH __asm MOV seg_selector, GS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest GS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000480A, 0xFFFFFFFF ); // Guest TR limit 0000480EH __asm { PUSH EAX STR AX MOV mLDT, AX POP EAX } temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, mLDT ); Log( "Setting Guest TR limit" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000480E, temp32 ); // Guest GDTR limit 00004810H Log( "Setting Guest GDTR limit" , gdt_reg.Limit ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004810, gdt_reg.Limit ); // Guest IDTR limit 00004812H Log( "Setting Guest IDTR limit" , idt_reg.Limit ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004812, idt_reg.Limit ); __asm MOV seg_selector, CS temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // CS Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; Log( "Setting Guest CS access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004816, temp32 ); __asm MOV seg_selector, DS temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // DS Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; Log( "Setting Guest DS access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000481A, temp32 ); __asm MOV seg_selector, ES temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // ES Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; Log( "Setting Guest ES access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004814, temp32 ); __asm MOV seg_selector, FS temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // FS Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; temp32 &= 0xFFFF7FFF; // Granularity Bit = 0 Log( "Setting Guest FS access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000481C, temp32 ); __asm MOV seg_selector, GS temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // GS Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; SetBit( &temp32, 16 ); // Unusable Log( "Setting Guest GS access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000481E, temp32 ); __asm MOV seg_selector, SS temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // SS Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; Log( "Setting Guest SS access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004818, temp32 ); __asm STR seg_selector temp32 = seg_selector; temp32 >>= 3; temp32 *= 8; temp32 += (gdt_base + 5); // TR Segment Descriptor __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, temp32 MOV EBX, [EAX] MOV temp32, EBX POPAD } temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF; Log( "Setting Guest TR access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004822, temp32 ); // Guest LDTR access rights 00004820H temp32 = 0; SetBit( &temp32, 16 ); // Unusable Log( "Setting Guest LDTR access rights" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004820, temp32 ); // Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS 0000482AH // (174H) ReadMSR( 0x174 ); Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000482A, msr.Lo ); // ************************************** // * * // * H.3.4 32-Bit Host-State Fields * // * * // ************************************** // // Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS 00004C00H // (174H) ReadMSR( 0x174 ); Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x00004C00, msr.Lo ); // ********************************************** // * * // * H.4.3 Natural-Width Guest-State Fields * // * * // ********************************************** // // Guest CR0 00006800H __asm { PUSH EAX MOV EAX, CR0 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } ReadMSR( 0x486 ); // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0" , msr.Lo ); ReadMSR( 0x487 ); // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1 Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1" , msr.Lo ); SetBit( &temp32, 0 ); // PE SetBit( &temp32, 5 ); // NE SetBit( &temp32, 31 ); // PG Log( "Setting Guest CR0" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006800, temp32 ); // Guest CR3 00006802H __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR3 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xD8 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } Log( "Setting Guest CR3" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, temp32 ); // Guest CR4 00006804H __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR4 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xE0 