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Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors[好文章]

更多 发布于:2007-04-10 21:20
Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors, Part I
By Paul McKenney on Thu, 2005-06-30 01:00. Software

One important difference among CPU families is how they allow memory accesses to be reordered. Linux has to support them all.

Since the 2.0 kernel release, Linux has supported a large number of SMP systems based on a variety of CPUs. Linux has done an excellent job of abstracting differences among these CPUs, even in kernel code. This article is an overview of one important difference: how CPUs allow memory accesses to be reordered in SMP systems.

Memory accesses are among the slowest of a CPU's operations, due to the fact that Moore's law has increased CPU instruction performance at a much greater rate than it has increased memory performance. This difference in performance increase means that memory operations have been getting increasingly expensive compared to simple register-to-register instructions. Modern CPUs sport increasingly large caches in order to reduce the overhead of these expensive memory accesses.

These caches can be thought of as simple hardware hash tables with fixed size buckets and no chaining, as shown in Figure 1. This cache has 16 lines and two ways for a total of 32 entries, each entry containing a single 256-byte cache line, which is a 256-byte-aligned block of memory. This cache line size is a little on the large size, but it makes the hexadecimal arithmetic much simpler. In hardware parlance, this is a two-way set-associative cache. It is analogous to a software hash table with 16 buckets, where each bucket's hash chain is limited to two elements at most. Because this cache is implemented in hardware, the hash function is extremely simple: extract four bits from the memory address.

In Figure 1, each box corresponds to a cache entry that can contain a 256-byte cache line. However, a cache entry can be empty, as indicated by the empty boxes in the figure. The rest of the boxes are flagged with the memory address of the cache line they contain. Because the cache lines must be 256-byte aligned, the low eight bits of each address are zero. The choice of hardware hash function means the next-higher four bits match the line number.

The situation depicted in Figure 1 might arise if the program's code was located at address 0x43210E00 through 0x43210EFF, and this program accessed data sequentially from 0x12345000 through 0x12345EFF. Suppose that the program now was to access location 0x12345F00. This location hashes to line 0xF, and both ways of this line are empty, so the corresponding 256-byte line can be accommodated. If the program was to access location 0x1233000, which hashes to line 0x0, the corresponding 256-byte cache line can be accommodated in way 1. However, if the program were to access location 0x1233E00, which hashes to line 0xE, one of the existing lines must be ejected from the cache to make room for the new cache line. This background on hardware caching allows us to look at why CPUs reorder memory accesses.

Why Reorder Memory Accesses?

In a word, performance! CPUs have become so fast that the large multimegabyte caches cannot keep up with them. Therefore, caches often are partitioned into nearly independent banks, as shown in Figure 2. This allows each of the banks to run in parallel, thus keeping up better with the CPU. Memory normally is divided among the cache banks by address. For example, all the even-numbered cache lines might be processed by bank 0 and all of the odd-numbered cache lines by bank 1.

However, this hardware parallelism has a dark side: memory operations now can complete out of order, which can result in some confusion, as illustrated in Figure 3. CPU 0 might write first to location 0x12345000, an even-numbered cache line, and then to location 0x12345100, an odd-numbered cache line. If bank 0 is busy with earlier requests but bank 1 is idle, the first write is visible to CPU 1 after the second write. In other words, the writes are perceived out of order by CPU 1. Reads can be reordered in a similar manner. This reordering can cause many textbook parallel algorithms to fail.

Memory Reordering and SMP Software

A few machines offer sequential consistency, in which all operations happen in the order specified by the code and where all CPUs' views of these operations are consistent with a global ordering of the combined operations. Sequentially consistent systems have some nice properties, but high performance does not tend to be one of them. The need for global ordering severely constrains the hardware's ability to exploit parallelism, and therefore, commodity CPUs and systems do not offer sequential consistency.

On these systems, three orderings must be accounted for:

Program order: the order in which the memory operations are specified in the code running on a given CPU.

