for those who don't want to spend time to write *.sys can try this:note: it is working with windows only.
回复(34) 2004-01-27 05:32 来自版块 - 非USB硬件驱动开发
zsh_7769hong,怎么设置VdendorId, DeviceId, SubsystemId, SubsystemVendorId的值呢?我刚接触,很多不清楚,看不了你的图,你能告诉我具体怎么做吗?非常感谢你的帮忙!!!!非常感谢!!!!(2004-05-07 20:12)
hongtry this 00:16)
changjt地球村,中国很多地方都屏蔽了的.找找代理上吧(2004-02-18 21:10)
blue_spiterhong,I cannot open the web(,how can I get the help file? thanks !(2004-02-18 09:08)
hongit is moving here now: (2004-02-17 02:00)
hongyou are welcome!(2004-02-12 23:21)
fanchao41i really appreciate your help ,hong .thank you . i know how to use it now . by the way ,i can not open the web "http://www.geocities...(2004-02-12 08:55)
honglook at there is an instruction, i copy here (i don't know how to copy the pictures.) Ho...(2004-02-11 23:10)
fanchao41thank you ,hong ,i get it .but would you please tell me how to use it ? i mean what's the "device software presentation".and ...(2004-02-11 09:33)
honghere it is(2004-02-10 23:08)
