I have a question here,I have have a device support bulk end point. The capacity of the end point is 16 bytes.the device is receiving data ... 全文

2005-04-21 05:45 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

My device\'s bulk endpoint has 16 bytes payload.When I send 16 bytes from the host. I got error transfer not complete.When I send 15 b... 全文

2005-04-20 04:58 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

For example, I have a device connected to a hub on port 1. I want to reset the device (make the device reenumerate). I know the hub\'... 全文

2005-04-14 07:26 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

我的usb flash disk 在windows 2000下拔出的时候,总弹出一个对话框说usafe removal device.对话框里边显示有两个设备被卸下了,一个是USB massage storage, 另一个是Generic Volume.我写了个filter dr... 全文

2005-04-03 02:36 来自版块 - 内核编程

我是普通用户.花了350分下栽.能不能有密码? Help pleaseGGDDJJMM

2005-01-30 02:19 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

我下载了softsuite31.rar, 可是怎么也找不到密码.我登陆后,在备注栏没有密码.请帮住.

2005-01-22 09:01 来自版块 - 用户留言

我想写一个USB复和设备的驱动.设备的一部分是modem,另一部分是mass storage.我有两种选择.1.设备有两个configuration,这样一来当我从modem换到mass storage的时候驱动会从usbser.sys 换到 usb mass storage 的... 全文

2005-01-18 11:05 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

I downloaded the chinese version, but if I can have a english version, It will be better for me to understand.thx

2001-05-02 05:17 来自版块 - ABC初学者