Execution order: the order in which the individual memory-reference instructions are executed on a given CPU. The execution order can differ from program order due to both compiler and CPU-implementation optimizations.

Perceived order: the order in which a given CPU perceives its and other CPUs' memory operations. The perceived order can differ from the execution order due to caching, interconnect and memory-system optimizations. Different CPUs might well perceive the same memory operations as occurring in different orders.

Popular memory-consistency models include x86's process consistency, in which writes from a given CPU are seen in order by all CPUs, and weak consistency, which permits arbitrary reorderings limited only by explicit memory-barrier instructions. For more information on memory-consistency models, see Gharachorloo's exhaustive technical report, listed in the on-line Resources.

Summary of Memory Ordering

When it comes to how memory ordering works on different CPUs, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is each CPU's memory ordering is a bit different. The good news is you can count on a few things:

A given CPU always perceives its own memory operations as occurring in program order. That is, memory-reordering issues arise only when a CPU is observing other CPUs' memory operations.

An operation is reordered with a store only if the operation accesses a different location than does the store.

Aligned simple loads and stores are atomic.

Linux-kernel synchronization primitives contain any needed memory barriers, which is a good reason to use these primitives.

The most important differences are called out in Table 1. More detailed descriptions of specific CPUs' features will be addressed in a later installment. Parenthesized CPU names indicate modes that are allowed architecturally but rarely used in practice. The cells marked with a Y indicate weak memory ordering; the more Ys, the more reordering is possible. In general, it is easier to port SMP code from a CPU with many Ys to a CPU with fewer Ys, though your mileage may vary. However, code that uses standard synchronization primitives-spinlocks, semaphores, RCU-should not need explicit memory barriers, because any required barriers already are present in these primitives. Only tricky code that bypasses these synchronization primitives needs barriers. It is important to note that most atomic operations, for example, atomic_inc() and atomic_add(), do not include any memory barriers.

In Table 1, the first four columns indicate whether a given CPU allows the four possible combinations of loads and stores to be reordered. The next two columns indicate whether a given CPU allows loads and stores to be reordered with atomic instructions. With only eight CPUs, we have five different combinations of load-store reorderings and three of the four possible atomic-instruction reorderings.

The second-to-last column, dependent reads reordered, requires some explanation, which will be undertaken in the second installment of this series. The short version is Alpha requires memory barriers for readers as well as for updaters of linked data structures. Yes, this does mean that Alpha in effect can fetch the data pointed to before it fetches the pointer itself-strange but true. Please see the "Ask the Wizard" column on the manufacturer's site, listed in Resources, if you think that I am making this up. The benefit of this extremely weak memory model is Alpha can use simpler cache hardware, which in turn permitted higher clock frequencies in Alpha's heyday.

The last column in Table 1 indicates whether a given CPU has a incoherent instruction cache and pipeline. Such CPUs require that special instructions be executed for self-modifying code. In absence of these instructions, the CPU might execute the old rather than the new version of the code. This might seem unimportant-after all, who writes self-modifying code these days? The answer is that every JIT out there does. Writers of JIT code generators for such CPUs must take special care to flush instruction caches and pipelines before attempting to execute any newly generated code. These CPUs also require that the exec() and page-fault code flush the instruction caches and pipelines before attempting to execute any binaries just read into memory, lest the CPU end up executing the prior contents of the affected pages.

How Linux Copes
One of Linux's great advantages is it runs on a wide variety of different CPUs. Unfortunately, as we have seen, these CPUs sport a wide variety of memory-consistency models. So what is a portable kernel to do?

Linux provides a carefully chosen set of memory-barrier primitives, as follows:

smp_mb(): "memory barrier" that orders both loads and stores. This means loads and stores preceding the memory barrier are committed to memory before any loads and stores following the memory barrier.

smp_rmb(): "read memory barrier" that orders only loads.

smp_wmb(): "write memory barrier" that orders only stores.

smp_read_barrier_depends(): forces subsequent operations that depend on prior operations to be ordered. This primitive is a no-op on all platforms except Alpha.

