回复(5) 2002-11-20 17:34 来自版块 - 内核编程
SharpShooter前面老哥说的很对,98下的必须要有VC1.5库,99年、2000年的时候兄弟还做过瘟31下面的打印机驱动呐!那个时候我好像极少碰VC,一般都是写了MakeFile,然后去nmake。(2003-03-14 15:32)
jr0jr是98下的高手吗? 多说两句何妨? 2000下的,不才已然开发好了,但谁让客户都用该死的瘟酒吧呢?(2003-03-14 02:15)
daorwhy do it under win98? I have heard that it is quite easier to implement this under win2k due to its nice driver model, and you may use vc6(2003-03-13 19:04)
daorYou must use 16-bit compiler such as vc1.52,which you can find in this website(2003-03-13 18:56)
jr0jr你问的问题我也非常关注 另外请您不吝赐教 98下的16位打印驱动程序怎样编译和连接呀? vc6.0下build总报错。 要用vc4.0吗?(2003-03-13 00:11)