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } ReadMSR( 0x488 ); // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0" , msr.Lo ); ReadMSR( 0x489 ); // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1" , msr.Lo ); SetBit( &temp32, 13 ); // VMXE Log( "Setting Guest CR4" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006804, temp32 ); // Guest ES base 00006806H __asm MOV seg_selector, ES temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest ES Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006806, temp32 ); // Guest CS base 00006808H __asm MOV seg_selector, CS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest CS Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006808, temp32 ); // Guest SS base 0000680AH __asm MOV seg_selector, SS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest SS Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000680A, temp32 ); // Guest DS base 0000680CH __asm MOV seg_selector, DS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest DS Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000680C, temp32 ); // Guest FS base 0000680EH __asm MOV seg_selector, FS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Guest FS Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000680E, temp32 ); // Guest TR base 00006814H __asm { PUSH EAX STR AX MOV mLDT, AX POP EAX } temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT ); Log( "Setting Guest TR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006814, temp32 ); // Guest GDTR base 00006816H __asm { SGDT gdt_reg } temp32 = 0; temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo; Log( "Setting Guest GDTR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006816, temp32 ); // Guest IDTR base 00006818H __asm { SIDT idt_reg } temp32 = 0; temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo; Log( "Setting Guest IDTR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006818, temp32 ); // Guest RFLAGS 00006820H __asm { PUSHAD PUSHFD MOV EAX, 0x00006820 // VMWRITE EAX, [ESP] _emit 0x0F _emit 0x79 _emit 0x04 _emit 0x24 POP eFlags POPAD } Log( "Guest EFLAGS" , eFlags ); // Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP 00006824H // MSR (175H) ReadMSR( 0x175 ); Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006824, msr.Lo ); // Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP 00006826H // MSR (176H) ReadMSR( 0x176 ); Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006826, msr.Lo ); // ********************************************* // * * // * H.4.4 Natural-Width Host-State Fields * // * * // ********************************************* // // Host CR0 00006C00H __asm { PUSH EAX MOV EAX, CR0 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } SetBit( &temp32, 5 ); // Set NE Bit Log( "Setting Host CR0" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C00, temp32 ); // Host CR3 00006C02H __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR3 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xD8 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } Log( "Setting Host CR3" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C02, temp32 ); // Host CR4 00006C04H __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR4 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xE0 MOV temp32, EAX POP EAX } Log( "Setting Host CR4" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C04, temp32 ); // Host FS base 00006C06H __asm MOV seg_selector, FS temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector ); Log( "Setting Host FS Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C06, temp32 ); // Host TR base 00006C0AH __asm { PUSH EAX STR AX MOV mLDT, AX POP EAX } temp32 = 0; temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT ); Log( "Setting Host TR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0A, temp32 ); // Host GDTR base 00006C0CH __asm { SGDT gdt_reg } temp32 = 0; temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo; Log( "Setting Host GDTR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0C, temp32 ); // Host IDTR base 00006C0EH __asm { SIDT idt_reg } temp32 = 0; temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi; temp32 <<= 16; temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo; Log( "Setting Host IDTR Base" , temp32 ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0E, temp32 ); // Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP 00006C10H // MSR (175H) ReadMSR( 0x175 ); Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C10, msr.Lo ); // Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP 00006C12H // MSR (176H) ReadMSR( 0x176 ); Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C12, msr.Lo ); // (5) Issue a sequence of VMWRITEs to initialize various host-state area // fields in the working VMCS. The initialization sets up the context // and entry-points to the VMM VIRTUAL-MACHINE MONITOR PROGRAMMING // CONSIDERATIONS upon subsequent VM exits from the guest. Host-state // fields include control registers (CR0, CR3 and CR4), selector fields // for the segment registers (CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, GS and TR), and base- // address fields (for FS, GS, TR, GDTR and IDTR; RSP, RIP and the MSRs // that control fast system calls). // // (6) Use VMWRITEs to set up the various VM-exit control fields, VM-entry // control fields, and VM-execution control fields in the VMCS. Care // should be taken to make sure the settings of individual fields match // the allowed 0 and 1 settings for the respective controls as reported // by the VMX capability MSRs (see Appendix G). Any settings inconsistent // with the settings reported by the capability MSRs will cause VM // entries to fail. // (7) Use VMWRITE to initialize various guest-state area fields in the // working VMCS. This sets up the context and entry-point for guest // execution upon VM entry. Chapter 22 describes the guest-state loading // and checking done by the processor for VM entries to protected and // virtual-8086 guest execution. // // Clear the VMX Abort Error Code prior to VMLAUNCH // RtlZeroMemory( (pVMCSRegion + 4), 4 ); Log( "Clearing VMX Abort Error Code" , *(pVMCSRegion + 4) ); // Set EIP, ESP for the Guest right before calling VMLAUNCH // Log( "Setting Guest ESP" , GuestStack ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000681C, (ULONG)GuestStack ); Log( "Setting Guest EIP" , GuestReturn ); WriteVMCS( 0x0000681E, (ULONG)GuestReturn ); /* // Allocate some stack space for the VMEntry and VMMHandler. // HighestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; FakeStack = MmAllocateContiguousMemory( 0x2000, HighestAcceptableAddress ); Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack ); */ // Set EIP, ESP for the Host right before calling VMLAUNCH // Log( "Setting Host ESP" , ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C14, ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) ); Log( "Setting Host EIP" , VMMEntryPoint ); WriteVMCS( 0x00006C16, (ULONG)VMMEntryPoint ); //////////////// // // // VMLAUNCH // // // //////////////// __asm { _emit 0x0F // VMLAUNCH _emit 0x01 _emit 0xC2 } __asm { PUSHFD POP eFlags } Log( "VMLAUNCH Failure" , 0xDEADF00D ) if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 || TRUE ) { // // Get the ERROR number using VMCS field 00004400H // __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00004400 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ErrorCode, EBX POPAD } Log( "VM Instruction Error" , ErrorCode ); } Abort: ScrubTheLaunch = 1; __asm { MOV ESP, GuestStack JMP GuestReturn } } //////////////////// // // // DriverUnload // // // //////////////////// VOID DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject ) { ULONG ExitEFlags = 0; ULONG ExitEAX = 0; ULONG ExitECX = 0; ULONG ExitEDX = 0; ULONG ExitEBX = 0; ULONG ExitESP = 0; ULONG ExitEBP = 0; ULONG ExitESI = 0; ULONG ExitEDI = 0; DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Active Processor Bitmap [%08X]\n", (ULONG)KeQueryActiveProcessors( ) ); DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Disabling VMX mode on CPU 0.\n" ); KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 ); __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x12345678 _emit 0x0F // VMCALL _emit 0x01 _emit 0xC1 POPAD } DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Freeing memory regions.\n" ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 ); ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' ); DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Driver Unloaded.