The smp_mb(), smp_rmb() and smp_wmb() primitives also force the compiler to eschew any optimizations that would have the effect of reordering memory optimizations across the barriers. The smp_read_barrier_depends() primitive must do the same, but only on Alpha CPUs.

These primitives generate code only in SMP kernels; however, each also has a UP version-mb(), rmb(), wmb() and read_barrier_depends(), respectively-that generate a memory barrier even in UP kernels. The smp_ versions should be used in most cases. However, these latter primitives are useful when writing drivers, because memory-mapped I/O accesses must remain ordered even in UP kernels. In absence of memory-barrier instructions, both CPUs and compilers happily would rearrange these accesses. At best, this would make the device act strangely; at worst, it would crash your kernel or, in some cases, even damage your hardware.

So most kernel programmers need not worry about the memory-barrier peculiarities of each and every CPU, as long as they stick to these memory-barrier interfaces. If you are working deep in a given CPU's architecture-specific code, of course, all bets are off.

But it gets better. All of Linux's locking primitives, including spinlocks, reader-writer locks, semaphores and read-copy updates (RCUs), include any needed barrier primitives. So if you are working with code that uses these primitives, you don't even need to worry about Linux's memory-ordering primitives. That said, deep knowledge of each CPU's memory-consistency model can be helpful when debugging, to say nothing of writing architecture-specific code or synchronization primitives.

Besides, they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Just imagine the damage you could do with a lot of knowledge! For those who want to understand more about individual CPUs' memory consistency models, the next installment will describe those of the most popular and prominent CPUs.

As noted earlier, the good news is Linux's memory-ordering primitives and synchronization primitives make it unnecessary for most Linux kernel hackers to worry about memory barriers. This is especially good news given the large number of CPUs and systems that Linux supports and the resulting wide variety of memory-consistency models. However, there are times when knowing about memory barriers can be helpful, and I hope that this article has served as a good introduction to them
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发布于:2007-04-10 21:22
Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors, Part II
By Paul McKenney on Thu, 2005-07-28 01:00. Software

Anybody who says computers give only right answers hasn't seen what happens when several SMP processors, each with its own cache, try to get at the same data. Here's how to keep the kernel's view of memory correct, no matter what architecture you're on.
The first installment of this series was an overview of memory barriers, why they are needed in SMP kernels and how the Linux kernel handles them [August 2005]. This installment gives an overview of how several of the more popular CPUs-Alpha, AMD64, IA64, PA-RISC, POWER, SPARC, x86 and zSeries, otherwise known as IBM mainframe-implement memory barriers. Table 1 is reproduced here from the first installment of this series for reference.

It may seem strange to say much of anything about a CPU whose end of life has been announced, but Alpha is interesting because, with the weakest memory-ordering model, it reorders memory operations the most aggressively. It therefore has defined the Linux kernel memory-ordering primitives that must work on all CPUs. Understanding Alpha, therefore, is surprisingly important to the Linux kernel hacker.

The difference between Alpha and the other CPUs is illustrated by the code shown in Listing 1. This smp_wmb() on line 9 guarantees that the element initialization in lines 6-8 is executed before the element is added to the list on line 10, so that the lock-free search works correctly. That is, it makes this guarantee on all CPUs except Alpha.

Alpha has extremely weak memory ordering, such that the code on line 20 of Listing 1 could see the old garbage values that were present before the initialization on lines 6-8.

Figure 1 shows how this can happen on an aggressively parallel machine with partitioned caches, so that alternating cache lines are processed by the different partitions of the caches. Assume that the list header head is processed by cache bank 0 and the new element is processed by cache bank 1. On Alpha, the smp_wmb() guarantees that the cache invalidation performed by lines 6-8 of Listing 1 reaches the interconnect before that of line 10. But, it makes absolutely no guarantee about the order in which the new values reach the reading CPU's core. For example, it is possible that the reading CPU's cache bank 1 is busy, while cache bank 0 is idle. This could result in the cache invalidates for the new element being delayed, so that the reading CPU gets the new value for the pointer but sees the old cached values for the new element.

