I need to know how to do it.I don\'t want to use system calls.Thx

2002-08-19 18:25 来自版块 - 内核编程

I trace the userdump in NTDDK.It using RtlImageNtHeader to search the NTOSKRNL spaces, to find its export functions.Does anyone know another... 全文

2002-08-13 09:45 来自版块 - 内核编程

As title, does anyone know the details and how to get the data?Thx a lot.

2002-08-08 21:15 来自版块 - 内核编程

1.Anti-API Hook.1.1.CreateRemoteThreadI can chk the thread numbers and TLS Value.1.2.IAT redirect on-the-fly.I can compare my IAT with funct... 全文

2002-07-31 13:02 来自版块 - 内核编程

I code the Device Manager - like.It is a application.In XP,2K,SE,98 it work correctlly.But I can\'t enable/disable the device well in W... 全文

2002-07-16 11:39 来自版块 - 内核编程

In user mode and kernel mode?I don\'t want to polling the performance counter.I need some callback functions.Thx a lot.[编辑 - 7/15/02 b... 全文

2002-07-15 12:45 来自版块 - 内核编程

As Title,Could interrupt happen??Or only software interrupts are disabled??Or some VWin32 services are denied?Or some threads are suspend?Th... 全文

2002-07-01 12:57 来自版块 - 内核编程

I make the SCSI Miniport(MPD).But I don\'t know to build the correct INF file.It\'s the commerical inf.It work well.[Version]signa... 全文

2002-06-25 17:32 来自版块 - USB驱动开发


2002-06-14 11:00 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

As title.I don\'t know how to show the multi-lun device in Linux.Need ur help,thx a lot.

2002-05-22 13:23 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

I modify the UMSS sample.But when I remove my USB device that is playing mpeg.The media player sometimes causes system crash.Need ur help,th... 全文

2002-05-19 13:55 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

I ref by UMSS Sample.1.When I re-plug the device,the UMSSPDR may show BSoD(IOS_SendCommand),Then the volume can\'t mount again.Hot to h... 全文

2002-05-16 15:47 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

Just Chat.ccc

2002-04-22 14:44 来自版块 - 疯狂灌水&& 人生 &&娱乐

I trace NTKERN.VxD yestoday.Find some strings that include \"Debug Options\"....I don\'t know hot to show it.thx

2002-04-16 09:45 来自版块 - 内核编程

As Title.I get the code :220010, 220013,220018,and 220038,but I don\'t know what is it.I need the name of Code,like IOCTL_ABORT_PIPE.Ca... 全文

2002-03-29 22:57 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

I read the tutor written by dazzy. I have some questions: 1. dazzy\'s driver -> M$\'s usbstor.sys -> usbd.sys or dazzy\'... 全文

2002-02-20 15:05 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

I read the tutor written by dazzy.I have some questions:1.dazzy\'s driver -> M$\'s usbstor.sys -> usbd.sys ... 全文

2002-02-19 09:37 来自版块 - ABC初学者

This is BIG5 code.我呃彦要办展出一

2002-02-04 17:11 来自版块 - USB驱动开发

UserMode-> GetLastErrorKernelMode -> ?????????or how to chk the NTSTATUS?thx

2002-01-30 17:10 来自版块 - 内核编程

This is BIG5 code.用

2002-01-28 10:43 来自版块 - NDIS网络接口开发