\n"); } //////////////////// // // // Driver Entry // // // //////////////////// NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; ULONG EntryEFlags = 0; ULONG cr4 = 0; ULONG EntryEAX = 0; ULONG EntryECX = 0; ULONG EntryEDX = 0; ULONG EntryEBX = 0; ULONG EntryESP = 0; ULONG EntryEBP = 0; ULONG EntryESI = 0; ULONG EntryEDI = 0; DriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload; Log( "Driver Routines" , 0 ); Log( "---------------" , 0 ); Log( " Driver Entry", DriverEntry ); Log( " Driver Unload", DriverUnload ); Log( " StartVMX", StartVMX ); Log( " VMMEntryPoint", VMMEntryPoint ); // Check if PAE is enabled. // __asm { PUSH EAX _emit 0x0F // MOV EAX, CR4 _emit 0x20 _emit 0xE0 MOV cr4, EAX POP EAX } /*if( cr4 & 0x00000020 ) { Log( "******************************" , 0 ); Log( "Error : PAE must be disabled." , 0 ); Log( "Add the following to boot.ini:" , 0 ); Log( " /noexecute=alwaysoff /nopae" , 0 ); Log( "******************************" , 0 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }*/ // Allocate the VMXON region memory. // pVMXONRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 ); if( pVMXONRegion == NULL ) { Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMXON Region memory." , 0 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Log( "VMXONRegion virtual address" , pVMXONRegion ); RtlZeroMemory( pVMXONRegion, 4096 ); PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMXONRegion ); Log( "VMXONRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart ); // Allocate the VMCS region memory. // pVMCSRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 ); if( pVMCSRegion == NULL ) { Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMCS Region memory." , 0 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Log( "VMCSRegion virtual address" , pVMCSRegion ); RtlZeroMemory( pVMCSRegion, 4096 ); PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMCSRegion ); Log( "VMCSRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart ); // Allocate stack for the VM Exit Handler. // FakeStack = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool , 0x2000, 'HmmV' ); if( FakeStack == NULL ) { Log( "ERROR : Allocating VM Exit Handler stack memory." , 0 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack ); __asm { CLI MOV GuestStack, ESP } // Save the state of the architecture. // __asm { PUSHAD POP EntryEDI POP EntryESI POP EntryEBP POP EntryESP POP EntryEBX POP EntryEDX POP EntryECX POP EntryEAX PUSHFD POP EntryEFlags } StartVMX( ); // Restore the state of the architecture. // __asm { PUSH EntryEFlags POPFD PUSH EntryEAX PUSH EntryECX PUSH EntryEDX PUSH EntryEBX PUSH EntryESP PUSH EntryEBP PUSH EntryESI PUSH EntryEDI POPAD } __asm { STI MOV ESP, GuestStack } Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() ); if( ScrubTheLaunch == 1 ) { Log( "ERROR : Launch aborted." , 0 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 ); MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 ); ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Log( "VM is now executing." , 0 ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG ExitReason; ULONG ExitQualification; ULONG ExitInterruptionInformation; ULONG ExitInterruptionErrorCode; ULONG IDTVectoringInformationField; ULONG IDTVectoringErrorCode; ULONG ExitInstructionLength; ULONG ExitInstructionInformation; ULONG GuestEIP; ULONG GuestResumeEIP; ULONG GuestESP; ULONG GuestCS; ULONG GuestCR0; ULONG GuestCR3; ULONG GuestCR4; ULONG GuestEFLAGS; ULONG GuestEAX; ULONG GuestEBX; ULONG GuestECX; ULONG GuestEDX; ULONG GuestEDI; ULONG GuestESI; ULONG GuestEBP; ULONG movcrControlRegister; ULONG movcrAccessType; ULONG movcrOperandType; ULONG movcrGeneralPurposeRegister; ULONG movcrLMSWSourceData; ULONG ErrorCode; /////////////////////// // // // VMM Entry Point // // // /////////////////////// __declspec( naked ) VOID VMMEntryPoint( ) { __asm CLI __asm PUSHAD // // Record the General-Purpose registers. // __asm MOV GuestEAX, EAX __asm MOV GuestEBX, EBX __asm MOV GuestECX, ECX __asm MOV GuestEDX, EDX __asm MOV GuestEDI, EDI __asm MOV GuestESI, ESI __asm MOV GuestEBP, EBP /////////////////// // // // Exit Reason // 0x00004400 // // /////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00004402 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitReason, EBX POPAD } if( ExitReason == 0x0000000A || // CPUID ExitReason == 0x00000012 || // VMCALL ExitReason == 0x0000001C || // MOV CR ExitReason == 0x0000001F || // RDMSR ExitReason == 0x00000020 || // WRMSR ( ExitReason > 0x00000012 && ExitReason < 0x0000001C ) ) { HandlerLogging = 0; } else { HandlerLogging = 1; } if( HandlerLogging ) { Log( "----- VMM Handler CPU0 -----", 0 ); Log( "Guest EAX" , GuestEAX ); Log( "Guest EBX" , GuestEBX ); Log( "Guest