 Table 1. Summary of Memory Ordering

One could place an smp_rmb() primitive between the pointer fetch and dereference. However, this imposes unneeded overhead on systems such as x86, IA64, PPC and SPARC that respect data dependencies on the read side. An smp_read_barrier_depends() primitive has been added to the Linux 2.6 kernel to eliminate overhead on these systems. This primitive may be used as shown on line 19 of Listing 2. However, please note that RCU code should use rcu_dereference() instead.

It also is possible to implement a software barrier that could be used in place of smp_wmb(), which would force all reading CPUs to see the writing CPU's writes in order. However, this approach was deemed by the Linux community to impose excessive overhead on extremely weakly ordered CPUs, such as Alpha. This software barrier could be implemented by sending interprocessor interrupts (IPIs) to all other CPUs. Upon receipt of such an IPI, a CPU would execute a memory-barrier instruction, implementing a memory-barrier shoot-down. Additional logic is required to avoid deadlocks. Of course, CPUs that respect data dependencies would define such a barrier simply to be smp_wmb(). Perhaps this decision should be revisited in the future when Alpha fades off into the sunset.

Listing 1. Insert and Lock-Free Search

 1 struct el *insert(long key, long data)
 2 {
 3      struct el *p;
 4      p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GPF_ATOMIC);
 5      spin_lock(&mutex);
 6      p->next =;
 7      p->key = key;
 8      p->data = data;
 9      smp_wmb();
10 = p;
11      spin_unlock(&mutex);
12 }
14 struct el *search(long key)
15 {
16      struct el *p;
17      p =;
18      while (p != &head) {
19          /* BUG ON ALPHA!!! */
20          if (p->key == key) {
21               return (p);
22          }
23          p = p->next;
24      };
25      return (NULL);
26 }

The Linux memory-barrier primitives took their names from the Alpha instructions, so smp_mb() is mb, smp_rmb() is rmb and smp_wmb() is wmb. Alpha is the only CPU where smp_read_barrier_depends() is an smp_mb() rather than a no-op. For more detail on Alpha, see the reference manual, listed in the on-line Resources.

Although AMD64 is compatible with x86, it offers a slightly stronger memory-consistency model, in that it does not reorder a store ahead of a load. After all, loads are slow and cannot be buffered, so why reorder a store ahead of a load? Although it is possible in theory to create a parallel program that works on some x86 CPUs but fails on AMD64 due to this difference in memory-consistency model, in practice this difference has little effect on porting code from x86 to AMD64.

The AMD64 implementation of the Linux smp_mb() primitive is mfence, smp_rmb() is lfence and smp_wmb() is sfence.

 Figure 1. Why smp_read_barrier_depends() Is Required

IA64 offers a weak consistency model, so that in absence of explicit memory-barrier instructions, IA64 is within its rights to reorder memory references arbitrarily. IA64 has a memory-fence instruction named mf, as well as a half-memory fence modifier to load and store some of its atomic instructions. The acq modifier prevents subsequent memory-reference instructions from being reordered before the acq, but it permits prior memory-reference instructions to be reordered after the acq, as fancifully illustrated by Figure 2. Similarly, the rel modifier prevents prior memory-reference instructions from being reordered after the rel, but it allows subsequent memory-reference instructions to be reordered before the rel.

These half-memory fences are useful for critical sections, as it is safe to push operations into a critical section. It can be fatal, however, to allow them to bleed out.

The IA64 mf instruction is used for the smp_rmb(), smp_mb() and smp_wmb() primitives in the Linux kernel. Oh, and despite persistent rumors to the contrary, the mf mnemonic really does stand for memory fence.

Although the PA-RISC architecture permits full reordering of loads and stores, actual CPUs run fully ordered. This means the Linux kernel's memory-ordering primitives generate no code; they do, however, use the GCC memory attribute to disable compiler optimizations that would reorder code across the memory barrier.

