for those who don't want to spend time to write *.sys can try this:note: it is working with windows only.
回复(34) 2004-01-27 05:32 来自版块 - 非USB硬件驱动开发
zsh_7769hong,你好!我问的问题会不会太多了,不好意思,不懂的实在太多了,还希望你能多多帮忙,我想问一下:VdendorId, DeviceId, SubsystemId, SubsystemVendorId这几值在设计硬件时就定下来了还是等卡做好后插在机子上由机子随机分配? 谢谢回答...(2004-05-11 14:48)
zsh_7769hong,你好!boot the pc 是什么意思呢?是自动还是需要手动导入? 还有,project folder is generated后用Hardware install wizard把驱动安装到PCI CARD上,这个Hardware install wizard是指什...(2004-05-11 09:18)
hongas long as you can boot the pc and the bios able to config it, PCI configuration will be able read all the pci header data.(2004-05-11 00:06)
zsh_7769hong,你好!我想问一下,当把PCI9054卡插好后运行PCI Configuration,在卡没有问题的情况下它能找到卡并且显示相应的IDS值吗?谢谢回答!!!!很急!!!! [编辑 - 5/10/04 by zsh_7769] [编辑 - 5/10/04 by...(2004-05-10 23:07)
zsh_7769hong,不好意思,又有问题了,我按照你说的步骤进行到第6步,也就是 Select a space, enter the offset,我填好所有数据后点击read,但是在对话框却提示Call PciRegRead() failed.我不知道是什么原因,能帮帮我吗?谢谢回答!!!...(2004-05-09 22:36)
hongdownload: PCI Configuration is a tool from win2k DDK. you can ins...(2004-05-09 18:44)
zsh_7769是从这边下载吗? 但我上不去,能给我发到邮箱里去吗?非常感谢!!!! 16:43)
zsh_7769hong,再问你一个问题:在控制面板中的PCI Configuration是安装了什么东西以后才有的呢?谢谢回答!!!!很急!!!!(2004-05-09 16:37)
zsh_7769hong,太感谢你了!!!!多谢多谢!!!!(2004-05-08 17:16)
hongsee this help file (2004-05-07 22:28)
