到www.gogole.com输入:Weapons of Mass Destruction点击:手气不错看之
回复(6) 2004-06-03 00:38 来自版块 - 疯狂灌水&& 人生 &&娱乐
seaquester有点意思 :cool:(2004-06-04 17:10)
cdwBush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt.(2004-06-03 14:23)
yangguoo仔细看,不是一般的页面无法显示 These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The coun...(2004-06-03 11:56)
jec017是个骗子。(2004-06-03 11:45)
yangguoo是www.google.com 看没看(2004-06-03 09:51)
cloud_zhou2000是www.google.com(2004-06-03 08:14)