Listing 2. Safe Insert and Lock-Free Search

 1 struct el *insert(long key, long data)
 2 {
 3      struct el *p;
 4      p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GPF_ATOMIC);
 5      spin_lock(&mutex);
 6      p->next =;
 7      p->key = key;
 8      p->data = data;
 9      smp_wmb();
10 = p;
11      spin_unlock(&mutex);
12 }
14 struct el *search(long key)
15 {
16      struct el *p;
17      p =;
18      while (p != &head) {
19          smp_read_barrier_depends();
20          if (p->key == key) {
21               return (p);
22          }
23          p = p->next;
24      };
25      return (NULL);
26 }

The POWER and PowerPC CPU families have a wide variety of memory-barrier instructions:

sync causes all preceding instructions, not only memory references, to appear to have completed before any subsequent operations are started. This instruction, therefore, is quite expensive.

lwsync, or lightweight sync, orders loads with respect to subsequent loads and stores, and it also orders stores. However, it does not order stores with respect to subsequent loads. Interestingly enough, the lwsync instruction enforces the same ordering as does the zSeries and, coincidentally, the SPARC TSO.

eieio, enforce in-order execution of I/O, in case you were wondering, causes all preceding cacheable stores, which are normal memory references, to appear to have completed before all subsequent cacheable stores. It also causes all preceding non-cacheable, memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) stores to appear to have completed before all subsequent non-cacheable stores. However, the stores to cacheable memory are ordered separately from the stores to non-cacheable memory, which, for example, means that eieio does not force an MMIO store to precede a spinlock release.

isync forces all preceding instructions to appear to have completed before any subsequent instructions start execution. This means that the preceding instructions must have progressed far enough that any traps they might generate either have happened or are guaranteed not to happen. Furthermore, any side effects of these instructions-for example, page-table changes-are seen by the subsequent instructions.

 Figure 2. Half-Memory Barrier

Unfortunately, none of these instructions line up exactly with Linux's wmb() primitive, which requires all stores to be ordered. It does not require the other high-overhead actions of the sync instruction. But there is no choice: ppc64 versions of wmb() and mb() are defined to be the heavyweight sync instruction. However, Linux's smp_wmb() primitive cannot be used for MMIO, because a driver must carefully order MMIOs in UP as well as SMP kernels. So, it is defined to be the lighter-weight eieio instruction, which may be unique in having a five-vowel mnemonic. The smp_mb() primitive also is defined to be the sync instruction, but both smp_rmb() and rmb() are defined to be the lighter-weight lwsync instruction.

Many members of the POWER architecture have incoherent instruction caches, so a store to memory is not necessarily reflected in the instruction cache. Thankfully, few people write self-modifying code these days, but JITs do it all the time. Furthermore, recompiling a recently run program looks like self-modifying code from the CPU's viewpoint. The icbi instruction, instruction cache block invalidate, invalidates a specified cache line from the instruction cache and may be used in these situations.

Solaris on SPARC uses total-store order (TSO); however, Linux runs SPARC in relaxed-memory order (RMO) mode. The SPARC architecture also offers an intermediate partial-store order (PSO). Any program that runs in RMO also can run in either PSO or TSO. Similarly, a program that runs in PSO also can run in TSO. Moving a shared-memory parallel program in the other direction may require careful insertion of memory barriers; although, as noted earlier, programs that make standard use of synchronization primitives need not worry about memory barriers.

SPARC has a flexible memory-barrier instruction that permits fine-grained control of ordering:

StoreStore: order preceding stores before subsequent stores. This option is used by the Linux smp_wmb() primitive.

LoadStore: order preceding loads before subsequent stores.

StoreLoad: order preceding stores before subsequent loads.

LoadLoad: order preceding loads before subsequent loads. This option is used by the Linux smp_rmb() primitive.

Sync: fully complete all preceding operations before starting any subsequent operations.