ECX" , GuestECX ); Log( "Guest EDX" , GuestEDX ); Log( "Guest EDI" , GuestEDI ); Log( "Guest ESI" , GuestESI ); Log( "Guest EBP" , GuestEBP ); Log( "Exit Reason" , ExitReason ); } ////////////////////////// // // // Exit Qualification // 00006400H // // ////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00006400 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitQualification, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Qualification" , ExitQualification ); //////////////////////////////////////// // // // VM-Exit Interruption Information // 00004404H // // //////////////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00004404 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitInterruptionInformation, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Information" , ExitInterruptionInformation ); /////////////////////////////////////// // // // VM-Exit Interruption Error Code // 00004406H // // /////////////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00004406 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitInterruptionErrorCode, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Error Code" , ExitInterruptionErrorCode ); /////////////////////////////////////// // // // IDT-Vectoring Information Field // 00004408H // // /////////////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x00004408 _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV IDTVectoringInformationField, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Information Field" , IDTVectoringInformationField ); //////////////////////////////// // // // IDT-Vectoring Error Code // 0000440AH // // //////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x0000440A _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV IDTVectoringErrorCode, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Error Code" , IDTVectoringErrorCode ); ////////////////////////////////// // // // VM-Exit Instruction Length // 0000440CH // // ////////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x0000440C _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitInstructionLength, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Length" , ExitInstructionLength ); /////////////////////////////////////// // // // VM-Exit Instruction Information // 0000440EH // // /////////////////////////////////////// __asm { PUSHAD MOV EAX, 0x0000440E _emit 0x0F // VMREAD EBX, EAX _emit 0x78 _emit 0xC3 MOV ExitInstructionInformation, EBX POPAD } if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Information" , ExitInstructionInformation ); ///////////////// // // // Guest EIP // // |
发布于:2007-09-07 15:55
作者申明不支持PAE模式,不支持SHUTDOWN,SLEEP 不过我测试下来发现有些不同,由于代码中并没有对任何异常设置处理位,所以所有中断异常 ,均由GUEST系统处理,所以无所谓PAE模式,所以可以把它的PAE限制去掉,当然如果你要处理页中断异常的话,需要进行相应的处理。 系统不支持重新启动,因为一旦你设置CPU进入虚拟模式,那么就不能切换到实模式,因为VMM的要求是必须位于保护模式,分页的情况下,否则你需要在自己的VMM中模拟来实现。 系统处于SLEEP后,会进入其他模式,而VMM无法处理,所以会导致VMXOFF,也就是说睡眠回来以后,你的CPU已经从虚拟模式中出来的。 |
发布于:2007-09-07 15:56
wowocock 还是把代码作为附件上传吧
发布于:2007-09-07 19:27
发布于:2007-09-12 08:03
虚拟化:这种虚拟化技术早在Intel的酷睿2中就已经被加入进去,但是在个人使用中却实在是没有永无之地,而在专业领域就有很大的不同了。而且AMD的虚拟化技术看上去更加先进和成熟。 大家之所以希望虚拟化帮助提升IT基础设施的效率,那么打破“每台服务器一种应用”的模式,根据工作负载或维护安排迁移虚拟机就是它最有吸引力的地方,它将一台计算机分成多个独立的虚拟机,能够同时支持多种不同的操作系统和应用。 如果在一个硬件系统上运行多个虚拟机,那么如何保证从最底层的CPU到最上层的应用之间,物理机与虚拟机之间的高速高效的数据交换,以及虚拟机之间的高隔离度就成了重要课题。通过研究VMware和Xen这样在Windows和Linux操作系统上的典型虚拟机产品,可以知道相较传统的进程迁移,虚拟机迁移的具有很大优势但同时带来不少挑战,例如在内存迁移、网络连接保持、用户数据迁移和虚拟机本身的效率等问题上还有提升空间。而这就需要有从底层硬件、固件到软件的同步提升,巴塞罗那就从CPU底层提供了良好的硬件支持。 例如DEV(Device Exclusion Vector)技术可以在内存中创建保护域,通过拒绝未经授权的内存访问请求,使得设备在未经授权的情况下,不得访问内存页面。实现了在硬件中嵌入安全性,从而提高虚拟机效率。 此外,为了提升虚拟机与物理机之间的数据传送及翻译转换,“巴塞罗那——皓龙”中使用了带标签的 TLB(Translation Look-aside Buffer,地址转换后备缓冲器,它是 CPU 中的一个表,用于存储最近使用的从虚拟到物理内存翻译记录),使得在多个虚拟机同时运行时,在内存地址中切换时可以令Hypervisor知道TLB与虚拟机之间的一一对应关系,从而提高虚拟机性能。 “巴塞罗那——皓龙”将更进一步提供硬件层的快速虚拟化索引技术(RVI),极大地提升了内存访问的性能,使虚拟化性能有75%的提升。被翻译出来的地址还被保存在巴塞罗那的大容量TLB中以进一步提高多个虚拟机之间切换的性能。 按照上述情况来看,我们可以认识到,借助先进的全新架构和数据中心将虚拟化软件作为整合服务器负载、确保更安全运行和进行灾难恢复的基本工具。“巴塞罗那——皓龙”能够有效降低内存延迟的集成内存控制器、以及旨在减少软件虚拟化管理成本的AMD虚拟化技术创新:快速虚拟化索引(RVI, Rapid Virtualization Indexing),从而在虚拟化环境中表现卓越。快速虚拟化索引 (RVI) 将以前在软件中执行的功能转移到CPU执行,并大大提高其速度,有助于提供接近实时的应用性能。 看来AMDK10 的虚拟化技术又有了很大的提高了。。。。。。 |
发布于:2007-09-15 10:26
发布于:2007-09-15 16:00
Re:An Introduction to Hardware-Assisted Virtu
国内貌似1年前就有开始搞这个技术产品的团队了。不知道出来会是个沙东东虚拟机? |
发布于:2007-09-15 16:18
32位暂不说,恐怕64位下自己的VMM没有什么机会,OS早已经进入自己的VMM下,进行硬件的全面接管,你根本就没机会进入VMM层,系统VMM除了实现PATCH GUARD外,恐怕还会对自己进行全面保护,除非你写OS,不然看来基本没戏。
发布于:2007-09-17 01:08