在MAXPLUS II 9.23版下编译通不过。说有一个错误,但是提示是一堆乱七八糟的符号,不知道该怎么改。
急求哪位高手帮忙指点一下!!!! 请一定要帮帮忙!!! 多谢!! 我的邮箱是lemmon8017@163.com 程序是HDLC的发送部分。 library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity transmit is port( clk: in std_logic; data_in: in std_logic;--串行数据输入端 reset: in std_logic; data_out: out std_logic--发送数据端 ); end transmit; architecture tran of transmit is --定义全局信号 signal crc_begin: std_logic;--CRC 校验开始的控制信号 signal test_11111_reg:std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); --检测五连一的寄存器 signal test_11111_begin:std_logic; --五连一寄存器的控制信号 signal buf_save: std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); --定义储存外部输入的串行数据的buffer signal buf1: std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal crc_reg: std_logic_vector(51 downto 0); --CRC 处理时,添零后的数据 signal crc_out,crc_out_tmp: std_logic_vector(51 downto 0); ---添加了CRC码的数据 signal buf2: std_logic_vector(69 downto 0); signal d_7e: std_logic_vector(77 downto 0); signal tr: std_logic_vector(77 downto 0); signal data_in_count: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal data_latch_flag,data_out_flag: std_logic; begin process (clk,data_in,buf_save,reset) begin if(reset=\'0\')then data_in_count<=\"000000\"; elsif clk\'event and clk=\'1\' then --时钟上升沿时 buf_save(0)<=data_in; for i in 34 downto 0 loop buf_save(i+1)<=buf_save(i); end loop; if(data_in_count<38)then data_in_count<=data_in_count+1; else data_in_count<=\"100110\"; end if; end if ; end process; process(clk,data_in_count) begin if(clk\'event and clk=\'1\')then if(data_in_count=35)then data_latch_flag<=\'1\'; else data_latch_flag<=\'0\'; end if; if(data_in_count=36)then data_out_flag<=\'1\'; else data_out_flag<=\'0\'; end if; end if; end process; process(data_latch_flag,buf_save) --定义中间变量 variable c: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); variable p: std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); variable d: std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);--定义滑块变量 begin if(data_latch_flag=\'1\')then buf1<=buf_save; crc_reg<=buf_save&c; --在数据后添16个0 d(15 downto 0) := buf_save(35 downto 20); c:=\"0000000000000000\"; p:=\"10001000000100001\"; else for k in 1 downto 0 loop if(k>0)then for i in 36 downto 1 loop --前36次计算 if(i>0)then if d(16)=\'0\' then --如果d的最高位为0则做异或\'0\'的运算 for j in 15 downto 0 loop c(j):=d(j) xor \'0\'; end loop; else --如果d的最高位为1,由变量d和变量p做异或运算 for j in 15 downto 0 loop c(j):=d(j) xor p(j); end loop; end if; --if d(16)=\'0\' d:=c&crc_reg(i-1);--d往后滑动一位 else if d(16)=\'0\' then --最后一次计算 for j in 15 downto 0 loop c(j):=d(j) xor \'0\'; end loop; else for j in 15 downto 0 loop c(j):=d(j) xor p(j); end loop; end if; end if; --if(i>0) end loop; else crc_out_tmp<=buf1&c; end if; --if(k>0) end loop; end if; --if(data_latch_flag=\'1\') end process; process(crc_out_tmp) begin for n in 2 downto 0 loop if(n >1)then crc_out<=crc_out_tmp; elsif(n>0)then for m in 2 downto 0 loop if(m>1)then -- m==2 buf2(7 downto 0)<=\"01111110\"; elsif(m > 0) then -- m==1 for i in 50 downto 0 loop for k in 1 downto 0 loop if(k>0)then buf2(0)<=crc_out(51); for l in 60 downto 0 loop buf2(l+1)<=buf2(l); end loop; crc_out(i+1)<=crc_out(i); else if(buf2(4 downto 0)=\"11111\")then for j in 60 downto 0 loop buf2(j+1)<=buf2(j); end loop; buf2(0)<=\'0\'; end if; end if; -- if k end loop; -- k loop end loop; -- i loop else -- m==0 for k in 1 downto 0 loop if(k>0)then buf2(0)<=crc_out(51); for l in 60 downto 0 loop buf2(l+1)<=buf2(l); end loop; else if(buf2(4 downto 0)=\"11111\")then for j in 60 downto 0 loop buf2(j+1)<=buf2(j); end loop; buf2(0)<=\'0\'; end if; end if; -- if k end loop; -- k loop end if; -- if m end loop; -- m loop else d_7e( 77 downto 0 ) <= buf2( 69 downto 0 )&\"01111110\"; end if; -- if n end loop; -- n loop end process; process(clk,d_7e) begin if( clk\'event and clk=\'1\')then if(data_out_flag=\'1\')then tr<=d_7e; else data_out<=tr(77); for i in 76 downto 0 loop tr(i+1)<=tr(i); end loop; end if; end if; end process; end tran; |
发布于:2005-06-20 16:56
发布于:2005-06-25 15:43
请问:\"0000000"\里的 \ 是什么意思?