MemIssue: complete preceding memory operations before subsequent memory operations, which is important for some instances of memory-mapped I/O.

Lookaside: same as MemIssue but applies only to preceding stores and subsequent loads, and even then only for stores and loads that access the same memory location.

The Linux smp_mb() primitive uses the first four options together, as in:

membar #LoadLoad | #LoadStore | #StoreStore | #StoreLoad

This fully orders memory operations.

So, why is membar #MemIssue needed? Because a membar #StoreLoad could permit a subsequent load to get its value from a write buffer, which would be disastrous if the write goes to an MMIO register that induces side effects on the value to be read. In contrast, membar #MemIssue would wait until the write buffers were flushed before permitting the loads to execute, thereby ensuring that the load actually gets its value from the MMIO register. Drivers instead could use membar #Sync, but the lighter-weight membar #MemIssue is preferred in cases where the additional function of the more-expensive membar #Sync are not required.

The membar #Lookaside is a lighter-weight version of membar #MemIssue, which is useful when writing to a given MMIO register that affects the value read next from that same register. However, the heavier-weight membar #MemIssue must be used when a write to a given MMIO register affects the value read next from some other MMIO register.

It is not clear why SPARC does not define wmb() to be membar #MemIssue and smb_wmb() to be membar #StoreStore, as the current definitions seem vulnerable to bugs in some drivers. It is quite possible that all the SPARC CPUs that Linux runs on implement a more conservative memory-ordering model than the architecture would permit.

SPARC requires a flush instruction be used between the time that an instruction is stored and executed. This is needed to flush any prior value for that location from the SPARC's instruction cache. Notice that flush takes an address and flushes only that address from the instruction cache. On SMP systems, all CPUs' caches are flushed, but there is no convenient way to determine when the off-CPU flushes complete, although there is a reference to an implementation note.

The x86 CPUs provide process ordering so that all CPUs agree on the order of a given CPU's writes to memory, so the smp_wmb() primitive is a no-op for the CPU. However, a compiler directive is required to prevent the compiler from performing optimizations that would result in reordering across the smp_wmb() primitive.

On the other hand, x86 CPUs give no ordering guarantees for loads, so the smp_mb() and smp_rmb() primitives expand to lock;addl. This atomic instruction acts as a barrier to both loads and stores. Some SSE instructions are ordered weakly; for example, clflush and nontemporal move instructions. CPUs that have SSE can use mfence for smp_mb(), lfence for smp_rmb() and sfence for smp_wmb(). A few versions of the x86 CPU have a mode bit that enables out-of-order stores, and for these CPUs, smp_wmb() also must be defined to be lock;addl.

Although many older x86 implementations accommodated self-modifying code without the need for any special instructions, newer revisions of the x86 architecture no longer require x86 CPUs to be so accommodating. Interestingly enough, this relaxation comes just in time to inconvenience JIT implementors.

The zSeries machines make up the IBM mainframe family previously known as the 360, 370 and 390. Parallelism came late to zSeries, but given that these mainframes first shipped in the mid-1960s, this is not saying much. The bcr 15,0 instruction is used for the Linux smp_mb(), smp_rmb() and smp_wmb() primitives. It also has comparatively strong memory-ordering semantics, as shown in Table 1. This should allow the smp_wmb() primitive to be a no-op, and by the time you read this, this change may have happened.

As with most CPUs, the zSeries architecture does not guarantee a cache-coherent instruction stream. Hence, self-modifying code must execute a serializing instruction between updating the instructions and executing them. That said, many actual zSeries machines do in fact accommodate self-modifying code without serializing instructions. The zSeries instruction set provides a large set of serializing instructions, including compare-and-swap, some types of branches-for example, the aforementioned bcr 15,0 instruction-and test-and-set, among others.

This final installment of the memory-barrier series has given an overview of how a number of CPUs implement memory barriers. Although these overviews should by no means be considered a substitute for carefully reading the architecture manuals (see Resources), I hope that it has served as a useful introduction.
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